Thursday, March 24, 2016

Women s day- should it be celebrated

When we celebrate a day, we consider something special about that day. Or we would not be celebrating it. Am I correct? What message do we send by celebrating Womens Day? Why not also celebrate Mens Day?

What do we want to think about women? Ideally, they should be treated equally in all the fields. Ideally when one thinks of a woman, one should not think about them different in any respect to men. Except that they mother a child and shoulder different responsibility for a certain period, women should be thought of as equal to men in all respects. Why label them as weaker sex or any such thing. But this is happening. Who is responsible for this thought process, where women are considered different? Men? Women? Historical processes? Who? Let us examine more.

Does media discuss the matter, if a man reaches top of a giant corporation? No. But it does, if a woman occupies that position. Why? Is it only because women have traditionally not occupied such positions or that they are in some way considered inferior to men? So it is a surprise if a woman reaches the top of a giant organization? Why cannot the media ignore such occurrences and not call them as news at all? Does media announce - the sun rose today! No. It is taken as a way of life and nature. Why cannot the media take this fact as granted that women are equal to men in all the aspects and stop discussing any issues that talk of sex difference and ability?

Does Womens Day not do the same thing? Does it now somehow manage to project women as different then men in many ways? Going forward in the discussion, should we have different events for men and women in sports? With such categorization are we ourselves not treating men and women separately?

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