Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Facts about colored contact lenses

Colored Contact Lenses are the fashion statement of the day. They are available in shades of green, blue, and sometimes lavender. Colored contacts need to be matched to your skin tone for best results.

There are four main types of colored contacts, although there is little difference them. Visibility tint lenses have a slight tint that will help you locate the lens when it is in your eye easily. This is particularly helpful if the lens should slip out of place.

Enhancement lenses have an obvious tint to change the eye color of the wearer. Change is generally more effective for people with light colored eyes such as blue, hazel, or green. These lenses are a great way to initiate subtle changes to your eye color.

Opaque color tint lenses are generally used for those who have dark colored eyes such as such as brown eyes. Opaque color tint contacts have very distinct and very obvious color pattern designs. They look like real irises. The drawback to these lenses is that they affect the vision of individuals with large pupils because the opaqueness can block parts of the field of vision.

Light filter lenses are relatively new in the marketplace. These lenses are great for tennis players and golfers because they enhance colors. The changes are coming from the lenses. An example would be a golfer who loses a ball in the grass might ordinarily ‘miss’ the ball and deem it lost or with the enhancement of light filter lenses might be able to find it because the white will be whiter and the green greener thus making the ball stand out more. The green-yellow of a tennis ball is enhance thus improving its visibility and increasing the chances of it being seen even in bright sunlight.

The light filtering lenses could be disposable or not. They are generally soft lenses and the eyes tend to adjust to them easily. Within this type of lenses there are many options. Talk to your eye care professional-they will help you figure out the best contacts for you.

Though these lenses are safe you should contact your eye care professional especially if you have problems like itching or redness in the eye or any uncomfortable feelings. You need to take care of the lenses in a way similar to how the original lenses were taken care of. They are reasonably priced and can be purchased online with a prescription of course. There are an abundance of deals and discounts available.

Hello from new york city - part 3 - crossing the brooklyn bridge exploring downtown manhattan

What a full day we had yesterday. We had a delightful breakfast in our bed and breakfast at about 8:30 am and shared some nice conversations with a young couple from Sweden and an older couple from Holland, the hostess was participating as well. This is one of my favourite things about bed and breakfasts, usually they offer really tasty filling meals and a great conversation to go with it.

We got going at around noon and hopped off the subway just before the Brooklyn Bridge and ended up exploring the historic Brooklyn Heights neighbourhood a bit, a place with many well-preserved brownstones and expensive apartment buildings with a perfect view of downtown Manhattan. Then we started our walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, and started to soak in the vistas of the famous skyscrapers.

The Manhattan Bridge is very close to the Brooklyn Bridge and the Empire State Building is visible on the horizon. Tons of walkers and bikers were making the trekk across the bridge and the weather was pretty decent, sunny with about 16 degrees Celsius.

After the bridge we arrived at NYC City Hall which was blocked off to pedestrian traffic and there was a big congregation of media people on the front steps. Tons of people were sitting around the beautiful fountain just outside of city hall and with the blue sky, the blooming trees and the surrounding architectural arrangements this was just the perfect place to snap away with the camera. I particularly fell in love with the ornate spires of the Woolworth Building.

Then we headed further west, explored the yard of St. Paul's Cathedral which is right across from the World Trade Center location. As a first place of refuge after the tragedy, the churchyard has many plaques commemorating the events of 911 and it took more than 2 years to clear all the debris from the yard that had fallen down with the collapse of the buildings.

We then proceeded to Ground Zero. The area is fenced off with various posters showing the history of the buildings, the events of 911, and the names of the more than 2700 victims. The tragedy of 911 is very hard to grasp and when you are right there where it happened, you remember all the horrible pictures and the even more horrible events of that fateful day, now more than 31/2 years ago. It is so hard to imagine these 2 enormous buildings collapsing, surrounded on all sides by other highrise towers, and what it must have been like that day, with people running through the streets, debris raining down, rescue workers risking their lives to help the victims. The police presence, by the way, was very strong and we weren't sure if there was a special reason for that or if that was the case every day.

After reflecting for a while and absorbing the incomprehensible nature of that tragedy we walked south on Liberty Street into Battery Park. Lots of African entrepreneurs were around with suitcases and bags full of merchandise and it seems they were very careful not to be seen by the police. We had a beautiful view across the bay towards the statue of liberty and proceeded to our next destination - the Staten Island Ferry terminal, where our next adventure began...

For the entire article including photos please visit

travelandtransitions. com/stories_photos/hello_nyc_3.htm

Monday, September 26, 2016

The odds are in your favor with online dating

According to one recently-published survey, there are currently upwards of 40 million people in the United States that regularly visit online dating websites. Another 7 to 10 million users in Canada do the same. While these numbers do include people that log onto sites to assuage their curiosity or to see what they’re like, they nonetheless remain impressive. Nearly 50 million people using online dating sites mean that the number of potential matches that you are likely to find is quite high.

In order to fully appreciate this statistic, think about the scene that you experienced the last time you spent a night out at a bar. Even on a busy weekend night, it is a good bet that only a handful of people there were what you might deem “worthy” to talk to. It’s not likely that this determination was based off of anything terribly deep; rather, the three or four people that caught your eye were probably physically attractive and thus drew your attention. Moreover, it is doubtful that you were the only person in the bar or club that felt the same way. By the time you saw them from across the room, chances are that the other person or people had already been approached several times during the course of the night, and the likelihood of them being slightly irritable was good.

As this scenario demonstrates, the odds are not necessarily stacked in your favor in a bar or nightclub-type setting. The proverbial pickings are relatively slim, and what is there is fought for tirelessly by the other singles at the locale. All of this for the chance to simply talk with another person, let alone hit it off with them. Remember, there always exists the chance that the man or woman that seems perfect from a distance will turn into a nightmare once they open their mouth.

Needless to say, the odds are slightly better when it comes to online dating. With the sheer number of people frequenting the websites, there is a strong likelihood that you will find an intriguing person near your area. Additionally, casual correspondence via email means that you ultimately stand a better chance of being heard by the person; letters are far less obtrusive than hastily-shouted greetings at a club, and there is little direct competition with your line of communication.

And what of the possibility that the person who initially seems so attractive to you becomes exponentially less so once you learn about their personality? Happily, online dating allows you to learn a bit more about the person in question before you even begin correspondence. No more crossing your fingers and hoping for success: with online dating, you’ll have a fairly good gauge as to the likelihood of a successful relationship before you even begin speaking with the person.

Regardless of the type of match or relationship that you’re searching for, you are far more apt to find it via an online dating website than during a random trip to the bar. Ere you dismiss it as a technological fad, you’d do well to see what online dating can do for you.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

6 powerful tips to a better sleep

Many Americans are having difficulties falling asleep at night. Instead of sleeping and dreaming they roll around in their beds trying to fall asleep. The result usually is people not rested enough in the morning and tired all day. This results in stress and less performance on the job or at home. We have developed a list of 6 powerful tips that have helped us to achieve better sleep.

1) Room temperature: Keeping the temperature in your bedroom at 70 degrees Fahrenheit or below is recommended. Too often an overheated bedroom is causing sleep problems. Scientific studies show that the body can better relax with temperatures at 70 degrees or slightly below.

2) Reduce caffeine. A recent study showed that caffeine is not metabolized efficiently and fast enough at night. The effects of caffeine last much longer than most people expect. The result is difficulty falling asleep. Studies have shown better sleeping patterns if no more caffeine is consumed after 6.00 PM.

3) Avoid alcohol. Alcohol will keeps the body from reaching the deeper stages of sleep, where the body does most of its healing and resting. The result of drinking can be a very light sleep or difficulty falling asleep in general.

4) Beds are for sleeping. If you are used to watch TV in bed or even work while being in bed, you may find it much harder to relax and to fall asleep. Remove the TV and do not work in bed. Sleep requires your brain to slowly shutdown and any distraction will cause sleeping problems.

5) Go to bed at around the same time every day. Don't change your bedtime back and forth. Having a certain schedule developed it will be easier to fall asleep pretty much at the same time every day. A recurring schedule will help your body to get into a sleep pattern and make it easier to fall asleep.

6) Remove the alarm clock from your view. Starring at the time will only create the feeling that you have to sleep, but you are not. These worries will make things even worse. Losing the feeling for time by not seeing the actual and how long you have been awake has shown to improve healthy sleep.

Why you and your family should plan a hawaii vacation

Each year, millions of American families hit the road or hit the skies. Those families are likely taking a family vacation. Are you or your family interested in becoming one of those families? If so, have you decided on your family vacation destination yet? If you have yet to decide on a vacation destination, you may want to think about taking a Hawaii vacation. You will likely find that Hawaii is an amazing place to get away; it has activities and attractions that are geared towards individuals of all ages.

As previously mentioned, Hawaii has attractions and activities that are geared towards individuals of all different ages. That is just one of the many reason why you and your family should give a Hawaii vacation some serious thought. Whether you are traveling with young children, teenagers, or both, it may be difficult to choose a vacation destination that offers fun filled activities for everyone. With a Hawaii vacation, you will not have that problem. That is because there are an unlimited number of activities and attractions for you to choose from, many of which are perfect for both the young and old alike.

Another reason why a Hawaii vacation may be perfect for your family is because of the weather. As you might expect, the weather in Hawaii does vary from time to time, but, for the most part, it tends to stay consistent. During the summer months you can expect the temperatures to be in the mid to upper eighties and in the winter time, the temperatures are typically in the mid to lower seventies. Essentially, this means that whenever you travel to Hawaii, you should be greeted with perfect temperatures. You will find that even during the summer months, Hawaii’s weather is just perfect. It isn’t too hot, but it isn’t too cold. The temperature, as well as the overall weather, found in Hawaii makes it the perfect vacation destination for any family vacation.

It may also be a good idea to schedule your next family vacation in Hawaii because of everything that you and your children will get to see. While Hawaii is still considered a part of the United States, it is detached from the rest of the country. This is what makes Hawaii unique. While still technically staying in the country, your children will get to experience travel; travel that they may never have experienced before. No matter if you are flying from New York or California, the fact that you are flying over the ocean, to get to Hawaii, may make it seem as if you are traveling to a whole other part of the world. This is something that your children, no matter what their ages, may find absolutely exciting.

The choices that you have are another reason why you and your family should choose a Hawaii vacation. Hawaii is composed of numerous islands, many of which are popular vacation destinations. Whether you choose to visit Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, or Big Island, you are sure to find everything that you wanted to find. In addition to the island choices, you will also find that you have a number of others choices, including where you wish to stay. Hawaii is not only full of traditional hotels, but it is also filled with resorts and vacation homes. Whether you are looking for a centralized location, such as a hotel or a resort, or someplace scheduled, as most vacation rental homes are, you will be able to find what you are looking for in Hawaii.

As you should easily be able to see, Hawaii is the perfect place to spend your next family vacation. The above mentioned reasons, as to why your next family vacation should be a Hawaii vacation, are just a few of the many that exist. As stated above, no matter what you want, need, or desire, you are sure to find it Hawaii.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Memory foam matresses under oath...the truth and nothing but the truth

Are you thinking about buying a memory foam mattress?

Are you confused about all the hype and confusing claims made by the different advertisements for memory foam?

I've set out to clear the air, remove the "smoke and mirrors", and put into one article all the true information you'll need to make a selection that will thrill you, give you years of value and make poor sleep a thing of the past.

The term "memory foam" or "visco-elastic memory foam" was coined in the early days of NASA's space program. That's why it's also known as NASA foam.

Sometimes, a memory foam mattress is referred to as a NASA foam mattress.

During lift-off, astronauts were being subjected to tremendous g-forces that the human body just wasn't designed to endure.

The need for a new material, that would make these conditions tolerable for the astronauts, spawned the research that resulted in the invention of this brand new kind of foam.

If water, springs, air or any combination of those things had been an alternative, the expensive research that followed wouldn't have been needed, and the need for a new material wouldn't have existed.

Visco-elastic foam has unique qualities.

It is able to mold itself to the shape of any object that puts pressure on it and, yet, when the object is removed, it will slowly return to it's original shape.

The picture that comes to mind is the hand above the memory foam mattress that still has the hand print showing on it.

Memory foam is an open celled foam, which means that air is free to move from one cell to another, so when pressure is applied, the affected cells collapse and you feel sort of like you're floating down into the material.

This collapsing of the cells allows the material to "melt away" from pressure until the entire surface of your body is evenly supported over the surface of the memory foam.

It virtually eliminates pressure points.

Another unique feature of a memory foam mattress is temperature sensitivity.

Within a short time of your body lying on the mattress, your body temperature will start to cause the memory foam to soften.

Any area of your body that has excess heat, such as a fevered injury, will cause the mattress to soften even further where it is touching, making memory foam the ideal material for a comfortable mattress.

The problem with the NASA foam was that it "off gassed", putting off a smell that was overpowering in the confined quarters of a space vehicle.

It was eventually scrapped by NASA. To my knowledge, it was never actually used on any space mission.

At that point, memory foam was just too expensive to be used for mattresses and the off-gassing wouldn't have been acceptable either.

A few medical research companies started experimenting with the material for use in hospitals. Many patients develop bedsores when confined to bed over long periods of time.

Because it was cost effective for this application, these experiments led to using memory foam in a variety of health industry settings to alleviate pressure points in hospital patients.

Through this medical research, memory foam became more and more adaptable to use as a consumer product in the form of pillows, mattresses, toppers, chairs, etc.

The Memory Foam Mattress Industry Was Born

The memory foam mattress industry started slowly in the early 1990's and then shot into the mainstream in the late 1990's and early 2000's.

So much so, that it's difficult to find a magazine, newspaper, or television that doesn't have several ads for memory foam products running continuously.

With that kind of demand for the product it's no wonder that a lot of people started forming companies to manufacture and sell to an audience with this enormous appetite.

And, yes, as in all industries, some companies are born just to make inferior products and, then, using terminology that is confusing or misleading, capitalize on the lack of good information that's available to consumers.

So let's clear some of the confusion with a few simple facts.

What Is The Difference Between Good And Bad Memory Foam

Memory foam is graded by it's density. Imagine yourself cutting a huge "dice" (yeah, like the kind you throw on the crap table) out of memory foam 12"x12"x12" and slapping it onto the scale in your doctor's office.

The weight of that 12" sized cube is how you determine density.

For example, if your "dice" weighed 5.9 lbs. it's considered to have a density of 5.9, or if it weighs 3.2 lbs. the density is rated as 3.2.

Pretty simple, really, isn't it. Like most things, we all thought density would be determined by some E=IR formula or something terribly complex.

You, now, know more about density than most of the sales people in your local mattress store.

It's also a fact that the less dense foams are made mostly of air, not foam. Less foam, less cost to manufacture...they can sell it cheaper.

For most memory foam mattresses, it's a fact that the human body is best supported by a density of 5.3 lbs. to 5.9 lbs. Any heavier than this and it tends to be too dense and won't allow the proper cell collapsing that allows your body to settle into it.

Any lighter and you don't get the needed support in the hip and shoulder areas.

Another problem is that the lighter foams won't continue to return to their original shape after a relatively short lifespan. They'll lose their comfort.

Some of the 5.3+ lb. mattresses are still going strong after 15 years being just as comfortable to their users as the first day...and with no body impressions.

Remember, too, that we discussed temperature sensitivity. Not all foam being advertised as "memory foam" is temperature sensitive.

Make sure it has this feature so you get that "fine tuned" comfort.

A better memory foam mattress will contain 3 1/2", or more, of memory foam as a top layer. Any less than this probably won't keep you from bottoming out and laying on the underlying base layers of foam.

Those foams aren't meant to be in contact with your body and won't comfortable for you. They are there to help the memory foam do it's job correctly.

Just remember density and temperature sensitivity, when you go shopping for your memory foam mattress and you'll be miles ahead when you purchase.

Be happy happiness is just a matter of mind

Though one could be infinitely happy by just enjoying the nature and family and all the human-made things, there are still millions of people who are unhappy. In the developed countries there is very fortunate circumstance of having both God-given and man-made things. Still majority of people there are unhappy. In the developing countries, where for millions there is a real scarcity of even basic needs, people seem to be happy. There are some people who are engaged in difficult tasks and in warfare, and even incarcerated in prisons, and are still happy! We have just discussed the factors of happiness. Millions of people have them, still they are unhappy. There are millions of others who don’t have them, yet they are happy!

You would realize that the mere availability and abundance of God given and human-made things is not enough. There is something else which should be right to be happy. Of course, it is our mind that must have right attitude towards and capacity to be happy.

Milton in Paradise Lost says,

'The mind is its own place, and in itself

Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.'

One can give various examples of how mind can influence our body::

• Pavlov’s dog starts salivating at the sound of the bell without any food in sight.

• If we are tense we often get headache, backache, and spondylitis, etc.

• Heart attacks are directly linked to worry and tension.

• Right mental attitude helps in curing many bodily maladies.

• By self-talk, motivation, and positive attitude we can become happy and successful.

• Through hypnosis one can have command over another person’s mind and body.

• Through meditation one can have a healthy body and extra sensory abilities.

Mind has extra-ordinary powers and as far as happiness is concerned it has the ultimate power. We should, therefore, have a positive attitude towards life. Instead of concentrating on bad things in life and people, we should concentrate on redeeming features in them. We should not keep on thinking about past failures and bad experiences but be encouraged by our past success and good experiences. Similarly, we should not be unduly anxious about future as our anxiety is not going to have a positive effect, but we should plan and work hard for the future.

In whatever circumstances you are, you can never have total lack of God-given and man-made happiness. You cannot completely take away nature from somebody; you cannot take away all man-made things from somebody. Even if everything is taken, one’s family and friends are there. One’s precious body is there. And, even if you chain somebody securely in a dungeon, one’s mind is free. One is free to be happy in one’s mind! Mind is difficult to be mastered by oneself, but it is impossible to be vanquished by anybody, any authority, or whatever conditions or situations.

Abraham Lincoln has beautifully expressed it: “Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Air-purifiers - an introduction to hepa air-purifiers

HEPA that stands for High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor is a type of air filter used for cleaning the air specially in equipments like vacuum cleaners. These air-purifiers filter the particles in the airborne environment down to 0.3 microns in size and at a speed-rate efficiency of 99.97%. The HEPA air-purifiers with their high-efficiency level have trimmed the usage of age-old air-cleaners. They not only purify the air but also remove even the smallest microns of allergens like dust, smoke, pollen, animal danders, bacteria and other industrial/chemicals effectively from the atmosphere.

Working of the HEPA air purifiers

The HEPA air cleaners work by filtering the allergens in the air through a HEPA air-filter that traps the particles allowing the clean air to return to the atmosphere. The larger number of times that the air passes through the HEPA filters, the better and cleaner becomes the quality of the air. So till date the HEPA purifiers have proved to be the most tried-and-true air-cleaning instruments. The best part about HEPA air-purifiers is that they never emit any byproducts or secondary pollutants such as ozone and ions.

The main instrument that makes the HEPA purifiers work so efficiently is the fan inside the filter. The fans aid in the trapping of large particles in the fold of the filters while the small particles and chemicals gets attached to the charcoal in the filter.

Some of the HEPA air-purifiers have fans that have a straight design where the air is drawn in from the back of the purifier and blown out through the front of the purifier. These units clean the air specifically and prove to be truly effective for bedrooms and sitting rooms. Others have unidirectional fans that pull the air from all sides of the machine and blow the filtered air out in all directions. These types of HEPA air-purifier are needed for purifying the air in the entire home. So whether it’s the larger particles or the smaller ones, the HEPA air-purifiers can clean the atmosphere completely.

Types of HEPA air-purifiers

The HEPA air-purifiers are hallmark of quality and dependability. The series of HEPA air-purifiers come in two basic configurations: standard with traditional electric motors and the PLUS systems featuring G. E. ECM Variable Speed, low energy motors. Either of these standard HEPA air-purifiers works with digital motor technology that is otherwise unavailable in any other whole-house filtration systems. The HEPA air-purifiers clean the atmosphere of the entire home effectively and instantly.

Benefits of HEPA air purifiers

With their effective technology, the HEPA air purifiers have well stowed away every other air-filters to a corner. They have adopted the same filtration effectiveness as required in hospital surgery rooms for cleaning rooms and in other applications where the removal of harmful respiratory elements are highly necessary.

Following are the benefits of HEPA air-purifiers:

-The compact design enables the purifiers to be easily installed in the homes.

-The patented by-pass approach allows for installation on any heating/cooling systems.

-The self-balancing air flow design adds no resistances to the flow of air.

-The three matched designed air filters like pre-filters, carbon air filters and HEPA air filters help in fast and instant filtering of air.

-These air filters are highly portable and can be installed anywhere in your home.

Get HEPA air-purifiers to feel the difference in cleaned air in your home or office.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Entertain easily at brunch

Even if you've got a hectic end-of-the-year schedule, you can gather family and friends for a joyous holiday celebration. Entertaining can be relatively carefree and inexpensive if you plan a casual brunch.

Brunch is generally served between the traditional hours for breakfast and lunch, a convenient time that leaves the evening free for you and your guests. Easy on the cook, a brunch menu usually stars comforting and simple-to-prepare dishes, most often based on nature's own convenience food, eggs.

For brunch, you can cook up versatile eggs to please almost anyone. Omelets are a popular brunch choice. You can flavor your omelets simply with herbs and cheese or dress them up with a fancier filling, such as garlic-laced creamed shrimp.

Another option is scrambled eggs, the top egg choice across America. To suit everyone, offer plain scrambled eggs with an assortment of different toppings from which your guests can pick and choose their favorites.

Consider veggies such as sauteed mushrooms, onions and bell peppers; two or three cheeses, perhaps brie or feta, cottage or ricotta, mozzarella, Swiss or Cheddar; and, for a flavorful zip, chopped or minced herbs, such as chives or dill, an herb blend from curry powder to Italian seasoning, or maybe a prepared sauce or two, like pesto or salsa.

For a more unusual treat, serve Baked Eggs in Bread Bowls. With this recipe, simple ingredients that you're likely to have on hand combine into handy, but elegant, individual servings. Preparation is an uncomplicated matter of stirring together the flavoring ingredients, spooning the veggie mixture into hollowed-out rolls, slipping eggs into each nest and baking. While the eggs are in the oven, set the table and cut up fresh fruit for a colorful compote and toss a crisp green salad. Because bread and carrots are already in the egg dish, that's all you need to round out the meal.

Baked Eggs in Bread Bowls

6 servings

6 Kaiser or round rolls (about

4-inch diameter), uncut

3 tablespoons Dijon mustard

3 tablespoons reduced-fat


2 cups shredded carrots

(about 8 oz.)

6 eggs

6 tablespoons (about 1.5 oz.)

shredded low-moisture,

part-skim mozzarella cheese

Fresh dill sprigs, optional

Slice tops off rolls about 3/4 inch from top. With fork, scrape out insides of bottoms of rolls, leaving about 1/2-inch wall all around. Save crumbs for another use. Set rolls aside.

In medium bowl, stir together mustard and mayonnaise until well blended. Stir in carrots until evenly coated with mustard mixture. Spoon 1/3 cup of the carrot mixture over bottom and up sides of each roll to form a nest. Place rolls and tops, cut side up, on baking sheet. Break and slip an egg into each carrot nest. Sprinkle

1 tablespoon cheese over each egg. Bake in preheated 325 degree F oven until whites are completely set and yolks begin to thicken but are not hard, about 30 to 35 minutes. Garnish with dill sprigs, if desired.

Nutrition information per serving of 1/6 recipe without dill garnish: 250 calories, 9 gm total fat, 216 mg cholesterol, 561 mg sodium, 231 mg potassium, 26 gm carbohydrate, 12 gm protein and 10% or more of the RDI for

vitamin A, riboflavin, thiamin

Wine racks- keep your favorite vintages close at hand

There is nothing quite like sipping on a glass of your favorite vintage after a hard day’s work. Unless, you can’t find it because you don’t have a specific place to store your reds and whites. No kitchen is complete without a wine rack, and it is easy to find one to fit your needs and your space.

Rather than dragging yourself all over town to find ‘the’ wine rack; you should try shopping online. Not only will you find the best selection of wine racks, but you will also find the best prices as well. Whether you want a small rack for the corner to hold about six bottles or a veritable wine cellar with racks to hold dozens of vintages you’ll find it here.

Perhaps when it comes to wine racks you would prefer one that doesn’t take up any floor space. Try a hanging one to hold four or eight bottles as well as a dish towel and even some stemware. Or if you want to make a statement of elegance try a wine tower in your choice of finish. It comes with two shelves and a drawer for storing glassware, wine keys and anything else you might need while up to eighteen bottles are cradled below.

The mobility of a wine cart allows you to bring the wine to your guests in style. And a rounded wood rack allows you to keep your wines close at hand for cooking or savoring. No matter what style of wine rack you decide on you are sure to find what you are looking for online.

There are three main questions you need to ask yourself when shopping for wine racks for your home. One is how many bottles you are going to keep on hand. If you are a connoisseur of fine wine you might want one that is quite large. If you are a casual drinker you should need one that is rather small. The second question is where do you want to place your wine rack? You can hang one from the ceiling, put one on the counter or place one on the floor in the corner or in the center of the room. Third, you need to decide what type of material you want your wine rack constructed from. Choose from various woods with rich finishes, hammered steel or even wrought iron in a variety of shapes and finishes. Once you have answered these questions you will be well on your way to browsing the world of wine racks with ease.

So add a little elegance and sophistication to your home with the addition of a wine rack made of wood or metal. Whether you keep it in the kitchen, the dining room or even the living room you won’t regret your purchase. Now the next time you want to sit back and relax with a glass of pinot noir, by yourself or with a special someone, you’ll know exactly where to find it. It has never been easier to enjoy some sour grapes.

Domestic blessings how to earn money if you work at home

Working at home may seem to be an almost alien concept to the generations of the twentieth century. For people who thought that work happened only in the office, academe, or laboratory, working at home seems to smack of laziness and lack of motivation. However, with the advent of the Internet, and with more and more people finding business opportunities online, people working at home can earn a lot of money even without stepping inside a brick-and-mortar office.

If you are interested in working at home, you will need motivation, a constant supply of energy, an Internet connection, and the ability to look for working opportunities. Motivation is important if you have to work at home: you are conveniently situated near the TV, refrigerator, and bed, all of them beckoning you to simply sleep and rest and not work any longer. You will need this motivation to get you through every day, and to keep you glued to your computer screen, earning your money.

You will also need a constant supply of energy. This is tied in with your motivation: you need to be working constantly, and with unflagging enthusiasm. There are many ways to keep your energy up: you might require a good amount of coffee, although caffeine can sometimes make you shake uncontrollably and have a hard time typing on your computer. If you are prone to trembling because of caffeine, you can try eating an apple in the morning, or drinking large amounts of vitamin C.

An Internet connection is your gateway to the world of working at home. Join online groups and forums that post job offerings, especially for telecommuting jobs such as freelance web design or writing. Scour the Internet for sites that post telecommuting job offerings. Apply to as many jobs as you see fit, and take on as many assignments as you possibly can without damaging your health. Remember, you can earn only as much money as your brain can handle activity, so make sure that both brain and body are functioning properly before plunging into work and forgetting the rest of the world.

There are many ways to earn money online. You can be a freelance writer, providing content for blogs or websites that need important information for their regular clients. You can do web design or graphic design from afar, and simply submit your work to your clients through email. You can also be a virtual assistant, and be an offshore secretary for a boss who wants to save on airfare. In addition to all these, you can earn residual income by posting ads on your site, and earning commissions when people click on them.

This means that you might want to put up your own website. There are many programs available to help you design your website painlessly, and upload it easily. Such programs can help you make a website that is attractive and easy to navigate, which are prime considerations when judging a website’s integrity. You can keep a blog, provide informative articles, and even post your resume online. Be sure to have an easy-to-remember link, so you can post your website’s address online through your online groups and forums. Soon, more people can flock to your site, and you might be offered jobs that pay even higher!

Lastly, keep an open mind and always be on the lookout for job opportunities. If you are only starting out, do not be afraid to turn down jobs that you feel you cannot do, or that might violate any beliefs or principles that you hold. Moreover, whatever your skills and crafts are, always seek to improve them by attending classes or workshops.

There are many job opportunities available if you want to work at home. Be on the constant lookout and take as many jobs as you can. You can enjoy working at home if you have the right attitude and a lot of motivation, so forget about the old image of a lazy afternoon spent sleeping on the couch. You can earn money at home, and you can start now!

How to play texas holdem

Texas Holdem has become such a popular Game that most tournaments now days are Texas Holdem games, and there are even 2 or 3 television shows dedicated to the game. Texas Holdem is a 5 card poker game, but instead of each layer being dealt 7 cards, the dealer deals 5 cards in the center of the table, these cards are used by all the players to make the best hand possible. To make your hand each player is also dealt 2 cards and the object is to use the cards in your hand and the ones on the table to make the best hand you can.

There are 5 rounds of Texas Hold’em Poker and they are:

The Pre-Flop

The Flop

The turn

The River

The Showdown

During a Texas Holdem game between each round there is a round of betting, and is when players with bad hands may fold.

In the game of Texas Holdem the first round is the pre flop. During this round the big and the small blinds place their bets, the big and small blinds are the first two players to the dealers left. Before the players are allowed to look at their cards the small blind must place a bet of half the table minimum and the next player who is the big blind must place a bet of the table minimum and then the dealer gives each player their hole cards. The hold cards is the name of the 2 cards each player has that are exclusively theirs, these cards guarantee that each player has a chance to make a better hand then the other players, without them all you would have is the 5 communal cards.

In Texas Holdem the next round is the flop. This is when the dealer deals out the first 3 of the 5 communal cards. It is during this round that most players will fold; betting in this round is usually very conservative because 2 more cards are still needed and betting big on the chances that the cards you need are the ones that will appear is taking a big chance with your money, one that can coast you to bust out of the game early.

The third round is called the turn. The turn is when the dealer puts out the 4th communal card. At this point you can get a good idea of your chances of getting a winning hand and now is when the betting starts to heat up, and more people will drop out of the game.

The river is the last of the 5 cards to be turned over by the dealer. At this point all the cards available to make the hands have been put out, this is also the last time to bet before turning over the cards.

The last round of Texas Holdem is the showdown, this is when all players turn over their cards and a winner is declared. You now have all the information you need to start playing Texas Holdem.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Understanding the risks of liposuction

Liposuction is one of the more popular plastic surgeries given the heft of most Americans. As with any surgery, there are risks you should understand

Understanding the Risks of Liposuction

When you decide on having liposuction, or any plastic surgery, there are many factors that should go into your decision to proceed. What procedure to have done, where to have the surgery performed, which doctor to choose for your surgery and the result you can reasonably expect should come into play. As with any surgery, you should also consider the risks, in this case the risks of liposuction.

You need to remember that liposuction is a surgical procedure, requiring general anesthesia, invasive entrance to and manipulation of your body. The technique of liposuction requires fluid, which often includes an anesthetic called lidocaine, to be pumped under the skin of the area to be liposuctioned. Epinephrine is also added to this fluid to slow bleeding, and then the area is cut into and a hollow instrument called a cannula is stuck into the area in question. This cannula is attached to a strong vacuum that sucks the fatty material out of the area that needs the removal procedure completed.

This process can carry risks. A very high percentage of surgeries have no complications whatsoever, but occasionally there can be problems. Statistics show that deadly complications occur .0002 of the time for all surgeries. For instance, there were five deaths from liposuction procedures in New York City between the years of 1993-1998. The patients were reported to have died from such problems as fluid overload (from the fluid used to numb and prepare the area), low blood pressure from the lidocaine added to the fluid and blood clots. Other deaths over the years have been caused by interactions between the lidocaine anesthetic and other medications the patients were taking. Obviously, it is crucial that you tell your plastic surgeon what medications, if any, you are taking.

Obviously, death is a rare occurrence with liposuction, so lets discuss side effects. Side effects such as bruising, swelling, misshapen areas can happen after having liposuction. There is also the possibility of not getting the outcome you expected and needing further surgery to correct the issues. Temporary numbness in the surgical area and scarring are also common risks of liposuction.

Before you choose to have liposuction, make sure you have considered the potential risks of liposuction carefully. Discuss the risks associated with liposuction with your plastic surgeon and make an informed decision.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Transplanting tips

Early spring is a great time for transplanting trees and shrubs, but you must do so before they wake up. Transplanting a plant is a very traumatic experience for the plant if it is awake. It’s like doing surgery on a person while they are awake. Dormancy starts in the fall as soon as you experience a good hard freeze, and the plants remain dormant until the weather warms up in the spring. This is when you should transplant, while the plants are dormant.

You can transplant in the spring up until the plants leaf out. When the buds are green and swollen you are usually safe to still transplant, but once the leaf develops, you should wait until fall. When transplanting you can dig the shrubs out bare root, just make sure they are out of the ground for as short a time as possible, and keep the roots damp while out of the ground.

Make sure there are no air pockets around the roots when you replant them. When possible, it is always better to dig a ball of earth with the plants when you transplant them. The rule of thumb is 12” of root ball for every 1” of stem caliper. If the diameter of the stem of a tree is 2”, then you should dig a root ball 24” in diameter.

Don’t be afraid of cutting a few roots when you transplant. Just try not to cut them any shorter than the above guidelines allow. Cutting the roots will actually help to reinvigorate the plant. It’s a process simply known as root pruning. When the roots are severed, the plant then develops lateral roots to make up for what is lost. These lateral roots are more fibrous in nature, and have more ability to pick up water and nutrients.

Some nurseries drive tractors over the plants in the field with a device that undercuts the roots of the plant just to force the plant to develop more fibrous roots. This makes transplanting the plant the following year much more successful, and makes for a stronger and healthier plant.

The old timers root pruned by hand by forcing a spade in the ground around their plants. If you have a plant in your landscape that is doing poorly, a little root pruning while the plant is dormant could bring it around. It’s worth the effort.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Beds and bedding tips for online shoppers

The bed experts will be capable offering you a good deal of useful niche advice on issues such as getting the most competitive prices on metal wood futon bunk beds and how to obtain the best product warranty as you are obtaining a bed, such quality bed info will hopefully ensure you obtain the best item for your requirements.

If you are mostly shopping for heavy duty bed frames or adjustable tempur pedic beds, undoubtedly these types of items might not turn out to be commonly available on a large number of portals, be sure that you use your browser favorites function as you carry out this variety of bed targeted search, your precious info should be treated with the utmost of care.

The bed experts will be able to give you some reliable niche advice on issues such as obtaining the most competitive prices on metal twin full bunk beds and how to get the proper merchandise guarantee when ordering a bed, such quality bed guidance will surely ensure you get the right item for your requirements.

It has to be said that bedding is an area that covers a vast area of various bed items such as heavy duty bed frames and adjustable hospital beds, if a consumer wanted specialist info on a particular bed item, lets say for example king water bed sheets, this may easily be sourced with the assistance of a bed specialist.

The easiest way to tell if a bed website may buy be able to help you with your particular bed search, say for example a wood bunk bed plan is your specific product, is to try and see if the website contains a categorized bed directory and an amount of bed write ups, if indeed it does incorporate these types of things finding the bed you require will be easy, if however the particular site is targeted at a general bedding subject then the chances are you won't pinpoint your necessary bed targeted help.

It has to be said home improvement is a subject that spans a vast assortment of diverse bed products including heavy duty bed frames and adjustable twin beds, say that you wanted expert assistance on any area of beds, lets suppose a product like king size water beds, this may possibly be sourced via bed expert.

This bed research tip is extremely useful, instead of just searching for a search term such as "beds ", you should definitely use of a longer search engine phrase like"bed shops and bedding" or "antique bed dealers", by searching this way your results will be highly focused to your individual bed requirements.

If you are wise bed knowledge can easily be sourced pretty quickly, take your time whilst carrying out your bed research and you will not go wrong, if you will want specialized info on items such as bunk bed frames then try and discover a mixture of expert bed articles.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Chronic pain relief an overview

Everyone will experience pain at some point in their lives. Pain is a necessary form of protection against injuries, diseases, or conditions that would otherwise impair or even kill us. Pain alerts us that something is wrong. Pain can be either ‘acute’ or ‘chronic’ – the distinguishing characteristic between the two is their duration.

Acute pain usually occurs after a specific injury. It appears quickly and is usually very intense – one example is the pain of a broken bone. It subsides fairly quickly, particularly after treatment. Chronic pain, on the other hand, seems to build up over time, and often cannot be connected to a particular injury or condition. What chronic pain lasts in intensity, it makes up for in duration – sometimes persisting for decades. Living with constant pain can be unbearable, and many forms of treatment attempt to offer sufferers some sort of chronic pain relief.

One of the most commonly prescribed therapy for chronic pain is medication, both prescription and over-the-counter. While often effective in alleviating pain, these are eschewed by some because of their adverse side effects, which include nausea, dizziness, and fatigue. Others are in search of a more natural form of chronic pain relief.

Exercise, stretching and physical therapy reduce chronic joint pain and muscle soreness and spasms by increasing strength, tone, and flexibility. Exercise increases blood flow, eases joint stiffness, aids in weight loss, and counteracts the stress, anxiety, and depression that often comes from living with chronic pain.

Chiropractic, acupuncture and massage offer three alternative methods of chronic pain relief. Though their methods differ, all of these have helped sufferers manage chronic pain.

In the past few years, researchers have begun to turn their focus on the real source of pain – the brain. Although an injury or wound may lie elsewhere on the body, signals of pain are intercepted, processed, and quite literally ‘felt’ by the brain. Research findings indicate that a multidisciplinary approach to treating chronic pain – one that incorporates psychological as well as physical therapy – provides the most chronic pain relief. Yoga, meditation, and even laughing clinics have proved effective treatments.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Capture all your daring feats with a helmet camera

If you're the adventure type, helmet cameras can help you capture all those daring feats easily for motocross, flying, ATV, road racing, kayaking, skydiving, cycling, snowboarding, karting, and other adrenalin-pumping sports.

Helmet cams give you the capability to record every moment of the action without depending on an outside cameraperson. These action video cameras are popular with television and movie recordings as well as daredevil athletes, and now you can record your feats just like the pros! You can show the recording to your friends, and they can imagine being there with you on every twist and turn.

What is a Helmet Camera?

A helmet camera is a very small type of camcorder that can be attached to a protective helmet to record all the action while doing extreme sports activities. It can also be used for more relaxed sports such as fishing, golf, hiking, and biking. Helmet cameras are also called helmet cam, bullet cam or bullet camera, lipstick cam or lipstick camera (resembles a tube of lipstick), or wireless helmet camera.

A helmet camera works in conjunction with a DVR (DVD video recorder) and can be played back again and again for your enjoyment.

Benefits of Helmet Cams

Helmet cams provide hands-free recording during your extreme sports activity. This promotes safety and easy use. You won't have to worry about holding the camera or adjusting it as you go. You can concentrate on the activity and still capture all the details without distraction. Also, you can record sound with a helmet camera and narrate the activity as you go. If you're participating in an extreme sporting competition, you can record every moment as a keepsake for years to come.

Buying Helmet Cameras

When you get ready to buy a helmet camera, check online for a dependable retailer. You can always find great deals on quality lipstick cameras with all the accessories to go along. Search for helmet or bullet camera reviews to find good quality products. Also, check for sound quality, durability, and features before buying. Sometimes paying a little more is well worth it if you get a better quality helmet camera. There are affordable, high-quality cameras available online such as the Oregon Scientific ATC-2000 action adventure cam.

Tips for Using Helmet Cameras

Once you buy a helmet camera, take time to study on how to use it properly. Be sure the helmet cam has been properly secured before starting your activity. High speeds, bumps, and falls can cause the helmet camera to become lost or broken if you don't secure it properly. The camera's cable should also be secured so that it doesn't flap in the wind. Take quick breaks to check the lens to make sure it's clean if you're out on the road or in the dirt, water, or mud. Also, be sure the camera is actually recording before getting started!

During extreme sports, you can be the star every time with an amazing helmet camera!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Learn how to cut ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles can be used throughout the house to add an extra element of design to any room. You can put ceramic tiles behind the stove to add a decorative accent to the kitchen. You can put them in various places in the bathroom and other places throughout the house. In order to install the ceramic tile yourself, you need to learn essential skills. The most important skill is how to cut ceramic tile. Here is some advice.

When learning how to cut ceramic tile, you need to first understand that there are some safety considerations. You must always wear goggles. When you cut ceramic tiles, dust forms and it may have sharp edges. If this dust lodges in your eyes, it can cause some damage. Also make sure you learn and use the proper technique when using power tools to prevent injury.

The next step to take when learning how to cut ceramic tile is to measure the area where you will put the tile. Calculate exactly how many tiles you will need and figure out how many tiles need to be cut. Remember that you will need to take into account the space needed for the grout when making your calculations.

Once you measure, you are ready to start cutting the ceramic tile. You can either use a tile cutter or tile jig. If you decide to use a tile cutter, measure the area to be cut. Use the tile cutter to make an indentation in the tile. Take a straight edge and hold it next to the cut. Move the tile cutter up and down the straight edge to make the indentation deeper. Once it is deep enough, slowly work the tile back and forth in your hands or with a pair of pliers to eventually break the pieces in half. If you decide to use the tile jig, remember to use proper safety procedure and to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Learning how to cut ceramic tile is a valuable skill. Ceramic tiles are a great way to add accents to any room. Remember to use proper safety techniques and wear goggles. Before you begin cutting, make sure you measure and learn the proper use for your tools.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Questioning skills and nlp training

Have you ever noticed that I begin a lot of my articles with questions?

Asking the right questions can make a huge difference to your quality of life, ask the wrong ones and they could be disastrous.

Questions also draw people in and if used in the right away leave people hanging desperate to know more (an old but effective marketing trick). Wouldn't it be good if this article showed you how to do that?

NLP teaches a new model of the world that will allow you to replace questions you would normally ask with new ones. If you were at cause for your life rather than at the effect how would you change to get better results? By simply taking charge and recognising that you are causing the results you are getting in your life you automatically begin asking new questions.

The right questions give you better answers, for example whereas you might have asked "Why does this always happen to me?" You may now begin asking the question, "How can I ensure I get a better result next time?

Try it yourself now. When you are feeling low what questions do you ask?

How can you change them to empower yourself and make a difference to your life?

You can use questions to improve almost any area of your life. Here's a list of questions that you can apply to any area to make improvements.

" How can I improve on that [specific area]?

" What strategies is (insert name of person) using that mean they get better results?

" What can I do to get better results and take less effort to do it?

" How can I make it so that I enjoy myself even more?

" What level of proficiency do I want to gain in this area?

With a little bit of practice you will begin to ask questions that are a lot more empowering and useful. It requires discipline but the results of asking a different question can be quite amazing. It requires careful thinking about how to frame the question but the effort will be worth it.

Questions aren't just useful for yourself - by asking the right question to others can make a massive difference in their lives and performance as well. For example by asking one of your workers how they can improve productivity and enjoy what they are doing. How about asking your child how can they can make it so that they enjoy doing their homework.

When you ask a question it engages the brain and causes the person to answer. If the person you are questioning actually seriously thinks about what you have asked the chances are that they will come up with some pretty remarkable answers.

So what questions can you ask that will make a huge difference to your life and the lives of the people around you?

A good NLP training course will give you a range of ideas and ways of looking at the world that mean you will start thinking about how you question yourself and others in new ways.

How many different ways can you already think of to use new questions? Here are a few ideas:

Personal development: What is the one question I can ask myself that will give me the biggest result right now?

Manager to team: What do I have to say or do to support you in making this project the best result we have ever had?

Trainer to class: Of all the benefits of attending this course which one motivates you to keep focused and learning?

Sales agent to prospect: What is the one objection that if we overcome you will realize that this is the best product for you?

Any good NLP Practitioner will recognize these as presuppositional questions. In non jargon terms, by considering and answering the question certain assumptions are presupposed as true. Now you understand the concept how many other ways can you think of using this?

On a good NLP Practitioner Course we will show you how to create presuppositions, generate questions and then tie them into a specific context like recruitment, coaching, sales and any other influencing situation you can think of.

Have you ever heard the saying - "ask a stupid question get a stupid answer"…well having read this article are you already considering the huge amount of power in well thought out constructive questions?

Cash back vs. rewards credit cards

Ah, the sweet rewards of using credit!

Not only do you get immediate gratification with the buy now-pay later plastic, but now, many credit cards offer rewards and incentives for using their card to make purchases. You can get cash back, or gift cards, or ‘reward points’ that you can spend on merchandise or services from various merchants. There are also cards that allow you to designate your 'cash back' points to a charity – sometimes called affinity cards – and those that put your cash back into a special savings account for college.

Great deal, right? You spend your money and get something in return. The catch is, of course, that you’re paying interest and card fees to get your cash back rewards. But if you’re going to be using the credit card anyway, you might as well get something back out of it, right?

Most cash-back cards give you 1-2% cash back on most of your purchases. You’ll get a check at specified periods for the amount of your ‘rewards cash’. You can cash the check and spend the money on anything you want.

Reward cards give you 1-5 reward points for every dollar that you spend at different merchants and types of merchants. Most pay you 5 reward points for purchases made at their ‘Merchant Thank You’ network, and for purchases made at gas stations, drug stores and supermarkets. You’ll get 1 reward point for every dollar that you spend at other merchants. You can then redeem your reward points for particular items from the merchants that belong to the credit card’s merchant network.

Which is the better choice?

Each kind of credit card reward has its own pros and cons, and the better choice depends on what’s most important to you.

Cash-back Rewards – Pros

Cash can be used anywhere, for any kind of purchase.
Gives 1% - 2% cash back on all purchases.

Cash-back Rewards – Cons

Rewards points cards may give rewards of higher value, particularly for purchases at merchant networks stores, gas stations and supermarkets.
Cash-back can only be used when a check is issued.

Rewards Points – Pros

Rewards points are often higher value than cash-back. If you use the credit card for purchases made within the merchant member network, you can get as much as 5% value back when you spend your reward points.

Reward points are available to use on a rolling basis. Some card companies may require you to accumulate a certain number of rewards points before redeeming them, but reward point rewards are often more easily available than cash-back rewards.
Reward points can be used for cash rewards in some circumstances.

Reward Points – Cons

Reward points can only be redeemed from particular merchants and/or on particular merchandise.

Whichever your choice, it makes good sense to get something back when you choose to use credit. If you’re a frequent credit card user, the rewards can certainly add up. Among the merchants that belong to various Merchant Member networks are such well-known companies as airlines, Saks Fifth Avenue, Evelyn & Crabtree and Smarter Edge.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Dieting and exercising - results all the time

To be successful in keeping to an exercise program, you going to have to define results. Results for most mean weight on a scale, a dress size, the number of pounds on a bench press, and your waist size. I challenge you to think in abstracts. Results, all the time? Yes! It just may not come in the form you are looking for on the surface. You can break the type of results into three categories: emotional, internal and external.


I believe more important than waistline measurements, personal bench press records or reading whatever the scale says, is what exercise does for you emotionally. For me, it was self-confidence and self - esteem. I will do this for life because I do not want to go back to the person I once was. For you, it may be a feeling of being productive. Or because you are doing something for you and no one else.


Internal results come in the form of vital signs, such as lower blood pressure, and a decrease in body fats, cholesterols and triglycerides. Of course, these are important, but do not look just at the typical attributes.


These are results you are accustomed to achieving. It is something we can see or touch. Pants are fitting loser, arms are looking toned, and numbers on the scales are going down. At times it is a lot easier to get motivated by those things we can see, rather than all that is going on inside. Personally, I have seen more people stick with a program if they focus on the emotional and internal results, more than the external. The outside results may motivate you in the beginning, but it is the INSIDE OUT approach that keeps you going.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

When you want to target pain nurofen plus hits the mark every time

Most people's relationship to pain is complicated. First, the ability to tolerate pain seems to differ from person to person. For example, in the aftermath of identical dental procedures, one person may hurry back to work while another heads home and goes to bed because the pain is too intense. Second, while some people find that over-the-counter analgesics are satisfactory, for other people the pain relief that's available over the counter is sometimes simply not enough.

Not surprisingly, different countries have different regulations when it comes to what constitutes an over-the-counter medicine and which drugs require a prescription. In New Zealand, for example, effective pain relief can be found in an over-the-counter product called Nurofen Plus, which contains both ibuprofen and codeine. Specifically, it contains 200 mg of ibuprofen and 12.8 mg of codeine phosphate. An added benefit is that it doesn't contain gluten, wheat, lactose, sucrose, or preservatives.

Ibuprofen is both an analgesic and an anti-inflammatory medicine. When it's combined with codeine, you can get powerful temporary relief from both the pain and inflammation associated with a variety of types of headaches (both tension and migraine, for example), dental pain, back and neck pain, neuralgia, rheumatic and arthritic pain, muscular pain, and pain related to sports injuries. For women, the combination is particularly effective for cramps related to menstruation.

The typical Nurofen Plus dosage is two tablets taken initially, followed by one or two tablets every four hours, but not to exceed six tablets within a 24-hour period. As with any medications, Nurofen Plus has contraindications. For example, you should not take the medicine if you have a stomach disorder, stomach ulcers, kidney problems, or heart problems. Likewise, if you have allergies to ibuprofen, aspirin, anti-inflammatory medication, or codeine, the product isn't for you. As is always the case, you should check with your doctor about the potential for drug interactions with any other medications you are currently taking.

Although Nurofen Plus is semi-regulated, in that there is a limit to the number of tablets that can be purchased, it is sold online and shipped worldwide. Many people have experienced the analgesic benefits of the product, which are more pronounced because Nurofen Plus contains 12.8 mg of codeine phosphate, considered a controlled substance in many countries.

When you've experienced a sports injury, or suffer from nerve pain, headaches, or arthritis, you may not need a full-strength prescription painkiller, yet you need more than plain ibuprofen. When that's the case, Nurofen Plus can give you the temporary relief you need until you recover.

Learn about wholesale distribution companies

Whole sale distribution companies have proliferated over the last few years. The main reason attributable is the expansion of the online marketing and internet. The internet opened up new opportunities for large scale marketing of a variety of consumer and other products without any worries of owning and maintaining a physical store or sales force.

The demand for the various fast moving products from a cross section of internet marketing community has triggered the birth of many whole sale distribution companies offering products at varying and competitive discounts to be resold to the online consumers.

Whole sale distribution companies though have mushroomed in the recent past the fact remains that few of them are genuine whole sale companies and the rest being simple middlemen. The chain of such companies operating today are benefited of varying discounts, and the ultimate internet entrepreneur is devoid of the product for the genuine whole sale price.

Whole sale companies that are genuine and established exhibits reservations for supplying to small volume internet operators that leads to the above mentioned situation. Further the inability of the back end supplier somewhere in chain to supply the article leaves you in the lurch with the only gain of a bunch of unsatisfied and angry customers.

The unhealthy middlemen chaining ultimately leaves very less margin for the tail ender. One should not be lured by the catchy advertisements one sees on the whole sale distribution and its merits. You are well advised to have a pragmatic approach and objective assessment in respect of such lucrative offers irrespective of the fact whether you are a prospective internet entrepreneur or a an enthusiastic consumer.

However, there are still a lot of wholesale companies on the internet where you can get great products at a great discount. But as with everyhting these days: you have to be careful and make sure you are not being scammed.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Six steps of healing


These are remedies you can use for your problem in order from safest to most dangerous: Step 0 is the safest; Step 6 the most dangerous. Use Steps 0, 1, 2 and 3 as preventive medicine. Prevention is an important, though often invisible, way of healing/wholing in the Wise Woman tradition. Deep relaxation, information exchange, energetic engagement, optimum nourishment (including touch) and exercise promote health with little or no side effects.

Examples are in parenthesis: (with a few of the modalities available at each step)

Step 0: Do Nothing
(sleep, meditate, unplug the clock or the telephone)

A vital, invisible step.

Step 1: Collect Information
(low-tech diagnosis, books, support groups, divination)

tep 2: Engage the Energy
(prayer, homeopathy, ceremony, affirmations, color, laughter)

Step 3: Nourish and Tonify
(herbal infusions and vinegars, hugs, exercise, food choices, gentle massage, yoga stretches)

Note: Healing with Steps 4, 5, and 6 always causes some harm.

Step 4: Stimulate/Sedate
(hot or cold water, many herbal tinctures, acupuncture)

For every stimulation/sedation, there is an opposite sedation/stimulation, sooner or later. Addiction is possible if this step is overused.

Step 5a: Use Supplements
(synthesized or concentrated vitamins, minerals, and food substances such as nutritional yeast, blue-green algae, bran, royal jelly or spirulina)

Supplements are not Step 3. There’s always a risk with synthesized concentrated substances that they’ll do more harm than good.

Step 5b: Use Drugs
(chemotherapy, tamoxifen, hormones, high dilution homeopathics, and potentially toxic herbs)

Overdose may cause grave injury or death.

Step 6: Break and Enter
(threatening language, surgery, colonics, radiation therapies, psychoactive drugs, invasive diagnostic tests such as mammograms and C-T scans)

Side effects are inevitable and may include permanent injury or death.


If you want to remedy your problem with the least possible side effects and danger, start at Step 1. After reading Step 1, pick one remedy from Step 2 and set a time limit for working with it. If your problem is unresolved within that time, decide if the time limit needs expanding or if you are ready to go to Step 3. Continue in this manner, moving to Steps 4, 5 or 6 as needed, until your problem is solved.

Each step up increases the possibility of side effects and their severity so try at least one of the Step 2 techniques, even if they seem strange to you, before going onto the remedies of Step 3 and beyond (note also that time spent at Step 2 will help you choose appropriate remedies at Step 3 and so on). When your problem is resolved don’t stop. Go back through the steps, in reverse, before resting at Step 0.

You can continue to take remedies from a previous Step after moving on, but be cautious about the use of Step 4 remedies in combination with Step 5 remedies.

If you deem it necessary to heal through Step 5 and/or 6 (and real healing can and does take place with the aid of drugs and surgery) and have not yet tried any techniques from Steps 2 and 3, do so immediately. Engaging the energy, nourishing and tonifying will aid and abet the healing powers of the more dangerous healing ways and help prevent or moderate their side effects.

Susun Weed
PO Box 64
Woodstock, NY 12498
Fax: 1-845-246-8081

The basics of seo - some faqs

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a foreign field to a lot of people. Rarely does a day go by when I don't get asked a few questions on the subject. So I've decided to post this FAQ article in the hopes that it will help people understand the basics, and make them a little more comfortable with the whole domain.

Q: Why are search engines important to me?

A: 85% of all website traffic is driven by search engines. The only online activity more popular than search is email. 79.2% of US users don't go to page 2 of search results. 42% of users click on the no.1 result. For the under-40 age-group, the Internet will become the most used media in the next 2-3 years.

Q: How do search engines decide on their rankings?

A: IMPORTANT: You cannot pay a search engine in return for a high ranking in the natural results. You can only get a high ranking if your content is seen as relevant by the search engines.

Search engines identify relevant content for their search results by sending out ‘spiders’ or ‘robots’ which ‘crawl’ (analyze) your site and ‘index’ (record) its details. Complex algorithms are then employed to determine whether your site is useful and should be included in the search engine’s search results.

Q: Can't I just pay for a high ranking?

A: No. The biggest concern for search engine companies like Google and Yahoo is finding content that will bring them more traffic (and thus more advertising revenue). In other words, their results must be relevant. Relevant results makes for a good search engine; irrelevant results makes for a short-lived search engine.

Most search engines these days return two types of results whenever you click Search:

 Natural/Organic – The ‘real’ search results. The results that most users are looking for and which take up most of the window. For most searches, the search engine displays a long list of links to sites with content which is related to the word you searched for. These results are ranked according to how relevant and important they are.

 Paid – Pure advertising. This is how the search engines make their money. Advertisers pay the search engines to display their ad whenever someone searches for a word which is related to their product or service. These ads look similar to the natural search results, but are normally labeled “Sponsored Links”, and normally take up a smaller portion of the window.

Q: How do I get a high ranking?

A: There are four main steps:

Step 1 - Use the right words on your website

Step 2 - Get lots of relevant sites to link to yours

Step 3 - Use the right words in those links

Step 4 - Have lots of content on your site & add more regularly

Q: What is search engine optimization (SEO)?

A: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of creating a website which is search engine-friendly. This means:

 using the right words in your copy

 using the right words in your HTML code

 structuring your site properly

 designing your site properly

For more information on these 4 elements, download our free 'SEO Secrets' eBook from divinewrite. com/seosecrets. htm.

Many people use SEO to also describe the other ingredient in a high ranking, 'Link Popularity'.

Q: What is link popularity?

A: Think of the search engines as a big election. All the websites in the world are candidates. The links to your website are votes. The more votes (links) a candidate (website) has, the more important it is, and the higher its ranking. Link popularity is all about how many links you have, and how you can get more.

Links to your site tell the search engines how important your site is. They assume that if it’s important enough for a lot of other sites to link to, it’s important enough for them to display at the top of the rankings. Links are the single most important factor in ranking. Generally speaking, the more links you have to your site from other sites, the better your ranking.

Q: Are some links better than others?

A: Yes! The ideal kind of links are those that:

 come from relevant sites (sites which use the same keywords);

 come from important sites (have a high ranking);

 include your keyword as part of the visible link text;

 include varying link text (not the same link text each time); and

 come from a page that links to few other sites.

When a search engine sees a link which satisfies most or all of these conditions, it says, “Hey, this site must be credible and important, because others in the same industry are pointing to it.”

Q: How do I get lots of links back to my site?

A: There are many possible ways to generate links. Some are dubious (like auto-generation software, and sites set up by webmasters simply to host links to their other sites) and I won’t be discussing them here. Others, like those discussed below, are legitimate.

 Add your site to DMOZ & Yahoo Directories (and other free directories)

 Check where your competitors’ links are coming from

 Article PR - Write and submit articles for Internet publication

 Swap links

 Partner websites

 Pay for links

For more information on these methods, download our free 'SEO Secrets' eBook from divinewrite. com/seosecrets. htm.

Q: What do you think is the best way to get lots of links?

A: Article PR. Write helpful articles and let other webmasters publish them for free in exchange for a link in the byline. With article PR, you don't have to pay for the link, you determine the content of the page containing the link, you determine the link text, and the link is more or less permanent. A single article can be reprinted hundreds of times, and each time is another link back to your site!

For more information, read divinewrite. com/seoarticles. htm or visit ArticlePR. com.

Q: How do I write a good article PR piece?

A: See divinewrite. com/seoarticles. htm.

Q: How do I get a high ranking using free reprint content?

A: See divinewrite. com/Top_Ranking_Free. htm.

Q: How long does it take to get a high search engine ranking?

A: A long time! It’s impossible to say how much time you’ll need to spend generating links, but you can be sure it’ll be a while no matter which method of link generation you use. You just have to keep at it until you have achieved a high ranking. Even then, you’ll still need to dedicate some ongoing time to the task, otherwise your ranking will drop.

Q: What is the Google Sandbox, and is it real?

A: The Google Sandbox theory suggest that whenever Google detects a new website, it withholds its rightful ranking for a period while it determines whether your site is a genuine, credible, long term site. It does this to discourage the creation of SPAM websites (sites which serve no useful purpose other than to boost the ranking of some other site).

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence supporting the theory, but there is also a lot discounting it. No one has categorically proven its existence.

Q: What is the Google Dampening Link Filter, and is it real?

A: The Google Dampening Link Filter theory suggests that if Google detects a sudden increase (i. e. many hundreds or thousands) in the number of links back to your site, it may sandbox them for a period (or in fact penalize you by lowering your ranking or blacklisting your site altogether).

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence supporting the theory, but there is also a lot discounting it. No one has categorically proven its existence.

Q: What SEO companies should I be wary of?

A: Be wary of SEO companies that promise or guarantee results in a given timeframe, especially if they won't expand on their methods for generating links back to your site.

Q: What tools can you recommend?

A: There are many very useful tools to help with your SEO. The following are just selection. All tools are free unless otherwise indicated.

 Backlink checker - webuildpages. com/neat-o/

 Backlinks by IP address - webuildpages. com/cclass/index. php

 Link Popularity Tool - marketleap. com/publinkpop/

 Number of links required to rank - iblcheck. com/

 Google Alert - google. com/alerts? hl=en

 Google Sitemaps - google. com/webmasters/sitemaps

 Google Sitemap Generator - johannesmueller. com/gs/

 Google Toolbar - toolbar. google. com/

 Indexed Pages - webuildpages. com/cache/cachetoolpublic. pl

 Keyword Analysis (Nichebot) - nichebot. com/

 Keyword Analysis (Overture) - inventory. overture. com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/

 Keyword Analysis (WordTracker - Paid) - wordtracker. com/

 Keyword Difficulty - seomoz. org/tools/keyword-difficulty-tool. php

 Keyword Identifier - googlerankings. com/ultimate_seo_tool. php

 Keyword Density Measurement (Simple) - live-keyword-analysis. com/

 Keyword Density Measurement (Complex) - gorank. com/analyze. php

 Plagiarized Copy Search - copyscape. com/

 Traffic Rank - alexa. com/

 Search Engine Rank - marketleap. com/publinkpop/

 SEO Report - urltrends. com/

 Top 10 sites for a keyword by no of backlinks and age - webuildpages. com/seo-tools/whoischeck-bykeys. pl

 Top 10 sites for a keyword - webuildpages. com/cool-seo-tool/

 Spider Simulator - tools. summitmedia. co. uk/spider/

Q: I'm confused about all the terms used in SEO, can you help?

A: See divinewrite. com/seo_glossary. htm.

Q: What is keyword analysis?

A: The first thing you need to do when you begin chasing a good search engine ranking is decide which words you want to rank well for. This is called performing a keyword analysis. Keyword analysis involves a bit of research and a good knowledge of your business and the benefits you offer your customers.

For more information, download our free 'SEO Secrets' eBook from divinewrite. com/seosecrets. htm.

Q: Do I need to submit my site to the search engines?

A: Theoretically, no. But I wouldn't risk not doing it - especially as it's free. As soon as you register your domain name, submit it to Google! Even if you haven’t built your site, or thought about your content, submit your domain name to Google. In fact, even if you haven’t fully articulated your business plan and marketing plan, submit your domain name to Google.

For more information, download our free 'SEO Secrets' eBook from divinewrite. com/seosecrets. htm.

Q: Should I submit my site to the search engines more than once?

A: No need. Although some of the search engines allow you to do this, there's really no need.

Q: What are directories and should I submit my site to them?

A: Directories are websites (or web pages) which simply list lots of website and give a quick description of the website. Some are free and some require you to pay for a listing. Free directories are useful because you get a free link. However, the links aren't worth that much. Paid directories can be good if they're relevant, but they can cost a lot in the long term, so choose wisely.

One essential directories for any website is the DMOZ Open Directory Project.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Moneymaking home business idea-making a killing from home isn t difficult when you do this simple step

A moneymaking home business idea can be your gateway to financial freedom and prosperity. Many people today want to start making money from home, but don't know where to begin. There are many people that hate their 9-to-5 job and want to quit the rat race, but simply don't believe they have the skills necessary to start home business.

Also there are many people who have taken the time to start a moneymaking home business idea, but they simply don't have the initiative to keep it going. These are to be the kind of people will simply try something out, and if it doesn't work, typically go back to the job.

No matter which moneymaking home business ideas you decide to go with, the most important part is that you decide beforehand you are to succeed no matter what. It will probably take you quite some time for you start making some serious money with your home business idea, and therefore you will need to take a never give up approach. Nobody ever made any significant money overnight, and you won't either.

Unfortunately, there has been a lot of misinformation that you can get a free lunch online today. Quite simply, many people hear stories about people who simply get up, work a half hour a day, check their bank account to see how many thousands have rolled in, and then go off and do whatever they want the rest of the day. This is what most people think of when they think of the internet and home business lifestyle.

Here’s the reality; yes, life may be like that for many people now, but what you don’t hear is the work it took them to build up that kind of a business. It isn’t necessarily long and hard work, and you can get rich online very quickly; however, the most important part is the part that most people miss; you have to take action to make it happen. Making money online isn’t hard at all, but when you don’t take action, you will never get to where you want to be. However, if you stick with it, you will make a lot of cash with your moneymaking home business idea.

So what is the best home business idea to help you start making money right away? As I've often advocated, network marketing is one of the best ways to get you started making money, but it is by far from the only one. Affiliate marketing, and developing your own products and services, Google adsense are just some of the some of the ways you can make money online.

Many people have made millions of dollars from selling paperclips to T-shirts, etc. No matter how ridiculous or seemingly minor a niche might be, if there is demand and a starving crowd, you can make a lot of money.

So what is the best way for you to start making money immediately? Pick a particular topic whether it be adsense, affiliate market, etc. and model those who are successful at it. There are many different courses you can take from people who have succeeded these industries, and they really not that hard to find.

Simply type it into Google and you'll find literally hundreds of different courses they come up. Find something interesting, model those that are successful at it, and you'll start making a lot of money on the Internet with your moneymaking home business idea.

Article submission two ways to do

Everyone knows that submitting well-written, keyword-rich articles to article repository sites on the Internet is the best way to build links to your web sites in Google and other search engines.

But very few people realize there’s a wrong way to do this. And doing it wrong is worse than not doing it at all.

Most people who are new to using articles as part of their marketing strategies get off to a bad start because they don’t understand the delicate strategy involved with precisely placing articles in the article sites best suited for a particular subject.

You see, not all article repositories are the same. Some get high traffic for all subjects. Some get highly-targeted traffic across one or two very specific niches. And some don’t get any traffic at all. Those sites fall under the definition of "bad neighborhoods" according to Google.

Not understanding the differences among article repositories is where the trouble starts for the inexperienced marketer. These days, it's too easy to sign up for those "article blasting" services that SPAM article repositories with thousands of worthless ads; the ads that have been written by who knows who and are often filled with spelling and grammar errors. As these types of articles build up in the lower-quality sites, and they build up very quickly thanks to the thousands of people using these "blasting" services, the site begins to develop a bad reputation. Soon, the search engines start dropping the links like hot potatoes.

How do savvy professional marketers get around this ranking trap?

They depend on the services offered by professional article placement agencies. These agencies specialize in submitting articles manually to hand-picked sites that will return the best search engine ranking results. The people behind these professional services understand how the article placement game is really played. They know that success is all about quality and has nothing to do with quantity. After all, what good is having your articles listed on hundreds of sites if those sites are banned by Google and other search engines? It hurts your business!

When you use a professional article placement agency to manually submit your articles, you don’t have to worry about ending up in bad neighborhoods and getting your search engine rankings mugged in the process. Instead you'll get the quality links you are looking for. Your articles will only appear on those sites catering to your category; sites that are visited by both live humans and search engine spiders on a regular basis. This kind of strategy is what pays off in the long run.

Don't sabotage your article marketing strategy just because you choose to believe the hype those "blast your way to success" hucksters throw out every day. Remember how productive FFA sites used to be and how useless they are now? FFA "blasters" ruined that marketing opportunity, and the article blasters will ruin this marketing opportunity if you let them.

Get better results by letting the professionals manually place your articles in the appropriate repository sites. Remember, if it's worth doing, it's worth doing right.

Please feel free to publish this article on your web site and/or in your e-book or newsletters with the authors resource box included and without any changes to the article. (Add your contact e-mail)

A complimentary copy of your ezine or notification you are using this article would be appreciated.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Men s formal dress

When you receive an invitation card for the formal party, this may be a sign that you are having a move up your career path or it is your first formal charity event. As you read the invitation you see listed among the details "black tie". Does that mean you need to wear a tuxedo? Will a suit do just as well?

If you want to feel comfortable and impress your host, determine what formal attire is expected based on the terms used in the invitation as well as the many choices available to you.

1. Black Tie is a common reference to a formal affair. If the invitation specifically states 'black tie' you WILL be expected to come in a tuxedo. You do not have to wear a black tuxedo - a grey tuxedo would be equally acceptable.

You may also prefer to add some color or distinction to your outfit by choosing a cummerbund, vest and tie that is a patterned or solid color. Choose a sophisticated cuff link and finish the look with black patent leather shoes.

The variety of styles available today allows you to customize your look with the cut of the coat, the color of your accessories and they style of neck wear. Depending on the event and your hosts you may determine if too much self-expression would detract from the evening. If you are unsure it is wise to stick with traditional black and white.

2. White Tie is the most formal dress request. It requires a strict attention to tradition and does not permit the guest to deviate from an accepted standard.

A White Tie event requires the men to be wearing a black, full dress tailcoat, wing collar shirt, white pique vest and tie. You may also wish to add such elegant touches as a top hat, cane and white gloves.

3. Traditional (or Formal) Morning Attire - Another take on formal wear for day time events is the traditional morning attire. The most formal suit is composed of a grey cutaway coat, striped trousers and grey vest with a wing collar shirt and ascot. Less formal dress would substitute a Stroller coat; lay down collar shirt and four-in-hand tie.

For non-traditional formal wear at a day time event you can wear a black or grey tuxedo or even a white tuxedo for warm weather events.

4. Semi-formal allows the guest to wear either a black or grey tuxedo or a suit. Seasonal appropriate colors can be used for day time affairs.

Knights of the new years resolution

Every January 1st we make New Year's Resolutions because we want a better year if not a great year, and it is a long standing tradition of the holiday. Resolutions usually revolve around a long-standing want, need, or problem we have that we would like resolved. Something for example like losing weight to look better and increase your health and life expectancy. That entails things like working out, eating right, and the thing that ties everything else together... thinking right. What you are going to learn will make this systematically automatic.

The average life expectancy of you doing things right to accomplish your resolution is about four days! Nothing got resolved - because you had no resolve! Just a fleeting notion to start putting in effort. It ends before achieving effect and the next year, you are again facing off against your failure.

"This year will be different," you might say. Well, here is something to do to make it that way. Your New Year's Resolution Solution is to change your timetable. Reviewing progress you made for a year is not enough. We too easily forget and let it slip from our mind to unimportance. Give yourself instead a weekly review of your progress. So, let us see. In the first week you put in four days toward your resolution. That is pretty good actually! Just three days a week in a gym is enough to give people very favorable results.

Working from your success for that week, take in the mind set that your resolution is not so much a goal as it is a game. The goal is the prize that keeps you motivated, but the game is keeping at doing what you need to do in order to win that prize. Going ahead for another week will get you ahead of the bulk of players. If you don't believe it, then notice how the over-crowded health club you were in last week now seems like a very vacant facility this week.

Congratulations, you persevered when they did not! Be steadfast and stay in the game! See it as utmost importance to have unwavering commitment to the point of relentless obsession for the prize. "GO FOR THE GOLD," as Olympians would say. You have got to totally immerse yourself in the game in order to play it right. You have got to be a game enthusiast! You are on a journey, a Holy Quest! A journey to a game enthusiast means FUN!

The calendar is your game board. Don't be taken off the board. Be steadfast and stay in the game! Every week is a trip around the game board. Every seventh day is where you contemplate, analyze, figure, fix, alter, improve, refine, adapt, adopt, re-adopt, pat yourself on the back and give yourself a reward, then re-dedicate yourself to your plan of action for the following week. 52 times around the board and you are crowned King or Queen! FOR REAL!

That not only gives you your goal, it gives you royal bragging rights - tales of how you victoriously conquered your enemy and seized controlling power over your vast enchanted dominion. So, whether they are led by the archetype of oversize ogres, a maniacal wizard, or menacing dragons, matters not. You can credulously threaten that any enemy you righteously declare war on this year will also face the same fate of being permanently vanquished by your invincible heroic army of devoted and boldly brave Knights of the New Year's Resolution.