Thursday, November 24, 2016

Turbo charge your articles 6 ways to make them easy to read and hard to resist

A few years back, I found that the process of writing articles really isn't a process at all – it's an art, and it's a very elegant one.

There are so many ways to make an article easy to read for your audience it's mind-boggling.

While a debate rages on about whether articles should be dense and conversational or sparse and easy-to-read, I find myself in the middle, happy to write conversational articles with loads of impact.

The fact remains: People aren't going to read something that looks like it might take a long time to read. I'm a professional writer and I don't even like to read long articles. (To me, long ezine articles it shows a lack of discipline on the part of the writer.)

Here are a few maxims I've discovered and they've served me well in the past:

● Keep articles to anywhere between 400 and 700 words – anything more than that and you're asking for your article to have single-digit page views. Who wants that?

● Use sub-heds. Short for subheadings, these breaks in the content are mini-paragraphs that move the reader along in the story. I only employ these when I'm writing case studies or articles that approach the 700 word mark.

Note: I only write these after I have written the entire article. I take a good look at the text and then I try to insert a sub-hed every two or three paragraphs. This technique works wonders in making an article appear more readable.

● Use bullets, numbered lists, and bold sentences whenever you're writing the advice portion of your articles.

Quick Tutorial on Adding Status Boosting Advice to Your Articles

It's a must to have advice in your articles. This sets you apart as an expert in your field and makes you likable because you're helping to solve the problems of your prospects.

Here how I used advice in my articles:

● Make sure the advice is actionable – something to reader can do right now to reach a goal, eliminate a problem or become more efficient.

● Include the most important items at the top of the list and the least important ones at the very end.

● Finish strong with a final piece of advice that is not in the numbered list, bulleted list, or bold sentence category. I usually structure the sentence like this one: “Bottom line: Follow a set format to make writing articles easier.”

This allows the reader to leave your article with the one nugget of information that he can finally use to solve whatever problem may be hanging over him at the moment.

Now article writing can be fun because you have the right tools to ensure readers will want to read your articles.

Bonus! How to Put This Concept to Work in Your Articles

Write your articles out without thinking about these tips I just mentioned. Just empty your brain of all the information you have about a particular problem facing your audience and how they can solve that problem.

Then walk away from the article. Don't look at or think about it for at least three hours or so. Next, insert sub-heds to break up the paragraphs into bite-sized pieces. Format your advice into bullets, numbered lists or bolded first sentences.

You'll be surprised at how well your articles will look to someone who's first viewing it.

Doing this, in combination with a phenomenal headline, will send your article views through the roof. People will clamor for your articles and publish them both online, and in ezines.

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