Thursday, June 30, 2016

Poker affiliate programs turning hits into affiliate commissions

Attracting people to a website is the problem that faces designers and webmasters throughout the world. Without visitors a website is fundamentally useless. This is especially true when a site is created to make money for the owner, such as in an affiliate scheme. The most common way for people to discover a website is through popular search engines, so making sure your site is at the top will help guide visitors to your domain. SEO or search engine optimisation articles will help make sure that the site is near the top. These SEO pieces are simply a number of articles written with keywords in mind embedded within the site.

SEO is just one way of making your site known another way is through simple word of mouth. If the owner of an affiliate site is willing to put in the man-hours and spread their own message, they can hope to attract large volumes of people. There are many ways of contacting people both online and offline, the options are seemingly limitless. E-mails can provide a way of contacting hundreds of people. As with any communication or advertising system the more people that can be contacted the more you are likely to attract a customer. The knock on effect of contacting large volumes of people can mean that they in turn contact more and so on making a chain of people all talking about your site. Posting on forums can also bring attention to a site. It is a form of free advertising, all the site owner has to do is to be friendly and focus on susceptible or interested groups.

Friends, families and colleagues are also a good market to look at. If you are looking to create a poker website with affiliates, you can make good money by finding out people who are interested in poker in close circles and inviting them to try it. These close circles may then expand into wider circles and your affiliate system and personal website will reap the rewards. It sounds simple but the more people an affiliate can attract to a site the more money they can earn. The key is just in finding the people who are willing and able to join these sites.

Affiliate Programs are a potentially lucrative form of Internet entrepreneurial choices. It is a risk free form of income, with the levels dependent simply on the amount of visitors a site can entice and the amount of work that a webmaster is willing to do in order to gain said visitors. The Internet offers people the chance to advertise and make money free of charge and with a limited outlay. Becoming an affiliate site and converting hits into cash is just one way of making money.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Floor sound insulation a step toward quieter floors

Unless you live alone you are probably well aware that the noise from one family member can easily be heard beyond the walls of the room they are in. Even worse is hearing loud stereo systems, the washing machine and dryer or children who don’t want to settle down for bed seeping through your flooring and into the rooms below. There is a solution to noise overflow within your home and one of the best preventative measures is floor sound insulation.

Where To Install Floor Insulation

It may seem obvious that floor insulation should be installed in the floor. It’s not rocket science, right? Well, there is a little more to it than that. Ideally, floor insulation should be installed during the construction phase of a home to be the most effective. Your choices in materials include regular fibreglass insulations that have been used on your exterior walls, ceilings and in the attic. You can also install corking or rubber based floor insulations at this point.

Floor sound insulation installed during construction allows the materials to be placed between the flooring layers. The joists between floors support and plywood base and then additional sub-flooring. By adding insulation here, you are able to add thicker materials that may offer better sound proofing.

You can still improve the noise level in an existing home. The best time to install it is if you are replacing the carpet or other flooring or need to repair the flooring in a specific room. Many home improvement projects will wield better results if some updating in what is not seen is done at the same time as the cosmetic updates. Floor sound insulation addition is one such example.

When old floor coverings have been removed, new floor insulation can be added directly to the top of the sub-flooring. This can be placed under, carpet, vinyl floors, wood, or ceramic tile. It doesn’t matter what type of flooring is going on top. What does matter is what type of insulation you use to sound proof.

The best, meaning the thinnest insulation with the most noise reduction capabilities is going to be some sort of self contained material. Fibreglass insulation is that loose pink or yellow fluff that has a paper backing. It is best for walls and ceilings. For floors a rubber or cork insulation will provide the most durable under lying material. It will also not raise floors significantly and will allow such materials a vinyl to go down smoothly.

Why Go to the Trouble

As a house ages, the creaks and noises seem to increase – not too much differently than an aging body! By adding floor sound insulation as part of your next DIY project you are giving the floors more stability that will not only reduce the amount of noise seeping from the rooms above, but will help quiet squeaky floors that have had their screws come a little loose over the years or whose boards may have warped a bit.

Consider soundproofing an investment in your house. The value will be increased as you improve the quality of noise control.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

How to make money with training videos

Most everyone has some area of expertise in a particular field that would be beneficial for others to learn. Whether you're an employee, entrepreneur, or entertainer, there's good money to be made in training others how to have the same successes you have. Simply demonstrating on video the same steps to success you've taken, you can make thousands of extra dollars by portraying your expertise.

1. Determine your area of expertise. What have you been good at for all your life? What are your hobbies, pastimes, or job skills that you have been perfecting? Maybe you've been successful at parenting, making crafts, throwing parties, inventing, or how to enjoy a night out on the town. Even if it's something as simple as winning at board games, chances are there are people out there that would want to learn from you. Maybe you've been an administrative assistant for years and have been commended on how invaluable you are to the company. Then you have a basis of training others how to be top notch administrative assistant, considering how much job turnover some industries can have. Companies love training with videos, because it saves valuable time from managers and communicates everything important in the same way each time.

2. Plan your approach. Once you've determined your market for training others, you need to put together an outline for the content. This is where you'll want to spend most of your time, as content is always king. Start with bullet points, going from general to specific. Sketch out the scenes that you will be taping to illustrate the message. Be sure to discuss what doesn't work as well as what does, by sharing the mistakes you've made along the way. Give them resources and tips to get started and how to persevere.

3. Shoot the video. First you'll want to choose a professional production company to produce your video if you are not equipped or experienced. Do not use your home camcorder thinking that you can make a professional video suitable for selling at a premium price. For advice on how to choose a video production company, do a web search for "how to choose a video production company" or search by this author's name. Once you've chosen a production company that fits your budget, be sure to create scenes that actually demonstrate your points and how they can duplicate it. No one really wants to buy a video of a talking head, so keep it interesting. For advice on creating effective video content, be sure to do a web search on this topic for this same author. Decide if you are suitable for being the on camera talent and speaker. Again you must portray yourself as an expert, or at least, an expert author of the content. If you're not good at communicating on camera or unable to speak naturally and fluently, you may need to hire an actor to work off a teleprompter. The production company will help you make that decision.

4. Market the video. Once the video is shot and duplicated and ready to be sold, determine the venues of distribution to promote your video to your target audience. Having your own search engine-friendly website is a must, with accurate keywords that your audience will be searching for. Amazon. com and other video dealers will gladly stock or drop ship your video for a cut of your selling price, and is well worth it. Trade shows, college campuses, swap meets, magazine classifieds, local newspaper classifieds….anywhere your audience's eyes would be looking is where you need to be promoting your video. With perseverance and determination, you can make a one time video investment make you a lot of extra money and maybe even quit the job that you were training people how to do!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Michigan schools maxed out on charters but parents want more

The children of thousands of families within the Michigan schools are on waiting lists for admittance to charter schools. Not only does this underscores the parents’ commitment to school choice, but it also indicates their desire for their children to have a better education — one they obviously do not believe they can achieve in the traditional Michigan schools.

Like many other states, the Michigan schools has a cap of 150 on the number of charter schools each district may have. These caps were seen as necessary in the beginning for a couple of reasons: (1) To ensure they were successful before they exploded on the scene, and (2) to ensure the traditional public schools were not lost all together.

The Michigan schools is currently maxed out at the 150 maximum university-chartered state schools. There actually are 230 charters in Michigan, but 80 are exempt from the cap. For example, a Native American operated charter comes under the control of the federal government and is exempt.

Enrollment in charter Michigan schools was at 91,567 during the 2005-2006 school year. That is 5.3 percent of all Michigan schools students that year and up by 10,000 students over the previous year.

Not all Michigan schools charters are successful, according to reports. Overall, however, they are succeeding for some students where the traditional schools have failed. Though charters schools are not for all students, many parents seek educational alternatives for their children to get them out of the mainstream and into more innovative methods to motivate their children to learn. Many parents are tired of the problems with the public school system that is inadequate and produces underachieving young adults. Charters become an even higher priority for parents with children in failing traditional schools, appearing to be their way out.

Basically, charters in Michigan are independent public schools that generally are chartered by a state university. They have more flexibility in how they educate Michigan schools students, not required to adhere to all of the rigid rules that traditional schools must follow. Though many people mistakenly believe that charters take the wealthy, white students away from the traditional Michigan schools, the fact is that charter students are predominantly urban, minority and low-income.

As with traditional schools, charters receive per student funding with the amount being the same for all students. For charters, this means that there are few operating as high schools, since it costs more to operate grades nine through 12. For example, there are only five high school charter schools out of 22 total charters in Kent and Ottawa counties, with one closing this summer. More high school charters are needed with the long waiting lists and parents clamoring to have their children admitted.

Essential direct marketing tips for your business

Direct marketing is not as difficult as it seems. Test, track and count your profits, that’s how I do it. Let’s break down some of the details in some of my most powerful direct marketing tips.

Make sure you know your numbers… Figure how much income and units you need to sell in order to break even. Money matters first, the percentage rate follows. Our goal is to make money, not watch out for percentage rates. The standard is 1%. Say if we get a .5% but still make money, are we going to quit? I don’t think so.

Next, you’re going to want to key code just about everything you can. This way you can track what works, what doesn’t and in the long run will help you produce a better converting direct mail campaign. You’re also going to want to test everything. The copy, the design of the package, the offer itself, the pricing and the time you mail out. This is where they key codes will help since they will be tracking everything for you.

Be an informed list buyer. Lists are typically used for one time, as they belong to the list owner. However, once they reply to your offer, they’re yours. You’re going to have to be flexible. The list owners also require a sample of your offer, even just a rough sample to give them a heads up of what you’re going to be mailing to their list. Other things to keep in mind when dealing with lists, is the time. Sometimes lists get delivered in 24 hours, sometimes a week or two. Most list companies have a minimum of 5000 names. And almost always a prepayment is required. So keep all those things in mind when dealing with list brokers and list owners.

Start building your own mailing list. Using your customers, leads from trade shows, inquires, etc. You need to focus on the wants of your audience. A good list professional will also be specific. Be knowledgeable of each list type. There are email lists, direct mail lists, telemarketing lists, etc. Consider other sources as well. There are plenty of places you can rent a list of names from. Associations, subscribers, compiled, etc.

You should determine the list price. Typically in direct mail, the lists have a base price per thousand, or “M”.

How are these lists supplied? CD, email, label stock? This can all have an effect on the timing of your campaign.

To get your envelope opened, I suggest you use a live stamp. This is one of the most important direct marketing tips I can share with you now… it’s worth the extra expense. That way your envelope will not get mistaken for junk mail. You’re also going to want to consider using a short teaser copy to entice the recipient to open your letter.

Use color in your letter effectively by using a blue signature or use different colors sparingly throughout to help emphasize your important points.

Give your recipients all the information they need in the direct mail piece. Tell them about the features, functions and benefits of your offer, the more the better!

If you’re sending out an email, be short and to the point. Use the subject as the teaser and link to your homepage in your email.

Next up, you’re going to want to use a professional. Use a list broker or company that has years of experience. You don’t want to start off using another company just looking to rip you off, therefore leaving you with no more money to pursue your project.

Hopefully you’ll consider these direct marketing tips when working on your own direct response campaign. They work for me and I’m confident they will work for you as well.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Live poker how to win tournament games

Now, if you are interested in being the best player, getting really good money and knowing some tricks and advices of what to do in a live tournament games, here is the best place to learn them.

1) Try not to get drunk
Some of the people that are playing, and that have few rounds to play in the tournament don't count the drinks they have during their games and at the very end of the day they don't have power to continue till the last game, which is a pity to loose such a big opportunity, so, don't drink a lot and be prepare for the last round, also come up with all your senses in order. If you drink, do it measurable and just to loose the nerves before the games but also have some other drinks like soda, water, coffee and others to hydrate your self.

2) Is it important where I sit?
Yes it is, in a tournament try not to sit next to the dealer, take a place in where you will feel that you are in front of the dealer to have the feeling that he is giving you a game. Also in a place where you will feel comfortable with your self and you will have a perspective of the other players.

3) Make your self comfortable while playing
Don't show the other players with your position what you cards are telling you. Make sure to seat back and relax, don't adopt positions that will make you move too much or feel uncomfortable during the time of the game. Some players in the tournaments show their game with the position they adopt while playing either putting the elbows on the table or resting in the bumper.

4) Do the most important thing in the brake.
Don't get distracted from what you really need to do in the brake. Take your time to go to the bathroom and rest, sometimes the discussions about the previous game or lines for getting drinks will waste your time for what is really important.

5) Also your words and mimic are important during the game.
When ever you are playing don't show your cards to the other player in the way you talk or look, is important that they will have other impression, for example in your hand Is good you can try on making faces or saying words that show that your hand is not good, then people will think you have a bad game and you will surprise them at the end. This doesn't work all the time so try to find different ways to hide your game. Also you can read the other player's movements and words to see either they are lying or telling the truth in the hand.

Ok, right now you are equipped with the best advices from the experienced card players at Live Tournament Games, then just bring all your energies and talent to the tournaments. If you are looking for fun and you don't have friends around to play with, remember that there is always a way to play by your self, you will be always welcome at online casinos so go there is you like to gain some practice for your gaming skills.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Last minute travel

There’s no shortage of websites offering last minute travel deals. The idea behind these deals is that if a hotel is going to have a room empty or a flight is going to have an empty seat, it’s better for them to offer it to you at the last minute for a steep discount than it is to just let that spare capacity go to waste.

The big contradiction of last minute travel, however, is that while the places with a lot of spare capacity get cheaper, the places with very little get much more expensive. Booking Christmas flights at the last minute, for example, will never get you a good deal, simply because so many people want those flights. Instead, you will probably end up paying much more than you would have if you had booked early.

As last minute travel deals are for the least in-demand places, you can end up with places that no-one wanted for a reason. Some of the hotels on offer can’t attract any customers because they’re truly dire. The flights on offer are often in the middle of the night, at times when it’s very difficult to even get to the airport without a car because the public transport links are closed. There are all sorts of gotchas waiting with cheap last minute travel.

But it is cheap, and, as ever, that makes up for all sorts of sins. If you’re willing to be flexible about when you fly and where you go, you can still get some very good deals – you’ll probably end up with the all-round budget experience, but what do you expect? To avoid the very worst holidays, though, you should at least take the time to look up a review of the hotel you’re going to stay in before you commit to booking it, no matter how good the deal seems, to make sure that you’re not getting yourself into anything truly terrible.

Pet stairs

When we think of pets we don’t often consider the idea of stairs specially designed just for them. If you are the owner of a dog or a cat you may find yourself having to pick them up to set them on a chair so they can look out a window. With the use of pet stairs your animal will be able to comfortably move onto the furniture at their own convenience.

Animals can experience injuries just as human beings do. As dogs and cats age their joints can develop arthritis and they aren’t as mobile as they once were.

Without the use of pet stairs an animal will need to jump to get up on a piece of furniture. This can cause a neck or a back injury. Without the aid of vocalization you may not realize that your pet is in pain until the damage is permanent. When a dog or a cat sustains such an injury and it’s left untreated it can lead to serious complications including an inability to run and a permanent limp.

Pet stairs also prevent excessive stress on the bones or the joints of your animal. If a dog or a cat is overweight and they jump to get on and off the furniture that puts a great deal of pressure on the animal’s skeletal system.

With the use of pet stairs your animal can easily move up and down. You simply place the stairs in front of the item that you want the dog or cat to have access to and they’ll be able to utilize it immediately.

There are several different designs of pet stairs available. One of the most popular types of pet stairs is constructed with puppies in mind. When a dog is small it can be impossible for it to jump onto the furniture. This means the owner has to lift the dog up and down repeatedly. For most people this chore can become tiresome quickly.

With the use pet stairs, the puppy can then move on and off the furniture with ease. You simply choose the piece of furniture you want the puppy to have access to, be it a chair or a bed and allow the puppy to utilize the stairs. This also helps the animal gain a sense of independence and they will become familiar with that particular piece of furniture which means that they are more likely to migrate to it as a resting place as they mature.

Pet stairs are available in different sizes depending on the size of your pet. You’ll need to choose the pet stair that can accommodate the weight of your own dog or cat. They are made from high density foam that is covered with a fabric. Some pet stairs allow you to remove the fabric so that you can clean it. They are also available in a variety of colors so that they will complement the room you place them in.

Purchasing pet stairs is a wonderful way to ensure the continued health of your pet. You’ll no longer have to worry about them falling while jumping onto or off of the furniture.

Allen iverson history

Born on June 7, 1975, Allen Iverson is a graduate of Georgetown and currently plays a guard position for the Philadelphia 76ers. He stands 6' tall and weighs 165 lbs. Following his high school years at Bethel High School in Hampton, Virginia, Allen Iverson was honored by having his jersey number retired during the school’s 1993 State Championship halftime ceremony. After high school, Iverson continued his love of basketball as he entered into his collegiate years. During his freshman year in college, Allen Iverson was named the Big East Rookie of the Year. The following year, during his sophomore season, Iverson was named First Team All-America by the Associated Press. In addition, he was chosen as the Big East Defensive Player of the Year consecutively.

The 1996-1997 season marked Allen Iverson’s rookie year in the NBA. After quickly establishing himself as a soon-to-be household name early in the season, Iverson went on to become the second youngest player to reach the 50-point plateau in a single game in NBA history. The points were continually racking up for the 76ers in the 1997-1998 season due, in part, to Iverson’s game strategies. In 1998-1999, Allen Iverson was named to the All-NBA First Team and continued scoring game-high points throughout the season.

During the 1999-2000 season, Allen Iverson was selected for the All-NBA Second Team and once again tied his career high 50-points in a game against Sacramento on February 6, 2000. The following season, dating 2000-2001, was one of fantastic rewards. Despite an injury that caused 11 games to be missed, Allen Iverson started in 71 games and was honored with the Maurice Podoloff Trophy as the NBA’s Most Valuable Player. As the 76ers progressed to the 2001 NBA Playoffs, Allen Iverson was there. With an average of 32.9 points per game, he continued to set records and set career-highs during the five-game series.

During the 2005-2006 NBA season, Allen Iverson marked his 10th anniversary with a league that made him famous. He is the second player in NBA history to have ever played for only one team for this length of time. The only player to have been on a team longer is Kevin Garnett of Minnesota. After starting in 72 games and averaging 33 points per game, Iverson recorded his 19,000th career point in a game against Washington.

As an athlete who believes in giving back to his community, Allen Iverson founded the Cross Over Foundation and hosts the annual Allen Iverson Celebrity Classic. As part of the 76ers Community Assists Program, Iverson established the ‘A. I.’s Crossover Crew,’ which is a ticket distribution program that allows area-youth to attend a Philadelphia Sixers home game.

Fans who would like to request a signed photo or simply send Allen Iverson their best wishes are urged to do so in care of his NBA franchise team. If you are requesting an autograph, be sure to include a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) along with your request. Letters and requests should be mailed to:

Allen Iverson

Philadelphia 76ers

First Union Center

3601 S. Broad St.

Philadelphia, PA 19148

Friday, June 24, 2016

Google adwords manipulating keywords for success

As you probably know, Google Adwords is a pay-per-click solution offered by Google. As with other PPCs, you are given the ability to place your small advertisement on various platforms controlled by Google. While the platform provides you with a large audience, you must manipulate your keywords to generate success.

Matching Options

When running an Adwords campaign, you can and should define when your keywords will appear in search results. To do this, you can select matching options for each of your keywords to either reach a broad audience or target a niche.

The Google Adwords platform allows you to select four matching options:

Broad Match

Broad match is the default setting for an Adwords campaign. Broad match means your ad will appear in search results when any combination of the words in your keyword phrase search. Many an advertiser has learned expensive lessons using this setting. Let’s look at an example.

Assume I am selling travel writing diaries and using “travel journals” as my keyword phrase. Any time a person enters any combination of “travel” and “journals” in a search, my ad will appear. The ad will also appear for plurals and relevant variations. While this may sound great at first glance, a broad match setting can result in low quality hits and poor conversion rates. A person searching for travel journal stories is going to see my link. While a decent percentage will click my link, they are far less likely to buy because they are just browsing. Using broad match, my costs go up and my conversions go down.

Broad match isn’t necessarily a bad option. If your product makes a popular Christmas gift, you definitely want to use the broad match option in November and December. You prospective clients will be motivated to buy. Even the “browsing” surfers will convert well.

Phrase Match

Phrase match is a matching option that gives you a bit more control over your ads. Phrase match tells the Adwords platform to only show your ad when a search is conducted for the particular order of your keyword phrase. Using the phrase match option for “travel journals”, my ad would appear when someone search for a phrase with “travel journals” in it, but not “journals travel”. To use phrase match for keyword phrases, you simply place quotation marks around them.

Exact Match

Exact match is…exact match. It is the most targeted option. You should use it only if you want your ad to appear in searches for the exact keyword phrase as written. For instance, if I want my ad to appear in searches for “travel journals” and nothing else, I will use the exact match. To select the exact match option, simply place brackets (“[]”) around the keyword phrase.

Negative Match

No, the negative match option doesn’t involve cussing, insults or adult sites. Instead, it allows you to designate which keyword phrase search results you do not want your ad to appear in. For example, I may not want my travel journal product to appear in search results for “Amazon travel journals”. I would simply list the keyword phrase with a dash (-) in front of it and my ad will not appear. The negative match option is a tremendous option for eliminating junk traffic from your Adwords campaign.

The Google Adwords platform is a tremendous advertising platform. Effectively manipulate your keywords and it can be a highly profitable one as well.

Rose gardening tasks early spring

When should you start preparing your rose garden for the onset of spring and summer? Well, if you live in an area where you can start seeing the promise of spring in late March or early April, then you're an "early spring" rose gardener. However, if you live where March and April still brings icy rain and snow, then just keep waiting out old man winter until your turn at spring arrives and then follow the tips in this article.

Early spring is a time of great activity in the rose garden as you prepare for the beautiful buds that will be sprouting almost any day. Here's a summary of what needs to be done in order to prepare your roses for the tough growing season that lies ahead.

If you covered your roses with dirt or mulch, your first step is to gently remove the protective materials so you can introduce your dormant bushes to the warming spring sun and rains that lie ahead.

Before beginning your spring pruning activities, cut back any dead and damaged canes that did not survive the winter. Be sure to clear away any debris and residue from around the bushes as well.

Prepare the soil to nurture your plants by adding some organic compounds. You can either buy pre-packaged organics from your favorite garden supplier, or you can mix up your own recipe using composted manure or mushroom compost, or any of the usual meal blends which can include alfalfa, cottonseed, fish or blood meal. See below for some suggestions.

Work your soil with a spade or hoe if it has become too compacted during the winter or if you notice standing water after watering your plants. Roses require well-drained soil to thrive.

After soil preparation is done you can plant any new additions to your garden including container grown roses.

Next it is time to begin your fungicide spraying regiment either immediately or, if you prefer to wait, approximately 14 days after you complete your pruning. Opinions on the best time differ. The choice is yours.

Remember to rotate through different fungicides during the year to prevent any fungi from becoming immune to any one product.

Don't use any pesticides unless you see evidence of damage, but remember to keep a sharp eye out for aphids which are as much a sign of spring as April showers are. Hit them with a blast of water to remove them, or apply insecticide in a mister to the affected areas.

Imagine how hungry you'd be if you just woke up from a long winter hibernation! Well, your Roses are hungry too. The best way to coax them from dormancy to budding is to feed them now and every other week through the remainder of the growing season. Water well after feeding! Feed with a fertilizer balanced for Nitrogen (N), Phosphates (P2O5) and Potash (K2O). Nitrogen stimulates the growth of leaves and canes and increases the size of the bush. Phosphate stimulates the growth of roots, canes and

stems and speeds up flowering. Potash stimulates the production of top quality blooms and improves the drought and disease resistance of the plant. A good balanced fertilizer with these elements is 10-10-10.

Another popular spring fertilizer is Osmocote which is a controlled release fertilizer that releases nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium depending on soil temperature. The 18-6-12 (8 to 9 month term) formulation is recommended for this area. Osmocote is also available with trace elements added in a product with the name of Sierra 17-6-10 Plus Minors Controlled Release Fertilizer

There! Your rose garden is ready for spring, but remember your work is far from over. If spring is near then summer can't be far behind. Read our summer article at RoseGarden-How-To. com to learn how

to prepare your roses for the coming summer heat.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Home-based business we are family

Is a home-based business more profitable than working for someone else? Probably not – at least not initially.

Let me present a comparison for employment in the corporate world vs. home-based business employment.

In Favor of Corporate Employment

Perks such as insurance and vacation.

Stability in the form of a regular paycheck and designated hours.

Interaction with other office personnel.

Very little risk is required.

You may not need to be a decision maker

In Favor of Home-Based Business

The satisfaction of developing something unique to your personality.

The courage to accept risk and give life to your dream.

Are on hand to help in family emergencies.

The joy of determining your own course and making your own decisions.

Interaction with family.

Perks such as personally meeting a need for both customer and family.

I’m happy to say the entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well in home-based businesses. More and more people are leaving the corporate world in favor of the hard work associated with a home-based business. The risks are dwarfed by the rewards in most cases and families are fighting to find a way to connect in a greater way.

In times past one income may have been sufficient to meet the needs of most families. However, time and taxes have a way of making two incomes something more than just a luxury in the 21st century.

Moms especially may find themselves very interested in a way that will allow them to interact with their children while bringing in income. Many have discovered that home-based businesses can offer the opportunity to be a stay-at-home parent and provide for the financial well being of the family.

Interestingly many of these new home-based business owners are also finding that some of the expenses they incurred in the corporate world are minimized. There is no commute expense, no specific wardrobe to consider and daycare is all but eliminated.

Some home-based business owners have found they can actually make less and still provide a greater overall benefit to the family income.

Many home-based business owners will also say that family communication and connections also improved once a home-based business was established.

I suppose some home-based businesses were developed as a means of reclaiming a sense of family unity – a defense mechanism if you will.

Whatever the reasons for home-based business development, the trend continues to grow as personal passion for a product or service is fused with the reclamation of family.

In the end, home-based business is a mechanism that is bringing families closer together. If for no other reason, this is reason enough to celebrate.

Combating cancer with a cup of tea

Generations of families in India and Asia have been turning to tea to cure what ails them. Back in the year 1191, a Zen priest penned a work entitled the Book of Tea, which told how green tea could benefit at least five vital organs, including the heart. At that time, green tea was thought to improve urinary and brain function, combat beriberi disease, and alleviate indigestion. In other words, green tea was considered to be a multi-purpose elixir, able to treat a wide variety of health problems.

But this ancient remedy has now found a place in modern scientific literature, thanks to a new wave of studies on the medicinal properties of green tea. While studies on human subjects have been inconclusive, initial evidence from the laboratory looks incredibly promising.

While green tea can be beneficial in attacking everything from high cholesterol to depression, it has perhaps gotten the most attention for its impact on cancer. In order to understand the significance of this, it is first necessary to have some knowledge of the disease of cancer itself.

Cancer: A Disease of the Genes

When cancer occurs, cells divide uncontrollably, meaning that the genes controlling cell growth have been damaged in some way. In fact, a gene has to mutate a number of times before a typical cell will change into a cancer cell.

Antioxidants are important because they can stop the enzyme activities that give rise to cancer. In essence, they repair DNA problems which have been caused by oxidants, or free radicals.

Green Tea—A Natural Antioxidant

Green tea has been considered a godsend for good health because it contains antioxidants known as catechins. These substances have been called impressive inhibitors of cancer growth. Here’s how they do it: lab tests show that they combat oxidants prior to cell injuries, stop the growth of tumor cells, and reduce the occurrence of tumors.

For instance, mice tumors were found to shrink when the lab animals ingested green tea. This phenomenon occurred whether the cancer affected the liver, the skin, or the stomach.

Green Tea and Cancer Prevention

In an article which appeared in the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, authors Santosh Katiyar and Hasan Mukhtar noted that the special properties found in tea can help prevent cancer, according to the experimental data available. This is significant, considering the wide availability of tea. As the authors recognize, tea is grown in about 30 different countries and it’s considered to be the most popular beverage worldwide.

Most scientific studies using tea have focused on the therapeutic effects of green tea. In these lab tests, the green tea is fed to mice as an extract in water or in a purified form. Green tea has even been found to have some positive medicinal effect before birth in the womb.

A Variety of Uses

Interestingly enough, medical research shows that the benefits of green tea are not limited to combating only one type of cancer. In fact, consuming green tea may help prevent the development of cancers of the stomach, lungs, esophagus, pancreas, liver, breast, and colon.

Still, even researchers admit that the reasons behind green tea’s broad therapeutic effects are not clear. A number of theories have been put forward—theories which require further investigation.

The Effects of Tea Drinking on Human Beings

Much of what we know about green tea’s effects comes from animal studies. While some research indicates that tea drinkers are less prone to cancer, other studies offer a conflicting view. This may be because there are a number of environmental factors which can contribute to the development of cancer, including diet, carcinogens in one’s living space, and the like.

Still, in China, where green tea is particularly popular, research results are encouraging. A study of more than 18,000 Chinese men found that tea drinkers were far less likely to experience stomach cancer than non-tea drinkers. Yet, a Netherlands study involving tens of thousands of men and women indicated there was no link between drinking tea and cancer prevention.

The Continuing Medical Debate

The debate over the health benefits of green tea continues at the highest levels of government and academia. For instance, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration asserts that green tea does not reduce the risk of breast, prostate, or any other type of cancer. The FDA also states that green tea does not reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

However, a study published in the fall of 2006 in the Journal of the American Medical Association directly contradicts the FDA’s contentions. That study indicated that drinking three or more cups of green tea could reduce the risk of death from heart disease.

Future Research Possibilities

Yet, there is a continued push toward additional research of the green tea phenomenon. For instance, the National Cancer Institute is especially interested in exploring the ability of green tea to prevent skin cancer. Researchers are examining the effects of both green tea in pill form and green tea creams applied directly to the skin.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Packaging faq answers to basic questions about packaging

* What are some creative packaging ideas that will stand out to my customers?

Creative packaging ideas are necessary in order for your products to stand out. Here are some tips for you to ponder upon:

- Go for unique designs and creations

- Use multiple colors, sizes and shapes, varying on a theme

- Make use of some colorful stickers

- Place it inside a box printed or wrapped with unusual designs

* What kind of decorative packaging is available?

Although there are several decorative packaging styles, the primary decorative packaging that is currently available is handcrafted wrapping paper. These commonly used, imported decorative papers make your product more attractive.

* How do you find a company to package your product?

It is important for you to find a credible company that will help you in the packaging of your product so that it will be noticed by buyers. The best thing for you to do is to visit the site of the leading search engines and find the noted companies that do such services.

* What are U. S. regulations for shipping food items?

U. S. Regulations are strictly implemented for the shipping of food items. This ensures the quality of the food products they are shipping. This is in accordance with the laws prescribed by the Food and Drug Administration or the FDA. The regulations include the following:

- Types of commodities covered

- Types of commodities exempted

- Registration

- Prior Notice of importation

* What are some tips for sending packages internationally?

When you send a package internationally, it is important that you follow certain procedures to secure your package so that it will arrive in good condition. Here are some of the procedures you need to follow:

- Be sure to fill out the packaging form completely and appropriately.

- Select the right box for your package.

- Pack the items tightly; you can put some cushioning inside the box for fragile products.

- Seal the package carefully.

- Buy insurance on your package so that you can make a claim in case of loss.

- Print the address correctly.

* Is any old cardboard box adequate for shipping in the U. S.?

U. S. shipping companies are firm when it comes to their shipping regulations. Old cardboard boxes are not adequate for shipping. Make sure that the boxes are in good shape with no damage at all. This is done for the protection of the product inside the box.

* What is the cheapest, most effective way to ship clothing?

So far, the most effective way for you to ship clothing at less cost is the ShurTuff Mailers. Shipping is easy because you can just wrap the clothing in tissue paper and you place it in this water-resistant mailer.

How to wear a hat

Many women shy away from wearing hats simply because they honestly believe that they would not be able to pull off wearing one. To some women, hats call too much attention to themselves. Some women, on the other hand, just do not know how to wear a hat. It is a shame, actually, because a hat is a fashion accessory that every woman should have in her wardrobe.

Now, why is that? Why should a hat or two be part of a woman’s wardrobe? One reason is that a hat is a great fashion accessory that can pull together an outfit and improve its overall look. The other reason is that a hat provides ample protection from the harmful rays of the sun, at a time when skin cancer is now a cause for fear and people are becoming aware of the dangers of exposing the skin to sunlight far too long.

In order to be able to pull off the look of an outfit with a hat, you only need to know how to wear one. The basic rule about wearing hats is that if you find the particular hat that you have got on quite comfortable and you feel confident about wearing it, then all other rules are canceled out. The most important thing about wearing hats is that you have to feel confident and comfortable with the hat you are wearing.

But if you are the type to pay attention to details, then read on.

One thing you should know about hats is that when you are shopping for a hat, you should pick a hat that matches the proportions of your face. You will be wearing your hat quite closely to your face and so the hat will draw attention to the features of your face. If your face is small, you should wear a small hat. If your face is wide, your hat should have a wide brim. A small hat on a wide face will make the face look wider; a big hat on a small face will drown the face.

The color of your hat should either complement or flatter your skin tone. If your skin is pale with rosy hues, then a pink or red or rust-colored hat would look nice on you. If your skin is dark or with yellow tones, you can wear just about any color hat but do try not to stick to just black.

If you are wearing solid colors, it would be nice to top off your outfit with a printed hat that combines together the colors you are wearing. You could also opt for a printed hat that provides a nice contrast to the colors of your outfit. Either way, your hat can make your outfit look nicer and much more interesting.

Try to avoid matching your hat’s material with the material of your top or your jacket. You may end up overdoing the look. If you are wearing a leather jacket, try to go for a contrast and wear a tweed pageboy hat instead of something made also of leather. If you are wearing a tweed jacket, maybe a knitted cap would tie your outfit up and make it work.

Playing with contrasts is also a good thing to do when you are wearing a man’s hat. If you want to wear a man’s hat, like a fedora, you can go whimsical on it and wear pretty and really feminine earrings to soften the look. And of course, a dash of bright or warm lipstick and lengthening mascara will further feminize the look with the otherwise masculine hat.

Going for a casual look with just jeans and a plain T-shirt? You can dress up your denims by wearing a hat, maybe a pageboy or a hat with a wide brim. The overall impression would be a look that is casual, effortless and yet certainly more lively and interesting to the eyes.

You can go ahead and experiment with the kinds and styles of hats that you may want to match up with your outfit. However, here are a few things you ought to avoid when wearing a hat.

Always wear your hat in front of your head, fitting snuggly with your forehead. Only little girls wear their hats to the back of the head.

Shun retro hats and baseball caps as much as possible. Retro hats are out of style because they are out of style, if you get the drift. A baseball cap, on the other hand, will pull your style grade down a couple of notches rather than upgrade it. Unless you are going for a jog in your sweats or getting some yard cleaning or gardening done, avoid wearing baseball cap.

Lastly, do not turn to your hat to save your outfit if you think you have made a mistake in pulling clothes from your closet. If you think you are underdressed or overdressed, leave the hat off because it will only call more attention to your clothes.

Hats are great fashion accessories. You should go and get yourself a hat right away.

Monday, June 20, 2016

So many choices for your flame resistant work wear

As a professional worker, you know that safety is often the key between a good job and a deadly job. Having the appropriate flame resistant work wear is one way to keep it safe by staying out of “hot” water – so to speak. There are many styles, choices, and designs specifically designed to appeal to the majority of reasons and whys a person may need such working attire.

There are so many reasons the professional man or woman may find it beneficial to have flame resistant work wear. The main consideration is the need, and of course, nothing best the most superior quality will suffice. With high quality you are guaranteed a work day were you rest assured you are safe and secure.

What names are there to consider when looking for high quality flame resistant work wear?

· Carhartt Flame Resistant Work Wear – This is one company that has a name and reputation for providing high quality working attire at affordable rates. Carhartt has a reputation in the industry that is second to none, and when the working class man or woman demand the best there is, the first name is often Carhartt.

· Excel FR / Excel FR Comfortouch – Excel FR has a couple of lines of flame resistant work wear for the professional wanting the everyday look of shirts and blouses with the added touch of bring fireproof. A very affordable solution.

· Nomex IIIA / Nomex Blend / Nomex® AP – This is another company specializing in the everyday look and feel with the added bonus you need. There are some very fashionable and stylish additions offered by the Nomex family of styles.

· FR Hi-Visibility / FR Hi-Visibility Rainwear – Both of these lines are great for those needing high visibility or increased visibility due to workplace conditions which often means these are great for construction workers or road crews. The tradition yellow vest is offered by this high quality working attire designer.

· Firewear / PBI Gold – These are two working apparel designers offering a line of fire resistance materials for everyday work shirts. These are stylish and often comfortable. However, when you need the added bonus, these shirts can save lives.

· Molten Metal Protection – There are often times men and women work around molten metal. Molten metal protection is vital. Even a splash can cause possibly fatal reactions. These molyen metal protection shirts are ideal for the man or woman working around a lot of hot metal.

· FR Disposables – Sometimes, having the FR apparel is great, and having disposable is even better. These are extremely cheap FR clothing perfect for any day or any use. These are awesome, safe, and easy to clean! Just toss in the appropriate disposal bin.

When you work near fire or molten metal, flame resistant work wear is a necessity. Whether you choose Carhartt, Excel, Nomex, FR, Firewear, PBI Gold, Molten Metal Protection, or FR disposables, you will be making an invest in not only your work but your life as well. After all, how much is your life worth? Buy protection to protect your most valuable asset – you.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Web conferencing is a benefit to business big or small

No matter what kind of job you have or business you own, it seems like meetings are just a fact of life. They are necessary to make sure vital information is shared and employees are kept in the loop, but they can be a major expense to the employer.

This is especially true for corporations that need to fly employees across the globe for face to face meetings with other employees or clients.

Well thanks to the internet and the latest innovations in communications technology, meetings can now be carried out over the internet via web conferencing. Today’s web conferencing solutions are state of the art thanks in part to the availability of high speed internet access.

Corporations can hold meetings and the employees don’t even need to leave their offices. All they need to do is hook into their web conferencing application which works just as well as actual in person meetings.

The savings in time and money to business owners is quite substantial when you add up travel time, overtime, and man hours away from the job to attend meetings in an offsite location.

Productivity and efficiency remain at peak levels and the company saves money all at the same time. It is no wonder web conferencing has taken the business world by storm.

It isn’t only big business that benefits. Small businesses and startups that work from home can now compete on a global scale thanks to web conferencing and the ability to communicate instantly with anyone on the planet that has access to internet technology.

There are a couple of options to consider when it comes to web conferencing. The choice will ultimately depend upon the budget of the company. In any case, the money saved by utilizing the web conferencing solution will pay for itself in no time.

For higher end solutions, there are full featured stand alone video web conferencing applications. For most small companies however, a simple web conferencing program can be initiated right over the internet which saves the expense of purchasing equipment and dedicated communication lines.

Web conferencing is a particular boon to those who work at home. It is relatively inexpensive to set up a web conferencing system utilizing a home computer and high speed internet line. Web conferencing provides a link to employees that work from home and gives those with a home business a more professional outward appearance.

Moving dilemmas consider storage facilities

Over the years people unconsciously acquire things. The clutter or excessive furniture, object d’ art, or books only get noticed when it is time to move. Then you have to find an answer to the problem. Well you can take everything with you, or donate things to family, friends, or charity, or have a garage sale, or put things into storage.

The modern solution is to put things you don’t want to use but cannot part with into a state-of-art storage facility. Many storage units have things like climate control, pest control to prevent destruction of stored items, as well as round the clock security.

When locating a storage unit keep in mind issues like will you need to take things out of storage often? If yes then choose a facility located close to where you live. Compute how much space you will actually need. Experts recommend taking a smaller space and filling it floor to ceiling rather than paying for space that will never be used. There are options like mini storage for really small loads. Think about whether you are storing antiques or paintings if yes, then look climate controlled storage.

Standard sizes of units are: 5x10; 10x10; 10x20; and 10x30. Find out how many items each kind can store. For example a 10x20 can hold most things from a two bedroom house while a 5x10 will hold a couch, chair, chest of drawers, small boxes, bicycles, and motorcycles.

Make a list of possible units. Find out how long they have been in operation and whether they have a solid reputation. Read all the rules and regulations. Some storage units allow 24 hr access while others have timings. Consider protecting your goods with sufficient insurance coverage.

Pack all the items to be stored in weather resistant strong boxes with padding like bubble wrap if there are breakables. Make a key list what each box contains and decide a priority list where by what you are unlikely to use will be stored at the bottom or back of the facility and what you may need to retrieve will be stored in front such that it becomes easily accessible.

The rent to be paid will be calculated on the size of the unit, the number of units available of the size you need, the term of lease, as well as facilities offered. Even storage facilities offer discounts so do ask. Clever negotiation can save you money. Many facilities charge in addition to rent, set up or processing fees as well as late fees if the rent is not paid within the stipulated time. Read the agreement carefully and seek answers to questions regarding security, insurance, the presence of an on site manager, adequate lighting, and ownership of the facility. Ask for references and check them out.

Meet the perfect online business

Have you heard the claims about having your own online business? "It's easy to do", they say. "You can make fantastic money" they claim. "You don't need experience to succeed" they boast.

But is that true? Are "they" right? Can you make serious money online without any specific experience and do it easily?

Yes ... and no.

The "no" part of my answer comes from the hard won experience I have earned after joining almost every program under the sun, and making nothing. Nada. Zip.

Oh, they sounded good but the reality was that I was always required to do something that I was not able to do in order to make it work. "Just write a book" or "just create a website" or "just make 25 sales calls a day" I was told after they had my money.

I'll bet you have been there too, so let's move on to the good stuff. I want you to meet the perfect online business.

The perfect online business is not so much one company or opportunity as it is a set of criteria you can use to find the perfect business for you. There are many businesses that meet all these criteria, and I would strongly suggest not settling for any business that does not meet them all.

Criteria 1 - A product people want, will buy and will benefit from owning

Don't miss the importance of this. There are three factors here and all have to be in place before your online business will become real and stable.

Your product must be something people want because people buy with emotion. Always have, always will. But more than just wanting it they must want it enough to take action, to buy it from you. I want to own a villa in Spain but I can't act on that desire ... yet!

And then of course the product must fulfill the promise of benefit. That can mean a variety of things to different people, but the bottom line is that your product must perform as expected.

Find a product or products that do that and you have taken the first step toward finding your perfect business.

Criteria 2 - A large market of people who will spend money on the type of product you offer

This is vital, and often missed when evaluating a business. If you offer a product people want and will buy but the size of the market you reach is too small success will be elusive.

This is just common sense, but it is often overlooked. Far easier to earn $1 from a million people than to earn a million dollars on one sale. Just ask the people who sell villas in Spain!

Criteria 3 - Absolutely no need to do anything you are not prepared or qualified to do

Here again, common sense that is often overlooked. If you are forced out of your comfort zone by just getting into a business, how can you reasonably expect to succeed in that business? Answer: you can't.

Now don't get me wrong - we all need to grow and stretch. But I'm talking about something different here. I'm talking about doing things that you don't want to do, like make "cold" calls, or answering questions on the phone or trying to "recruit" strangers or your family members.

If you can't hold your head high and describe your business proudly to your best friend, find another opportunity.

Criteria 4 - A team who will support you and help you grow in your success

This is vital as well. Being in business for yourself does not mean being in business by yourself. Many online entrepreneurs fail because they become isolated and discouraged.

Aligning yourself with the right team means encouragement when you need it, having someone to celebrate your successes with and having real people help you learn any new skills you want to take on.

Let me encourage you with this. There are many businesses that meet the criteria above and will provide you with the time and money freedom you want and deserve.

Don't settle for less than a company that offers products you can be proud of, being offered to a market large enough to help you achieve rich rewards, and one that supports you as you deserve.

Find those things and you will have met your perfect online business.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Football trading profits review - good or bad

I decided to write this Football Trading Profits review after seeing the system in action. Can it really turn novice traders into master punters? Is it really possible to make betting your sole source of income and still pay your bills on time? In this brief review I will answer these questions, along with some others you may have. Ultimately, my goal is to give you a good idea whether or not Football Trading Profits is a system that is worth your time and effort.

The first thing that I noticed about Football Trading Profits was all of the testimonials listed on the website. It seems as though everyone had made up for the cost of the manual ($107) in just a couple of trades. In fact, people from all over the world had put the strategies set forth in the manual to work, and it seemed like all of them had experienced the same level of astronomical success!

Football Trading Profits is an easy to understand system that can work for everyone. From the most experienced to trader to the person who has been at it for as little as a week, the program is beneficial to everyone. In detail, the guide goes over hate a betting exchange is and how they operate, crucial concepts you need to know, everything you need to know in order to turn a profit, where the best betting exchange websites are and how to use them to make serious money.

When all things are considered, Football Trading Profits is the only system out there I feel comfortable recommending to friends and family. It’s useful to every football better out there, and everyone can use the system to make more money. Literally, it’s the most powerful program available today, and I strongly suggest looking into it.

Creating return customers

While one sale is great, aren't multiple sales better? And what is even better than multiple sales, is if the same customers keep returning to purchase again and again. These are known as repeat customers.

Repeat customers are often referred to in the business world as the best, perhaps because they are considered among the easiest sell of all. They already know what you have to offer and how your business is run. Plus they already have a deep trust in you and your products.

The question is, how do you turn that one time customer into a repeat customer? Here are some popular ways today:

1) Mailing Lists - Mailing lists are a crucial part of any business, if you don't have your own, it's high time you start one. Your customers should be placed in your mailing lists, of course, only with their permission. Then regularly send your subscribers articles about your industry along with timely news and product / service updates.

Everyone loves freebies, and free information is the best… so keep your newsletter free. This allows you to instill trust and establish yourself as an expert in your particular field.

2) Product Themes - So, you've sold a product that is categorized in a specific niche. Now, you want to sell more. The key to this is creating a theme of that niche. You will find it far easier to sell your customers on something related, yet different to the products they've already purchased, than something completely different altogether.

This doesn't mean you have to find a new field of expertise, simply make sure products are somehow interconnected and provide a smooth transition. For example, if you were trying to sell a product about improving your home-based business, you could try to cross sell products that focus on the topic of time management and business organizational tips.

3) One Site, One Stop - Having all your products grouped together categorically on your website, makes things so much easier. This way you can introduce new products, as well as maintain the older ones within your niche. Plus it makes spreading the word about your product line that much easier with everything all together in one place.

4) Remain in Contact – Don’t just reach out to customers when there is a problem. Communicate over time offering news, free stuff, links to articles that could help them with their businesses, etc. And don’t forget you can reach out through the telephone, Skype, Yahoo or other messenger services and other ways, too.

You can also use the same methods to ask for testimonials or feedback on products and services. By keeping your clients and prospects involved in your business through suggestions, feedback and testimonials, you are ensuring that they will remain loyal and satisfied customers.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Marketing your web site - part 3 - using email e-books letterhead and magazines

Using Email to market your web site

This is a very touchy subject. One that needs to be addressed and that you need to understand. Email marketing falls into three categories. First is simple, you place a signature line in your email program that automatically adds your signature block to each out going email. This signature line identifies your web site and a brief tag line or catch phase. Every time you respond or send an email, your signature advertises your business. No problems with that. However, the next two types of email marketing are very touchy.

By now, everyone has heard of SPAM. Your definition may be different from mine and from the governments. However, you look at it, SPAM is unwanted email. Now email marketing requires that we send emails to our potential customers. This can be done either with or without their permission. Sending email without the permission of the recipient put us in a bad light. Often resulting is negative feelings and responses from the recipient. This is bad for business. If you piss off the potential customer, well.... they are no longer a potential customer as they have deleted you email and won't be visiting your site. You have wasted valuable time and money. So, the only people you will be sending any marketing emails to will be those that have requested information from you or have agreed to receive information from you. This is called permission based email.

Where can you find people who are willing to receive your emails? First provide a place on your web site to gather the names and addresses of your visitors. Offer them something in exchange, such as a free publication, or your newsletter, or something else of potential value to them. Let them know when they sign up that you will from time to time be sending them information. Include in the email a means to unsubscribe at any time. As people sign up you are building your email list which you can market to as often as you like. I wouldn't recommend more than twice a month.

There are other web sites that maintain a list of people who want to hear from your. This permission based method is usually based on a particular subject matter. Such as hobbies, business ideas, child care etc. You can find them on the web by searching for mailing list.

Emails are an inexpensive way to keep in touch with your customers. If you have a brick and motor store, try to get the email addresses of your current customers and add them to the list as well. You will be surprised at how much extra business can come from a personalize email about a special you are offering for their support over the last year etc.

Using E-books to market your web site

What can your own E-zine or E-book do for your business or web site? How about:

Sell more products or services. An e-zine/e-book can increase your credibility, making it easier to sell your product or service as well as those of others in which you have a stake.

Attract more affiliates to help sell your products or services. This form of advertising is viral in it approach. E-zines and e-books get passed from person to person. Creating more interest which makes people want to jump on board and become part of that success.

Establish yourself as an expert in your field, creating more 'believability' and trust.

People don't buy from strangers. With you e-zine or e-book you become better known to them. When the time comes they need or want your products or services, there's no question who they'll buy them from -- YOU!

Show your visitors and clients everything you can really do for them, maximizing your sales efforts.

Build a base of customers who are ready to hire you, buy from you, evangelize for you and create more fans for you.

Effortlessly spread the word about your business via "viral marketing."

Create new revenue streams from selling ad space and recommending other products that you're an affiliate of. See our affiliate page for more information.

Become a recognized publisher. Have others writing your articles, advertisers paying for exposure in your publication.

Here is an IMPORTANT point, capture the email addresses of your Web site visitors, gaining permission to market to them over and over again and multiple chances closing the sale. Not to mention the sales of other products or services.

Keep in touch with all of your customers, prospects, and associates — on a regular basis.

Simple tips for creating e-zines and e-books

Package your knowledge on a regular basis into tips and articles that can be reprinted in other publications for tons of additional exposure and traffic. There are thousands of ebooks and e-zines in publication today. Most are specialized in a particular segment of the web or interest. When you find an ebook/ezine that reaches the people that may be interested in your product or service. Contact them to see if they take outside articles. If they do, send them an article or two that you may have written. Include information on your business and its web site If they publish your article, your name and web site will be listed. This is a great way of getting free advertising and traffic to your site.

Another way to get articles for your e-books is to find someone to write them for you. Much like the process above but in this case you are the one publishing the material. Use your web site, chat rooms, forums etc to advertise for articles.

Save thousands of dollars printing and postage by producing your newsletter online instead of printing it. Adobe Writer is a good program for your e-books and any email program can be used for e-zines.

We have several resources in our download area on ebook. One of the better programs for creating ebooks is Deadeasy although not free it makes a great tool for creating ebooks. If you would like more information on Deadeasy, click here.

Using Letterhead to market your web site

Every business uses paper to correspond with its customers, vendors and other businesses. Many small businesses and home based businesses today use the computer a and a word processor to generate this correspondence whether it be printed or electronic we all do. So how can we use this correspondence to market our business? Simple, create a letterhead template and make it your default document when ever you create a business related correspondence.

In your letterhead template make sure you have your website address and you company slogan (if you have one) prominently displayed. I have even seem some letterhead lately that simply has the website address listed and no physical address as many companies are Internet based or figure that you will have access to the Internet and can visit their site to look up the street address if needed. This is actually a clever move, in that it get you to visit the site, which is what our marketing is trying to do to begin with.

Using Magazines to market your web site

Those articles that you wrote or had written for your business can also be sent to magazine and newspapers for publication. Each one that is printed is free advertisement for your business that last for years. Just think how many issues are passed around from person to person before they end up in the trash. I saw several magazines at the Laundromat that were from 1996-1998 that people were still reading. You can do a search on the web for publications in your area of expertise. Visit their web sites and find the editors email address. Be sure to find out the policy for submitting an article for publication and follow it. Some editors don’t like it when the mail box is full of unsolicited articles that do not conform to their policies and will just trash the email instead of replying to you.

Casino affiliate programs backing the house as a casino affiliate

If you have ever fallen foul of losing at online games and at the casino tables of the virtual and real worlds, you may want to get a measure of revenge. Without sabotage or any other extreme revenge, any person with online access can actually choose to work with the casinos rather than against them, in order to earn money. Rather than risk your own money in order to gain from the casinos, through affiliate programs you can actually earn in conjunction with the casinos. As an affiliate marketer you can use your website to capitalise on the failures of other players, without having to chance your hand at all.

It may sound unethical or even illegal but it is a very simple and widespread practice. In the affiliate marketing program website owners simply have to host adverts baring links to large casino sites. If people click on these links and sign up then you are automatically added to the casinos affiliate list. From here on in a website owner will earn a percentage of the player's money generated. You earn money every time they lose, it is not a pleasant fact but that is the truth of it. If you have succumbed to a casino it is a way of getting back some of that revenue, without engaging in financial combat with the casino in games that fall heavily in their favour. The positive derived from this for all affiliates is that you can phrase your website as you choose, even offering warnings if that is what you would prefer about the dangers of gambling. Most people who join sites are looking to find them therefore; in essence they were liable to invest their money in the casinos anyway. So as an affiliate you are taking some of that profit away from the casino and plundering it into a more worthy cause.

Despite moral question marks the affiliate program is in itself a thriving market, with people benefiting from hand me downs from the casinos all over the world. On the other foot, online casinos are also experiencing phenomenal growth and finding new and exciting ways to retain the guests that affiliates work so hard to locate. Once the affiliate hands over a guest their job is essentially done, therefore the fate of their potential money lies in the hands of the success of the player, or lack there of. The more players an affiliate can attract the more profit they are liable to make. Any affiliate joining a casino knows that the odds are firmly on their side, so why risk competing with casinos when you can make more money backing them. Like sleeping with the enemy, casino affiliate programs are a testament to the entrepreneurial spirit that has engulfed the Internet boom.

The top 10 romantic weekends for two

No matter what anyone says, romance is not dead. More and more couples are choosing to take romantic weekends away in order to spend time together and keep their relationships healthy. Who can blame them when varied working hours and commitments prevent them from spending quality time together at home? There are many romantic locations around the world but very few have the complete package.

If you are looking for that perfect romantic weekend for two, look no further than the top ten romantic weekends away below!

1. Sorrento – Located on the Bay of Naples, Sorrento is a haven for couples that want to inject a bit of romance back into their lives. It is a popular location for couples choosing to get married abroad, which exemplifies the loving atmosphere of the city. There are quaint restaurants, guided tours and architectural gems to visit. Bellevue Syrene Hotel Sorrento has excellent facilities and unbridled luxury for couples wanting a special weekend away together.

2. Hawaii – Hawaii is an extremely beautiful state of America, with plenty to see and do. The culture is different, lifestyle is extremely relaxed, and most tourists are drawn into this lazy atmosphere. The fantastic little eateries combined traditional Hawaiian food with modern delights – perfect for a romantic dinner for two! The Maui Seaside Hotel is just one of the great places you can stay, and the restaurant in that hotel is a delight for the senses!

3. Monaco – Unlike other romantic weekend breaks, the romantic air around Monaco is concentrated on glamour and money. The air of opulence inspires romance due to activities such as boat trips in the harbour, shopping in exclusive boutiques and sunbathing on beautiful beaches. The hotels mirror the wealth of the country too. Columbus Hotel Monaco is just one of them that provide top quality facilities that allow you to live in the lap of luxury for the weekend.

4. Venice – There is nothing like taking a gondola on the canals of Venice to inject romance and passion into a relationship. Venice is a beautiful city that offers excellent facilities to shop and sightsee. There are also many cafes and restaurants that provide excellent food and romantic candlelit meals for two. It is a popular destination with couples for that reason. The San Clemente Palace specializes in romantic weekends with great hospitality and luxurious suites for couples.

5. Paris – Paris is the capital of romance largely as a result of the French attitude to love. For example, the Four Seasons Hotel George V offers luxury suites designed for romancing your partner and will book tours and restaurants for couples wanting the best out of their romantic weekend. The whole city has an air of romance that is very rare and is a favourite resort for lovers as a result. A couple can eat in the best restaurants, takes boat trips on the Seine, visit museums and take strolls through the city. There is plenty to do, but every activity only seems to be worthwhile if you share it with a loved one.

6. Madrid – As a city dominated by the Renaissance, Madrid is extremely romantic. There are gorgeous old buildings with breathtaking architecture to feast your eyes on and explore. It is also a centre for the arts, especially the opera and poetry, which is enough to ignite anyone’s passions. The Vincci Soho Hotel is just one of the many hotels you can choose from, most of which actually offer high quality service whilst respecting your privacy.

7. Malta – Malta is an extremely old country with much of its original architecture intact. It has a host of markets, parades and eating places to help you sample the culture. The natural beauty of the country combined with its rural, friendly nature gives love a chance to blossom without distractions. The Corinthia Marina Hotel in St George’s Bay has a view of the sea and exhibits that beauty perfectly.

8. Killarney – Killarney in Ireland may not sound romantic but is the perfect setting for a romantic weekend for two. It is labelled the most beautiful region in Ireland because it offers spectacular natural scenery that should be enjoyed with a loved one. It is a quaint area, unlike the bustling city of Dublin, that allows you to focus your attentions on the one you are with when you visit. A stay at the Victoria House Hotel will you give you the best of both worlds – nature on one side and the city on the other.

9. Marseille – Located in the South of France, Marseille effectively combines the old with the new generation societies. There are beaches, tours of the city and excellent little cafes to sample. The city is a haven for romance because the lifestyle is unhurried and the relaxing atmosphere gives you time to bask in the attentions of your partner. Hotels offering apartments rather than rooms, like the Citadines Prado Castelanne Apart Hotel, also give you the privacy you need to enjoy the break.

10. Florence – As far as culture is concerned, Florence has it all. The architecture, art and opera all serve to heighten your passionate stay. Little cafes litter the streets and provide good food for any couple to enjoy, and the specialist shops serve to make the city appear exclusive to its visitors. The President Hotel, for example, can also give you that impression. It is luxurious, which is just what you need when going on a romantic weekend for two!

Any of the places listed above can help to inject a little romance into your life. They all allow you to relax and rediscover what is really important. So can you really afford to miss out on a perfect romantic weekend for two?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Carhartt pants and shorts for the career man or woman

As a career-minded individual, you expect more from your work wear. No matter what you choose to wear, you must be at the top of your game at all times. This means you depend on your work wear to provide more than you need so that it withstands the often abusive atmosphere of your job site. Carhartt pants and shorts just happen to be the preferred favorite of career-minded men and women across the country.

What do Carhartt pants and shorts offer that others do not?

Well, it is more important to discuss the fact that many work wear designers offer superior quality at affordable rates. This is not a difficult task because, after all, you do demand the best as do millions of other workers across the country. Liberty, Redkap, SanMar, Walls Industries, and Dickies all offer superior quality with each piece of working apparel they sell. However, Carhartt pants and shorts fill a niche that makes this a designer you can trust for all your work apparel needs.


Carhartt pants or shorts are available that are of the highest construction available on the market today. Each pair of trousers you purchase is durable, reliable, and versatile adding additional functionality. Even want more? The additional pockets are super! You get the ability to look great and work perfectly without worrying about your apparel ripped at the seams of tearing at the knees.


With each pair of Carhartt pants or shorts you will find unmatchable flexibility. This is perfect for those men and women needing to move and bend while working. Flexibility is the key to a long lifespan for your apparel. Of course, you probably do not want stretch pants, but the material used adds enough flexibility you will find yourself avoiding rips and tears.


Comfort is extremely important when you are at the workplace. You do not want waistbands that pinch your abdomen, and you do not want legs or thighs that are simply too tight. Finally, no one likes walking on the back of their hem. Ugh! With this awesome and superior work wear, you will discover you do not need to worry about your apparel at all. Simply put it on, and then forget it for the day!


There is nothing quite like having work wear that actually makes your job easier. Carhartt pants and shorts have a lot of extra room meaning you will have increased functionality in your workplace. This can be beneficial to you and your advancing career. Carry that something extra in your spacious pockets, or find other useful methods of carrying what you need, but the truth is these are definitely going to make your job easier.

When you purchase working clothing for your wardrobe, you are making a decision to increase who you are in your workplace environment. No matter what your job or career, you will find that these useful trousers are perfect for any day and any temperature. If you are lucky, you may just find you have a pair of trousers that convert to shorter trousers with the zip of zipper.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Foreclosure home investing

Many people have set their sights upon foreclosure home investing because it is so very profitable. There are hundreds of people in every state that buy foreclosed homes and sell them for profits. This has been proven as a great way for anybody to make money in the real estate industry. If this sounds like something that is interesting, you are in luck. The best part about it is that anyone, given enough capital, can take a shot at this kind of investing.

Its easy to get starting in foreclosure home investing. The first step that you must take before getting started is obvious; you will need to determine what you can afford. By setting your budget, you will ensure yourself of staying within your limits and never over extending your means. The best thing to do is only look at properties that are within your budget. This will go along way in making sure that you do not get enticed by a property that you cannot afford.

After you have set your budget, you will want to determine that areas are appropriate for foreclosure home investing. In other words, if you live in the city, you may not want to buy a home that is two hours away and in the middle of a farm land. But on the other hand, you may be looking for a change of pace and decide that the best situation for you is to find a property that is not like the other ones that you own. There are no hard and fast rules for where you should buy foreclosed properties. It all comes down to personal preference, and what you think will fit in best with your current situation.

One of the most important things you can do is find homes in the area that you are targeting. There are three common ways that you can do this. First off, many people begin by searching the newspapers. This is only natural because people believe that this is the best place to get free information. There is another group of people that prefer to call the lender directly on the phone to obtain property listings. Again, this is free and you can get a lot of listings at once. Finally, there are hundreds of online services that you can join that will be able to supply you with foreclosed properties in your area. Even if you pay a small monthly fee to use the service, imagine the savings you will have by being able to hand pick the very best homes that interest you.

How to throw a poker run

My first motorcycle was a 1957 Harley Davidson. When I found the bike for sale I had no money, but I knew I needed to have this motorcycle. So I came up with a way to raise the money and throw a great party at the same time. I threw a Poker Run. The concept of the game is easy. Each person tries to make the best 5 card poker hand.

The way it is played is, each bike has to ride along a planed rout, every few miles there are checkpoints at each checkpoint along the way each bike must stop and receive a card. Along the rout there are 7 checkpoints, and at the end the rider with the best 5 card poker hand wins the prize

Over the years the poker run has been adopted to lovers of many different hobbies.

The poker run was originally an event bikers played on their Harley's, but over the years it has been borrowed by boaters and even runners.

Throwing a poker run is fairly simple but takes time and some not to hard work. The first thing you need to do is get approval from the towns that your poker run will go thru. There may be some paperwork and fees.

You will also need to make sure that at the end of the run is at a park or event hall. Depending on where you live you may also need a permit for the park.

Next you will need riders. By figuring out how much you want to have for the prize money and how much the part after the poker ride will cost you can figure out how many riders you will need and how much the entrance fee will be, but it should be no more then $100 per bike.

The next thing you will need to do is register riders. The best way to do this is to make a website, go to biker bars and biker events in your area. If you live in New York don’t go to Daytona Bike week to sign up riders, most people will not travel that far for a poker run. Try to get locals.

After you have registered the riders you now have to plan for the party. Along with registering riders for your poker run you should also sell tickets so friends and family can join in the party after the ride is over and the poker winner is declared.

The best way to advertise the party is on a local radio station and with posters around town. The more people you can get the more money you will have for a prize and for whatever cause you are trying to raise money for.

You can either, buy your own food and get some friends to help cook or you can look in the phonebook for a caterer and you should be able to find a caterer who will throw you a great BBQ.

Then all you need to do is wait for the big day and enjoy all the bikes, poker, beef and beer.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Can the source of existence be a thing

The following is my ponderance on the Source of existence. It is not a definitive article. It is just an expression of my own thoughts.

The question for ponderance is: Can the Source of existence be a thing?

If the source of existence is a tangible thing, then who is the creator of this Being or thing call the Source?

So can the Source be a thing or an object? Can the Source be tangible? If the Source can be an object, then how can it be the ultimate? Because if it is an object/thing/Being, then who is the creator of this object/thing/Being? If it is an object, by conventional rationalisation, there must be a creator for this object. If it is not so, can a thing or an object be already self-existing? This is indeed a very profound and paradoxical question.

My opinion is that when we try to interpret the Source with our mind, we are in fact trying to imagine/conceptualise the ungraspable. And by this very action of our conceptualisation, Source becomes a concept/idea and in our mind it becomes 'objectified' and conceptualised. Metaphorically speaking, it is like a dog trying to bite its own tail. We will be going round and round in circles and still no sight of the Source can be seen.

From my understanding and opinion, there is in reality no creator-creation division. It is an optical, perceptual and experiential illusion...a matrix so to speak. Observer(me) and the being observed (other) is a hypnotic thought... creating the appearance of 'me and other'.. This is quite hard to explain. The closest analogy is that life experience is like a dream of an individual self. When in actual fact, the individual self is a dream character within the tapestry of existence. The experience of an individual interacting with his/her environment is an impression.

Thank you for reading. I hope it has been interesting for you.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

The ten most common spyware threats

You've heard the phrase "know thy enemy." Well, here are your most common spyware enemies (source:FaceTime Security Labs). Don't be fooled - spyware is not a game. It costs individuals and corporations millions of dollars each year. Spyware can be used to watch your surfing habits, steal credit card information, or just be a nuisance. In any case, it's a royal pain. Know they enemy.

1. Gator - Gator is installed by users as a password vault. That means that passwords can be recalled for you automatically when visiting sites. The trade-off for this service is that you have to endure pop-ups when visiting certain sites. Claria, the maker of Gator, has cleaned up its act a little by labeling the pop-up ads, but they're still annoying.

2. CoolWebSearch - This has got to be one of the most notorious browser hijackers out there. This is the name given to a program with many different variants that redirect users to coolwebsearch. com or datanotary. com. Uninstallation can be extremely complex. Users shouldn't try to manually remove this software.

3. 180SearchAssistant - This software either serves ads in pop-ups or pops up website windows based on your keyword searches. This software usually comes bundled with other "freebie" type software installs like emoticons or wallpaper. Newer versions of the software have an add/remove program uninstall item.

4. Huntbar - Now here's an annoying piece of software. Huntbar installs a toolbar onto internet explorer and windows explorer windows. It changes your home page and search page settings to point to their servers. If you use another search engine, Huntbar will redirect you to theirs. Great stuff. Oh, and it puts a 15% drain on memory resources.

5. Cydoor - This software usually comes with P2P software, ie. peer to peer. Again, it barrages you with a series of pop up advertisements. It also tracks usage information.

6. ISTbar - Yet another nice, unwanted piece of software. ISTbar does "drive-by" install via ActiveX and javascript. Basically, that means that you visit a site and it tries to install itself to your computer. Nice, huh. The Activex control installs a toolbar that pushes information to my-internet. info and blazefind. com.

7. WhenU-DesktopBar - Displays advertising content. Monitors internet traffic, collects search profiles, and can execute code from a remote server using its update feature only. Relevant searches may cause it to display a special offer, coupon, or other advertising content. The adware may also display advertisements.

8. New. Net - New. Net is a company that sells domain names for "nonstandard" top-level domains. It should be removed pronto.

9. IEPlugin - As the name implies, it installs a toolbar in Internet Explorer. It tracks web site usage, form items (like names, addresses, etc. - ie. yikes!), and local filenames that are browsed. It's invasive - remove it.

10. BargainBuddy - Bargain Buddy used to be everywhere. It is distributed by BullzEye Network. And it sets up a Browser Helper Object (BHO) and monitors your computer usage. It then, you guessed it, pushes advertisements your way based on that usage.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How does student loan consolidation work

Nowadays, the cost of higher education is getting more and more expensive. Some families may not be able to afford to send their son or daughter for further education. Getting a student loan will help.

There are 2 broad categories of student loans available. Government student loans and private student loans

Government or federal student loans are funded and administered by the US Department Of Education. It is classified under Federal Student Loans Aid Program. They have very few requirements other than you are studying in a US college or university. International students may also apply though approval is on a case by case basis.

Every year, the student loan aid program disburse nearly 60 billion dollars so it is a good choice for get a student loan from the government. Thus the interest rates are pretty low.

Private student loans are funded and administered by banks and other financial institutions. These lenders provide student loans at a higher interest rate compared to federal student loans. Some common student loans available are from Citibank and Sallie Mae

You are allowed to apply for both private and federal student loans for your education needs although I would not recommend it.

For some students who have a few student loans to repay concurrently, it can be a financial drain on their family finances. That is where student loan consolidation comes in.

Student loan consolidation basically consolidates all your student loans into one loan so that it is easier to manage and make payments. When you are getting a student loan consolidation whether from the government or the private market, your existing student loans are paid for and erased by the student loan consolidation lender. The balances are transferred to the new student loan consolidation. Thus you start a new loan and only needs to make a single payment each month.

There are many advantages to using student loan consolidation. The interest rates will be lower since it takes the average interest rates of your previous student loans. Thus due to government legislation, the maximum interest rate cannot be higher than 8.25 percent.

It becomes a lot easier to manage a single student loan and payment are easier. The repayment options are quite flexible. For federal student loan consolidation, you can opt to start repaying after you have graduated from school. There are also several other options.

Another beneficial side-effect of student loan consolidation is that it can also improves your credit score. Since you are effectively clearing all your old student loans and taking a new one, your credit score will increase and is important if plan to take other types of loans in the future.