Monday, October 31, 2016

Dirt bikes which are believed sound for the environment

Both of these are fairly simple to accomplish, depending upon whether you are paying attention or not, when you ride dirt bikes. Following a few themes in the heat of the instant, however, will land you safely without scares happening anywhere along the trail or in your mind.

Go with a 4 stroke dirt bike

If you have been considering moving up to a four stroke motor think about the environs and safety as a selling point. When a 2 stroke dirt bike careens up a jump it is prone to explosive bursts of power because of its fuel/oil mixing needs. A 4 stroke motor is a fair bit more sizeable and needs an oil pump to get everything lubed so the power ratios experienced are quite a bit smoother. Finally this gives the ground a bit of a breather because the nobby tires don't throw quite as much dirt and the air takes a breather because the power spikes are more efficient when you ask for the power. From a safety point of view going with a four stroke makes the bike easier to handle as you manage the bike because your more sure that you'll get the power you ask for and not the power that may show up unexpectedly.

4 stroke for the trails

The power management aspects of a four stroke engine will help the environment when you are on the trails as well. If you have a fairly good idea of what power you are going to get when you ask for it you can back off and then reestablish it as trail conditions permit. If, for instance, you see a good sized puddle on the trail you could go flying through it at full throttle (which might be fun but environmentally irresponsible) or you could back off a bit and ride around the edges at a responsible speed to reestablish a strong position where the trail is a bit firmer.

How much pressure

Think about how much pressure you are using in your tires as you hit the trails. What sort of soil or substrate are you going to be riding on that particular day? Just because they call them dirt bikes doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to be riding on dirt all day every day. Now does it? If you are heading out to the sand dunes consider your tire pressure before during and after you ride that day. Reducing the pressure for that day may make the riding better for that day, but what about the nest day when you head for a firmer substrate? If you don’t stay on top of where and when you are riding you will not only destroy your tires but spend more on gas and send more pollutants into the air.

Check out the gear

Sure you want to look dope on the bike but safety is a good thing to. There is little use in looking good when you ride if the only person that is going to enjoy how you look is the ER nurse. When you pad up consider the materials that you are wearing. Polymer products do the job for joints and head nicely but they are after all oil based products. Heck, just about everything is a polymer base these days, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to always use it for safety protection. First, stick with the head gear that works, don’t skimp here or anywhere for that matter. When to look around and think, however, is in the ballistic and extremity areas. Here, think about spun fibers and what they offer instead of going for the hard polymer choice. These products are flexible and can give the protection you need if the right choices are made. The environment will thank you with one karma point.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Your old car can be as good as new with 9006 hid

Let your 1998 Lexus GS sport be a superstar and dazzle. A pair of 9006 HID headlamps will do the trick. Go get your conversion kit and coast around town, but be sure to care for your HID bulbs.

It’s your car’s turn for a makeover

When your car’s headlights are eclipsed by brighter lights, it’s time for a change. Your nine-year-old car can once again regain its former glory. Just opt for a purplish or greenish glow and you’re all set. A 9006 HID kit will make your car’s makeover easy. In the muscle department, your 9006 HID bulb was designed to cope with wear and tear, water, and earthquake. In the looks section, the light has been tested for true color. On the speed ticker, the bulbs can respond immediately to rapid on and off switching.

Your kit will contain two 9006 HID Xenon bulbs, two 9006 HID 35W Ballasts, 2 steel HID ballast harnesses, and four steel screws. The ballast is a showcase of German and Japanese hardware – Siemens and Panasonic. There is no cut and splice here. Once installed, plug it in and you’re good to go.

But nothing lasts forever, even your car

When you have installed your 9006 HID follow these simple reminders if you want your HID lamps to last longer:

• Use only approved ballasts or your HID bulb will peter out soon.

• Cool down before you turn the bulb on and off.

• Correct your burn position or plane. Have the headlamps checked if they are direct on the pinch. It is recommended that you have horizontal burn positioning to avoid overheating.

• In handling the systems, be sure your hands are free from grease or dirt as these will affect the UV shield and the burner.

• Be sure that your 9006 bulb fits into your headlight housing. If the housing is too small, it may cause the bulb to overheat. If it is too loose, vibrations may damage the bulbs.

As a precaution, get an experienced mechanic to install the system. He has the right tools and the experience. Unless you have the skill and the know-how, you shouldn’t try installing your 9006 HID kit by yourself.

Glimmer while the going is hot

When you’ve got it, flaunt it. Your 9006 HID bulbs will show off its beam. You can offset the glare too by correcting your beam pattern. Drive around town or to the next state. No cop will be after you because you 9006 HID headlamps are street legal.

You can also have the interiors of your car lighted up with precision-engineered HID bulbs. The same HID technology will work well to provide you better illumination, so inside and out, you can see your way very well.

Your 1998 Lexus GS will be at par with other newer cars on the night road. Have your car tuned-up and oiled regularly for better performance. Have the brakes checked too. Enjoy your car’s total performance for all time driving. Just make sure you get a full warranty for your 9006 HID headlamps.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Your first steps to becoming a writer

What's the first step to becoming a writer? You'd think it would be "write", but it's not. In speaking to other writers and from what I know of my own journey to becoming a writer, I've come to realize that the biggest obstacle for new writers is that they don't think of themselves as writers. They have trouble developing the belief that they are writers and yet it's something you have to do. When you haven't developed that belief, that conviction, it becomes a source of sabotage--you don't value your work enough to give it the time and the space it needs. How do you come to think of yourself as a writer, especially when you're not earning a paycheck as a writer? Here are a few tips:

What Happens When You Write?

If you want to be a writer, I'm assuming you feel you have something to say and a strong desire to say it. You may not know how you're going to say it or in what form (poetry, novel, essay, etc.) but you know something is there. Okay, you pick up your pencil or pen or you sit down to your computer or typewriter. Write something. Whatever you write, just make sure your heart is in it. It doesn't have to be perfect, it doesn't have to be neat. It does have to be expressive.

Next, as painful as it may be, you have to show this writing to someone. It can be a friend, it can be a family member. Then, pay attention to what happens. Did the person reading your work cry, laugh or get angry? If so, you did that! It means you can have an effect with your writing. It's worth something. You have to keep going!

A teenager recently wrote to me concerned because she's writing fiction and she's worried her mother will read it and get upset because she thinks it's stuff the teenager really did. On the one hand, that is a bummer to have to explain yourself to your mother, but on the other hand--wow, that means the young lady's work is believeable and effective. That kind of feedback is hard to ignore. It's powerful motivation to keep you going--if you take the time to notice and honor that it's happening. I once had a writer say to me, "I don't know if my stuff is any good. I just know that when people read it, they cry." I told her you can't get a message any clearer than that kind of response. Now she just has to listen to it.

Cultivate Silence

If you're having trouble thinking about what it is you have to say, it may help you to spend some time each day in silence. Some writers pray. Some meditate. The idea is to get used to clearing your brain space and tuning in to your inner voice. You'll also be more aware of those little scraps of possibility floating around in your head that can later grow into big ideas.

What Do You Want to Write? Experiment!

It's okay if you don't know what you want to write about. It may take a long time journaling for you to see what keeps coming up for you. And it may take longer to find the form that fits you best. I went from poetry to essays to long-form letter writing before I settled on fiction. It took me years to do that. It doesn't mean I won't do anything else in those genres, but what I'm doing right now just fits. I encourage you to experiment until you find the form that suits your writing best.

Continually Remind Yourself You Are a Writer

As you develop your belief that you're a writer, it's helpful to set up reminders that will jog you back to that brain space that you need to be in to write. When you sit down to write it's easy to get distracted and starting thinking about doing laundry or what's for dinner. You'll want to have something either on your desk or on the wall in front of you that reminds you to get back to work and that you are a writer.

It might be your list of values that remind you that writing is a part of who you are. It may be simple words such as CREATE or INSPIRE. Isabel Allende, who writes beautiful, historical novels will sit in her office with photos around her, old photos of people who essentially represent her characters so she’s surrounded by them. That puts her back into the brain space of her book because she is sitting in their world; these people are all around her.

What world do you need to be in? The journey you take to get there will be one of many you'll take as a writer. I hope these ideas will help you take those first steps. What you write--and where you go from here--is entirely up to you. Bon Voyage.

© 2006 Sophfronia Scott

Everything you need to know about antioch california

Antioch, California is at first glance, maybe, a simple, out of the way spot one wouldn’t consider settling on. But with the overcrowding, the unreasonable real land prices, and the urbanization of once beautiful scenery, some might think again.

The population of Antioch, California was 90,532 in 2000. It only grew by a little over eleven percent—in five years, with 51% females and 49% males totaling 100,631.

The average age of the Antioch resident is about 32, making for young, moderately progressive area where their median income of $60k+ affords some of the most affordable homes in the Northern California area (at $196,000 on the average in 2000, for example).

More than two thirds of the folks have at least a high school education, and at the same time, unemployment is extremely low (at a little over five percent).

The crime rate is also very low, with rapes and attack increasing only minimally from, respectively, fourteen and 120 in the year 1999 and twenty-three and 187 by 2002—with only fifteen murders in a four year span, from 1999 to 2002. (One can infer, even, that the highest crime, assault, could be credited to anything from the occasional bar brawl to minor fight between friends.

The Antioch, California community is quite close, supporting one another in sports (rooting for the Antioch Pirates), and working together in local business activities in the educational, health, social services, retail/trade, professional, scientific, and management/administrative fields. Nearly one third of the population works in town, while another quarter has move due to the commute…making Antioch, California a modest city despite its size on the map.

Also contributing to the simple, hard working pride of the people of Antioch, California is their claim to being the birthplace of such fair greats as San Francisco 49ers Jeremy Newberry; Texas Rangers Matt Riley; and college ball player Jason Gaines (of the San Francisco Dons).

The skies are still blue in Antioch, and the grasses, in season and on golfing courses, are still a lush green. The bays lure water lovers, boaters, and fishermen; the country fairs appeal to the weekend soldier; and the whole area calls to the quiet, the serious, the hard-working, and the family minded.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Web conferencing can make a huge impact

If your company isn't hasn't caught the web conferencing wave, then it doesn't know what it's missing—which just may be everything!

Web conferencing makes it possible for people from all over the world to meet in cyberspace at the click of a mouse. This is truly incredible technology that is changing the way all types of businesses are doing business. From small businesses to mega corporations, web conferencing ensures that no on need ever miss out on a meeting again.

Which automatically increases productivity among employees! The sales people out in the field are in the know about what's happening back at the office because they can visit the office from thousands of miles away. And having everyone know what's going on is vital to communications among employees to ensure business is conducted at its best. When only a few people have much needed information and they're unavailable, then a whole company suffers as people scramble to find the answers they need.

But that's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to all that web conferencing makes possible. Web conferencing can be used for meetings, yes, but it needn't be limited to just meetings.

Web conferencing is a great way to train employees in new processes a company is using or for making presentations to them on changes in a company's protocol. This type of web conferencing is often referred to as webcasts or webcasting. Basically, this means the conferences or presentations can be recorded to play and be available for others to download and view whenever they like or need to do so.

Just think of the possibilities that has for any company! They can train their employees no matter where they are, they can conduct meetings that no one can duck out of because they just happen to be fourteen states away, and they can have a library of needed materials that allows their employees to be taught certain procedures.

But what about outside the company? Does web conferencing make a difference then?

The answer is YES! You better believe it does. A company can have focus groups that will provide them with much needed target audience research on a particular product, as well as on the development of new products. Companies are no longer limited to hiring outside consultants to hold focus groups for them all over the world. They can do it themselves, right from their mortar and brick home office at the corner of First and Main Streets.

The benefits outside the company don't stop there either. New product launches can be done using web conferencing, as can press briefings and shareholder meetings. And it's no longer necessary for a company to fly ten of their best people into a city to hold a sales presentation or make a new business pitch.

They can dress up in their finest, spruce up the old conference or boardroom so it's at its finest, and conduct any kind of presentation for anyone, anywhere in the world! Then when it's over, everyone can slip into their everyday clothes and head back to their cubicles or offices.

The impact web conferencing can have due to this increased ease and decreased transportation and lost productivity time on a company's bottom line makes web conferencing equipment well worth the investment. It will pay for itself in no time flat when a group is able to win just one new business pitch without having any transportation and lodging to pay for!

This means that a company can put those resources to good use elsewhere. Maybe to buy more web conferencing equipment and software for all their offices, not just headquarters.

Because one thing is certain, if your company isn't using web conferencing to do business, it will be soon. Web conferencing is just too good for a company's bottom line for it to be ignored for long—even by people who don't much care for the old World Wide Web. Web conferencing, when done well, makes believers out of all involved. Once hooked, people never look back!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Hyaluronic acid the fountain of youth

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid (also called Hyaluronan, or HA) is a component of connective tissue whose function is to cushion and lubricate. Hyaluronan occurs throughout the body in abundant amounts in many of the places people with hereditary connective tissue disorders have problems such as joints, heart valves and eyes. Hyaluronic acid abnormalities are a common thread in connective tissue disorders. Interestingly, they are also common biochemical anomalies in most of the individual features of connective tissue disorders such as mitral valve prolapse, TMJ, osteoarthritis, and keratoconus.

The Importance of Hyaluronic Acid (Hyaluronan, HA)

Hyaluronic Acid is present in every tissue of the body. Retention of water is one of the most important biological functions of hyaluronic acid, second only to providing nutrients and removing waste from cells that do not have a direct blood supply, such as cartilage cells. With a lower than adequate amount of hyaluronic acid, nutrients cannot be moved into these cells and waste cannot be eliminated from cells. Hyaluronic acid is sometimes abbreviated as HA. Hyaluronic acid is found in the synovial joint fluid, the vitreous humor of the eye, the cartilage, blood vessels, extracellular matrix, skin and the umbilical cord.

Hyaluronic Acid ; "The Key To The Fountain of Youth"

Hyaluronic acid has been nicknamed by the press as the "key to the fountain of youth" because it has been noted that at least some people who ingest a lot of Hyaluronan in their diets tend to live to ripe old ages. ABC News had a show on a village in Japan and hyaluronic acid entitled, "The Village of Long Life: Could Hyaluronic Acid Be an Anti-Aging Remedy?"

Hyaluronic acid for use by humans has been derived from rooster combs. Rooster combs provide the purest form of hyaluronic acid (Hyalurinan, HA) available.


• Hyaluronic acid moisturizes skin from the inside out, smoothing out wrinkles in the process

• Hyaluronic acid helps people who need to ease the flexing of their joints, especially their knees, by restoring cushioning to their joints

• Hyaluronic acid is suitable for men and women in their 30s and 40s who are beginning to see the first signs of aging

• Hyaluronic acid is suitable for seniors who have established joint conditions

Lawn mower spare parts

The article describes the essential spares that you need to have so that your lawn mower continues to function as a new one. Some of the parts are cheap and require them often, so keep them with you all the time.

Necessary Lawnmower Parts

You need some of the parts for continued availability of your lawn mower. These parts are cheap and easy to replace and you will be able to do it yourself at home without requiring any major tools. It is possible that you would get these spares at the at the neighborhood shops but it is frustrating experience to stop your work, go to the shopfor a part, and come back again to restart your work in your garden. Some times the spare part is not available at the shop as the model has changed and the part is no longer available.

You may curse yourself for not buying the part when it was available, just because you thought since it is available, you need not buy it. The part cost may be very little but your mind will continue to curse you until the part is available and your lawn mower starts working once again

Gasoline Engine Parts That You Should Have

For your gas engine lawn mower, it is advisable to have the following parts with you and you should be able to replace these parts yourself without help of a mechanic

Spark plugs: The spark plugs of lawn mowers are small compared to the spark plug of your car and it is never possible to get it in morning at seven O’clock on a Saturday morning when you have just started mowing work with a lot of zest and the spark plug fails. You know that the plug has failed and you cannot replace it, as you do not have a spare one with you.

Belts: Belts can and do break at the most inconvenient time. The belts and spark plugs seem to have a contagious disease. When one fails the other also follows suit. Belts are easy to change if you have them with you.

Cutting blades: Cutting blades may give you trouble when you in a hilly area. A stone may be lodged in the body and blade. If you have a spare blade you will be able to change it easily.

Various control cables: The throttle and the choke operate on cables. Keep the control cables with you. Control cables operate inside a sheath also called as outer cable. It may not be necessary to have the outer cable with you as stock, keep only the inner cable

Spare nuts and bolts : If the controls operate by levers, keep a spare set of connecting bolts, as the bolts go off due to vibrations and cannot be found if lost

Panel indications: it is not necessary to have panel indications and meters on the panel as stock as your lawn mower will continue to function without panel indication. You can always take the mower to a mechanic at a time of your choosing.

Spare tires are necessary for the lawn mower on wheels. Keep one ready and fully inflated for use during flat tire on the lawn mower. For the walk behind ones, you may need a solid rubber tire, but lawn mower can limp and work for some time.

Parts For Electric Lawnmowers

You do not need many spares for your electric lawn mowers. A set of fuse holders, cable and cable winder spares, switches, cable connectors and insulation tape will however be necessary for use in emergency

Parts For Battery Lawnmower

Such lawnmowers require least parts to be stocked. You may stock only the switches and battery leads etc.

Trouble shooting for lawn mowers:

Troubleshooting for gas engine:

Failure to start – look for fuel flow, switch malfunction, spark plug full of deposits, spark plug cable not connected, spark plug porcelain cracked

Starts but does not take load: Fuel flow not proper, plug cable loose, engine temperature too low, belts loose

Noise from engine: mechanical problem, fan loose, belts loose, stone lodged with the cutter,

Overheating and smoke from engine: cooling system malfunctioning, mechanical systems malfunction etc.

Troubleshooting for electric lawn mowers

Does not start: Problems with power supply, check power supply

Starts but speed slow: Check carbon brushes

Shocks: Check power supply, check supply cable. Kinks and cuts in power supply cable

Troubleshooting for battery operated lawn mowers.

Does not start: Dead batteries, charge them

Battery life to short: Charge after completely discharging, change batteries if performance does not improve.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Understanding your birth control options

Today, there are a lot of available birth control options for women to choose from. But before

picking the right one, a woman must know more about these birth control options, and think about

what is best for her current health condition, as well as her lifestyle. From understanding all

the pros and cons of each method, to choosing what's best and right for her needs --- interested

women should look further and deeper than the packaging of the product, or from word of mouth.

Next to the condom, the most commonly used birth control option would be birth control pills.

This usually contains both estrogen and progesterone to suppress ovulation. The pill is something

that needs to be taken everyday for approximately the same time everyday. There are also options

with regards to the pill. Some only contain progesterone, given to post-partum women or those who

have trouble in tolerating estrogen. But due to lack of estrogen, this pill has a slightly lower

efficacy rate compared to the normal pill containing both hormones. The latest versions of the

pills have fewer side effects as compared to older ones. Old version contraceptive pills have

side effects such as acne, weight gain, bloating, and nausea. On the positive side, birth control

pills reduce painful periods, heavy menstrual bleeding, and ovarian cysts. If taken properly,

these pills have a very good rate of effectiveness in pregnancy prevention.

Another birth control option for women would be the use of birth control implants. The most

common of which is Norplant, which are small matchstick like implants that are surgically placed

inside a woman’s upper arm. These implants contain progesterone and can be left in for up to five

years. The advantage of this option is that one does not have to take it everyday, but its

disadvantages include headaches, irregular menstrual bleeding, nausea, and dizziness.

Depo-Provera injection is another birth control option that only contains progesterone, and is

given every 12 weeks. As compared to the previous birth control pills and Norplant implants, both

the advantages and disadvantages are quite similar. But one relevant disadvantage for

Depo-Provera is that it can take up to six months to a year before one's fertility and menstrual

cycle goes back to normal after using the said method. Vasectomy, on the other hand, is a

surgical procedure that is performed on men to prevent their semen from coming out during

ejaculation. Usually done by an urologist, this is a relatively easy procedure. The patient can

go home after a very short stay in the clinic or hospital. Considered to be a fairly permanent

birth control, attempting to reverse such a procedure is not always successful.

Cervical caps are very similar to the diaphragm but are smaller and covers the opening of the

uterus to prevent pregnancy. The advantage of this birth control option is that one can insert it

anywhere from 30 minutes to 48 hours prior to intercourse. Meanwhile, diaphragms are silicone,

round shaped semi-dome materials that are smeared with spermicide. It is inserted into the

vagina. This does not contain any hormones, but inserting it can cause an interruption during


From caps to pills, injections and implants, women can now choose what birth control option is

best for them and their lifestyle. Remember to consult with the doctor for more information

regarding the safety and effectiveness of these various contraceptive options.

Eye surgery providers - tlc laser eye center

TLC Laser Eye Centers is a premier provider of LASIK and other refractive surgery procedures. The group boasts highly experienced doctors, thorough pre-operative examinations, and personalized care for each of its patients. It also has over 13,000 affiliated eyecare practitioners. TLC Laser Eye Centers does not offer quick assessments or overblown promises. Instead, it provides a long-term commitment for future surgical enhancements.

As a token of its genuineness, TLC offers a lifetime commitment program. Patients suffering from myopia may be eligible for this offer. According to this offer, if ever a patient requires enhancement surgery in order to maintain distance vision acuity, the enhancement surgery shall be performed without charge.

LASIK is by far the most preferred refractive surgery. However, the surgical procedure can often be expensive or even unaffordable for some people. TLC Laser Eye Centers have made an immense contribution to bring this surgery option to the masses. TLC offers variety of ways to pay for LASIK, and hence have eased out the whole procedure and have managed to make the procedure affordable for every patient. To be specific, TLC offers financing options, medical and vision plans, and flexible spending options for its patients.

The TLC Laser Eye Centers website also provides a whole repertoire of features. It might be the case that you are uncertain as to whether you should go for LASIK or not. TLC website provides a feature where you can easily check whether you are a potential LASIK candidate or not. You can locate a TLC LASIK center in your vicinity and also find a TLC affiliated eye surgeon. The website also provides a detailed description of the LASIK procedure so as to dispel any doubts that you might have had regarding LASIK.

In summary, TLC Laser Eye Centers offers scads of information and support for informed decision making. LASIK is a safe and efficacious procedure, but it’s still a surgery, and any sort of advice in such a matter is always handy.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Why you need a golf handicap

The golf handicap system is a must if you are trying to improve your golf game. If you have a golf handicap, it gives you the ability to play in local tournaments against golfers with better abilities. Any golf course worth its salt will offer you the chance to get a golf handicap. Your golf handicap is a true barometer on your golfing abilities, as long as you accurately post your scores.

The golf handicap system is a complex formula of your average score, along with the difficulty of the course you are playing, along with a few other bells and whistles that only the USGA can figure out. Every golf course has a course handicap, which determines the number of strokes needed to play that course to the level of a scratch golfer.

What all this means to you, is that it helps give you a true indication of your golf ability. If you wanted to play a match against a scratch golfer, which is someone with a zero handicap, if you have a 7 handicap, you would receive 7 strokes, one for each of the first 7 most difficult holes on the course. It's like he's spotting you a 7 stroke lead, or a 7 hole lead in match play.

Considering that golf is suppose to be a gentlemen's game, it is very important to post legitimate scores. There also are restrictions on how many strokes you can take on any given hole. As an example, if you have less than a 10 handicap, you cannot turn in a score card that has any score over double bogey. That is to try and keep sanbaggers from inflating their handicap so they can get more strokes when playing in golf tournaments.

Once you post enough scores and you have established your golf handicap, you will see how hard it is to get a low handicap. It takes more than one round of golf for your handicap to move in either direction. It takes at least 2 or 3 rounds to actually make your handicap move, so you don't have to worry if you have a bad day on the course. If you go in to a slump and can't seem to fix what's wrong with your game, your golf handicap will suffer..

Sandbaggers aside, the golf handicap system is is a great way to measure yourself against other golfers. Once you are in the system, you can log in on the internet, and see posted scores for anyone that has a handicap.

Golf Handicap blog

Cremation of veterans - cremation services - let s not forget their sacrifice

Most families that do cremation on-line or seek assistance for cremation from a funeral home are not aware of veteran benefits offered after cremation. The often-used term "Final Disposition" is not exactly the case after cremation of a veteran.

The Veterans Administration knowing that cremation is becoming more prevalent allows for the interment of cremated veterans, or the placement of cremated veterans, to be placed in a niche in a columbarium provided by the national cemetery. Because of the cremated veteran's service to their country the interment of cremated veterans or the placement of cremated veterans in a niche, this service is free of charge to the cremated veterans family. The family of the cremated veteran will also receive free of charge, an honor guard, the playing of taps, and the official presentation of the American Flag the cremated veteran served to defend.

Veterans that have served in the military and received honorable discharges are eligible. Families often ask me, even though my loved one is cremated, can they be placed in a national cemetery? The answer is a simple yes. You can make arrangements through your funeral director even on-line. Always keep in mind that cremation, cremation urn selection, go hand in hand with proper handling of cremated veterans, to insure a final tribute to their memory. We the time comes to hold a service for a loved one who is a veteran, and has served in our armed forces. It is our duty to make sure that the are remembered for their sacrifice for this country.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Variations of software programs

Consumers are enthralled by the software installed in electronic devices because these programs allow them to be more productive and provide them with a source of entertainment that is suitable for every member of the family. Some electronic devices will not work at all without the software installed, and others work better because the software programs have been added since the device was bought.

People are more familiar with the software programs that run their personal computers, but other digital devices are equipped with software. The operating system software is the controlling force behind all computer operations, This software allows the user to perform independent tasks using word processing software programs, or includes software that will allow the user to complete complex mathematical calculations using formulas in spreadsheet formats.

The operation of this type of software is independent of any other type of custom software that has been installed on the computer. Many computer users must install software that allows them to view videos and graphics. These software programs are easy to download but will require update to be installed from time to time to keep the software program running smoothly.

The software updates are written with scripting software that simplifies updates by creating screens that are presented in an easy to understand language that requires the user to click a few buttons and step back while the software does the rest of the installation on its own. Other software is embedded into the installation program that will notify the computer user that the installation is complete. In most cases, the computer software will require that the user restart the system for the changes to go into effect.

Some customized software programs will be created for businesses to track inventory or provide a certain service to a client or the public at large. Some computer operating systems work on the Windows platform and other software program are open source and can be edited by users who know the coding used in the software programs. These programs can be modified by each user and uploaded to the site where it was obtained so that other users can benefit from the changes that were made.

People prefer to use open source software because it is available for download through internet websites. The open source software is considered freeware and is the product of computer users who have a talent for creating programs that enhance productive tasks found in other software or the software could be scripts that make mundane tasks tolerable and easier to complete. Some programming artists create freeware to establish a web presence and build a business from software popularity.

The software programs installed on electronic devices allow people to connect to the internet and the user will have all the tools and storage space required to download files from a computer at work. The PDA devices contain software that will also allow users to check email and store it for future reference. Some personal digital assistants are equipped with software that allows people to access maps and obtain directions to a desired destination.

Seven tips to better golf

What are the seven magic keys to unlocking your golf potential? That question can’t be answered. You could spend a round of 18 just debating it. There are not seven specific tips, hints or secrets that are going to make you compete with Phil Mickelson or Tiger Woods. However, by taking note of these seven very practical, surefire tips, you will improve your game; and maybe you’ll find yourself smiling more as you approach the green on the 18th hole. Grab a pad and paper, or click print and add these few to your growing knowledge!


No great athlete or gamesman would hesitate to tell you that the vast percentage of success depends on your mental state. Are you focused? Are you playing for fun? Are you working a specific part of your game? Are you prepared? These are all questions worthy of asking yourself before you begin any round, or if you are simply hitting balls at the range. It is said that a mad player equals a bad player. Simply meaning, frustration will lead to bad play. Most people hoping to excel in certain events are often unaware of the level of concentration needed to find success. It is not only mentally, but physically exhausting to stay intensely focused on your game. Build upon your patience and mental toughness. There is no game that calls for it more than the game of golf!

Your Sticks

Once you’ve set your mind to the task, take into consideration your tools. Are you playing with the right clubs? Are they too short; too long? Are your grips too small? Playing with the improper clubs will lead to poor placement and a probable bad introduction of the club face to the ball. Those grooves in your irons are there for a reason! If you are hitting the ball with the toe of the club because you’re hunched over trying to take a good swing, it might be a good idea to slide a machete into your bag so you can hack through the jungle trying to find your ball.

Define Yourself

Without a doubt, every time you set foot on the links, you are coached by everyone and their uncle. Ignore it. You may want to consider it if they are a pro, but generally, they feel they’ve defined themselves and are going to impart their knowledge on to you. Just as easily as they may be teaching you quality, they will also help you develop some incredibly bad habits, hoping to improve your play in a scramble. Try different techniques and find your own game!

Utilize the Range

If you’re a beginner or feel a bit rusty, get back out to the driving and practice range. As a beginner, there is nothing that can turn you off more than paying for 18 holes and going through 36 balls. Hitting a little white ball with a piece of metal may sound and seem easy, but if you’ve done it once, you know, you need to do it a thousand times! Learn to hit and then play!

Don’t Overanalyze

I can’t tell you how many times a playing partner will step up to the ball and take practice swing after practice swing, getting their aim perfect, waiting on the wind and watching all four seasons pass by as everyone else is napping in the carts: Here comes the back swing...shank! The same player steps up to the next shot, not caring whatsoever, checks his lie, lines up, addresses the ball and pop! Within ten to the pin! Feel it, don’t think it.


In regards to play, consider your entire environment. If you have ever hit a ball on a windy day, you know how the wind can help or hinder you. If the ground is wet, stay out of the rough and keep your ball in play. If it’s a beautiful, warm summer day, take an extra towel to help absorb some sweat. And if it’s snowing, what are you doing on the golf course? Yes, it’s all common sense, yet commonly forgotten during play.

Take a Lesson

This is obvious. Find a pro you like talking to and pay them/barter with them for a lesson. They will do the analytical work and pass it on. It will offer you new perspective and will help you to improve on your own in the future!

Golf is a wonderful, social and solitary game. Enjoy the repetition of the skills you learn and all knowledge imparted to help increase your level of play. At some point, everything old will become new again. Greet it all with a smile and enjoy the constant challenge of chasing an impossible perfection! Maybe that’s the best tip ever.

The organization of your wedding ceremony

Typically, wedding ceremonies are structured events and are commonly broken down into several components. Remember, that this is your wedding and you have options on what happens during your wedding. Don’t be intimidated by your friends, family, or even your wedding officiant. Unless you are asking for something outrageous, you should be able to have the ceremony conducted to your desires. Music is almost always part of the beginning of all wedding ceremonies, but music can be a part of any element.

Some of the most common elements of the wedding ceremony are:

Introduction – In this segment your wedding ceremony officiant declares the purpose of the gathering. He introduces the bride and groom, and welcomes the wedding guests. If it is a religious ceremony, he solicits everyone to participate in a prayer.

Lead up – This segment is probably the most forgettable part of the event, and it is often omitted. You may ask your officiant to follow the introduction with your vows to save time or if you are not interested in a drawn out sermon. If you elected to have a clergyman as your officiant, this part of your ceremony may be difficult to omit.

Vows – This is the “I do” part. Simply put, this is the one part of a wedding ceremony that you cannot compromise. It is always going to be part of the wedding, and it should be the most intimate part of your entire ceremony. At this time your officiant explains the significance of the couples vows followed by the bride and groom affirming their commitment to each other. Did you know that you could write your own vows? Writing your own vows gives you a chance to really personalize your ceremony. Be sure that both you and your groom are involved in the process. It should be a democratic process, to enhance the experience for both of you. Feel free to use your own words, so you feel comfortable with the language of your vows.

Exchange of the Rings – Once you declared your commitment to each other with your vows you are invited to place a wedding ring on each other’s ring fingers. For many this is one of the most moving event of the ceremony.

Announcement – The closing segment of most wedding ceremonies is the announcement and the “kissing of the bride.”

Keep in mind, this is your special day and you decide on how you want the wedding ceremony to progress. Remember, it is OK to be different. Your guest will appreciate an interesting wedding ceremony that is unpredictably exciting. To a large degree, ceremonies are for the entertainment of you and your guest, so have fun with it.

Fears behind false fashion

False Fashion is it for you? What you have to bear in mind when keeping up with all the newest trend is, that never once were you in the designer/s thoughts when putting his/her creation together.

How many times have you cringed at styles knowing at the back of your mind how hideous you would look dressed in what was designed for the catwalk?

Top designer labels do not come cheap and can be quite expensive leaving you broke because you want to keep up with the Jones's

Ever felt stupid when attired up to nines to stop the jibes from your friends, keeping up with fashion is all well and good, but if you are not comfortable with your appearance then do something about it. Start by ignoring nasty remarks, true friends do not pass judgement unless in your favour.

It makes sense to put your own fashion ideas to use and into the bargain cost effective. Design your own label? Who knows may be your friends will want a piece of the action. Top designers started this way.

When out shopping; find a shop selling quality gear for half the price of what it would cost to dress in designer gear. You will find similar or duplicated designs to the latest craze in most stores. Is the content of your wallet/purse holding you back from making a purchase. Then get yourself to the local second hand shop and pick up a bargain.

Stick with the trend by wearing the colours in fashion. Charity shops donate to good causes, so as well as looking a million dollars you help the starving people of the world.

Uneasy with the new boob tube where the bare fleshy stomach is on full view, then narrow it down to a glimpse for the onlooker, add a little lace tassels or beads.

Belts do not do down well for the pleasantly plump, okay so we find an alternative. Gather leather strips, braid/plait them together then hang the twisted menagerie loosely around the waist add a little glitter to spice it up, this will not only look effective but complement your size.

How to get away with no boots if money is tight

Buy a closed in shoe then get a matching pair of coloured knee/ankle length socks and hey presto from a distance a pair of boots How good is that?

What is the point of expensive designer labels when the only person that gets to see that new outfit is you? all because the bank balance states 0.00 where you do not get to party till your next payday, and by then with the fashion industry as it is, the oufit may well be past its sell by date.

False fashion is what it is. Your height, weight, skin type was never taken into account by the designer unlike the rich stars. How on earth can you look your best by other folks choices? Think about it if anyone knows what will suit you? is you.

allaboutonlineeducation. com is a great place to start if you were thinking about dressmaking or looking for information on teaching yourself the in's and out's of getting on in this life.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Allergy and mental disease

The following will come as a surprise to most people, including most medical doctors.

Most mental disease is caused by unsuspected brain allergies!

This fact was illuminated for me by Dr Marshall Mandell in the early 80's. He appeared on the Phil Donahue show, and had videos of persons with mental problems caused or worsened by allergen testing. He was the first to name such as "brain allergies".

In 1982, Dr Von Hilsheimer introduced the first End-Point-Titration allergy testing into Florida, and I worked with him at an allergy clinic in Orlando. We amazed several MD allergists in that clinic with depression and many other cases being solved.

During that time, I studied allergy/sensitivity extensively. I found a list of mental diseases caused by allergens that surprised me. None of my previous experience with psychology had prepared me for such. If was the following:

Schizophrenia, depression, hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD), Emotional instability or hypersensitivity, Insomnia, Chronic fatigue, crying jags, stuttering, excessive daydreaming, anxiety, panic attacks, withdrawn, listless, seizures, aggressive behavior, anger, irritability, silly, tense, restless, excited, agitated, behavior problems in children, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, poor comprehension, confusion, impaired attention, obsessive thoughts, compulsive behavior, feelings of unreality, disorientation, false beliefs or delusions, hallucinations, suicidal, feel like hurting self.

While giving a 4 day orthomolecular seminar in Soviet Georgia in 2000, I was introduced to the latest EEG biofeedback therapy of raising the amplitude of the brain waves just above Alpha, in the range of 12-15 Hz. In the discussion, I remembered that list of mental diseases caused by allergens, and proposed the theory that raising that brain wave somehow changed the affect of allergens on the brain.

When I returned to the US, I started the first leasing of EEG BF equipment for home use. As you can imagine this did not endear me to the clinicians who were charging up to $250 per half hour for the service. The actual operation is so simple that anyone with a high school education can easily learn how to do it, although the learned clinicians will (as usual) protest the necessity of a professional approach. (This in spite of no harm being done to anyone, and no license being required to practice this simple therapy.)

In 2001, Dr Jiri Tyrl of the Czech Biofeedback Society listed papers about EEG biofeedback that showed the following mental diseases as being either cured or greatly improved by this feedback:

Epilepsy; ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Academic-Cognitive Enhancement; Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, Sleep Disorders, Depression, Hemispheric Asymmetry, Anger, Addictive Disorders, Brain Injury, Stroke, Coma, Spasticity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Dysfunctions, Headache and other Pain, Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Parkinson's Dystonia, Tourette's Syndrome, Autism; Cognitive Decline with Aging, Asthma Hypertension Dissociative Disorders, Creativity, Optimal Functioning, Criminal Recidivism.

This list was further proof (to me at least) that allergens were involved in much mental more mental disease that was suspected, and that this particular EEG biofeedback (now known as raising the SMR brain wave), DID somehow relieve this allergen susceptibility.

In 2004, one of those comic light bulbs went on above my head, and I realized that it should be possible to do the same thing - namely raise the SMR brain wave - by use of subliminal messaging.

I put out a call for volunteers, and got over 20, who sent me weekly emails. Most were various types of ADD/ADHD, with a few depressives and insomniacs mixed in. The results definitely showed both that my allergen theory was correct, and my subliminal theory was also correct.

In 3 more volunteer tests since that time, we have shown that this therapy (named Neuroliminal Training) is at least as effective as EEG Biofeedback (aka Neurofeedback) for ADD/ADHD, depression, insomnia, autism, and epilepsy.

We're going even further with a current test that includes Alzheimer's cases, PTSD cases, OCD/anxiety and other severe depression cases, autism and epileptic (longer testing), and even some anaphylaxis cases. Anyone interested in this test should contact me at the website below.

Dr Bate is the retired orthomolecular psychologist who invented Neuroliminal Training, the affordable way

of changing brain wave amplitudes.

drbate. com - Phil@drbate. com

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Experience a healthier you with african aloe ferox products

There are more than 300 types of aloe, but only a few have been used throughout history for natural healing and cleansing. One effective aloe product that promotes good health in several ways is African aloe ferox. Aloe ferox is a plant that grows in only one province of South Africa and has been used for medicinal purposes by the indigenous people for many years.

African aloe ferox differs from aloe vera because it doesn't have to be filtered. Without the filtering process, aloe ferox retains its all-natural active ingredients so users can benefit even more by using this type of aloe. Other names for aloe ferox are red aloe, bitter aloe, or tap aloe. African aloe ferox bitter is known for its many medicinal uses. The resinous product that is hard and black, which is called Cape aloes or aloe lump, is known for being a strong laxative and as a natural help for arthritis. Inside the leaves is a gel-like flesh that is said to help heal wounds, but is also used in cosmetic products.

Benefits of African Aloe Ferox

African aloe ferox offers many health and beauty benefits. It is completely herbal so it doesn't contain harmful chemicals and toxins as many chemically-based beauty products and medicines contain. It is a pure healing agent without unwanted side effects. Aloe ferox is a natural cleansing herb. It can be used to help remove harmful toxins from the body as a detoxification herb. It stimulates cell renewal. Also, it contains more amino acids (total of 34), vitamins, minerals, and polysaccharides than aloe vera.

Aloe ferox provides a natural cleansing method to help relieve certain complaints such as heartburn, acne, urinary tract infections, stomach ulcers, liver function, eye infections, sunburn, chapped skin, itching, heat rashes, insect bites, dermatitis, skin allergies, athlete's foot, varicose veins, insomnia, high blood pressure, spastic colon, gingivitis, and many others. It is not recommended, however, for pregnant women or nursing mothers.

African Aloe Ferox Products for a Variety of Needs

Aloe ferox comes in many shapes and sizes and in several forms to meet different needs. It can be taken in capsule form, as an herbal tea, as toothpaste, or it can be used topically such as in gels, soaps, lotions, body cream, bath oil, shampoo, conditioner, and make-up remover. You can also purchase African aloe ferox drink, which contains added Vitamin C to help with colds and flu. Aloe drink can also help with blood pressure regulation, colon and stress, heartburn, stomach ulcers, indigestion, and soothing the mucous membranes.

Look for key phrases when searching online for aloe ferox products such as aloe joint health, aloe drink, aloe bath products, aloe skin care, or aloe ferox bitters. The best way to get great African aloe ferox products is to shop through an online specialist that carries all these items.

Maximize your aloe experience today with African aloe ferox products, and enjoy the natural methods of skin care, beauty enhancement, and healing.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Oscommerce customization and you

There are a lot of services on the internet that offer templates and applications for oscommerce customization. When deciding on how to customize your website with the solutions that work best for you think about the aspects that you would like to see on the website. Items such as an easy viewable order history, product reviews, a display of what other customers have ordered with that product will aid in creating an oscommerce system that is customized to the needs of the user, which will bring about more business for you in the long run.

In regards to running a business there are certain aspects of oscommerce customization that as a business owner you want to keep in mind to keep the business running smoothly. For starters never loose touch with customers. Keep the website in their minds by sending them newsletters regarding products and services that your business offers. If they are reminded that your business is around it will make you their number one choice to come back to when they want to buy more products.

Oscommerce customization can be designed to offer statistics on customers. Tracking what the most frequent product being sold is. As well as what your customers are interested in. One of the best options to add in is showing what other items customers purchased when they bought the same product. To advertise other products that could have been missed may bring about more money for your business. To make things easier have a program that can print packaging lists and invoices directly from the order screen. It will save time and time is money.

Of course to allow any business to run smoothly and professionally you have to have good support and in the case of oscommerce customization good technical support is a must. For both the company and it’s users. The importance of templates should never be underestimated to keep everything looking organized and uniform. Also be sure to have a system that allows for easy backup and restoration of a database. In a global economy such as our multilingual customer service agents is a must in aiding communication for any problems that could occur.

Oscommerce customization has many more options available than what is talked about here. The potential is as limitless as ones imagination and innovation.

The importance of articles in web promotion

No doubt you have come accross this time and time again; to improve your websites popularity, search engine ranking etc., you need to write articles. You will also probably think, as I did, that I can't do this.

There are ways around this. You can purchase the rights to articles that will allow you to add your own resource box to the bottom. The content may not be the freshest and the newest, and many others may be using the same content or variations on it, but it is still content with your resource box tagged on at the bottom. There are numerous article submission directories and sites on the net, such as the biggies like ZapContent. com, to small ones like my own at articles. directorygold. com. You will be able to submit your article, even if it isn't original, to some of these without duplicating existing content on the article directory. This is what I did first.

The next possibility is to go somewhere like elance. com, and pay someone to write articles for you. This is more expensive than the first option, but has the benefit that the article is original, so it is more likely to be copied and published elsewhere. Also, make sure you have the complete rights to the material you commission, so that you may modify, relabel, or amalgamate into an ebook if you desire. Usually, you should get several decent articles for the amount of money you spend.

Finally, are you sure you can't write your own article? That you haven't found out something in your life that will be of interest to others? There is a huge list of possible article subjects at ZapContent and other sites, and you will be amazed at what you do know if you sit and think about it. After all, as I said earlier, I didn't think I was capable of writing an article, yet this is one I wrote myself, and it isn't my first. If you've made mistakes, an article describing how NOT to do something can be just as useful as one describing how to do something. If you still have problems coming up with a coherent article, jot down your notes and pay someone to ghostwrite it for you. Again, check sites like Elance for ghostwriters.

Why write and distribute articles in the first place? Free advertising and promotion. I submitted several articles to a handful (under five) of article directories. Several days later, after Google had done a recent crawl, I did a number of phrase searches on the web. If you enclose your search phrase in quotes, Google will search for that specific phrase. I searched for some of the article titles I had posted, and my own name (admittedly, this is only useful if you have a rare name that doesn't bring up pages of search results for other people of the same name). I found the articles I had published showing up on several websites. What made this even better was that a number of the places where I found the articles weren't places I had submitted them to. Other people had taken my articles and published them on their own websites. So the benefit is, lots of non-reciprocal links pointing to your website, that frequently you didn't have to do anything beyond intially publishing the article to get. Free traffic, advertising and promotion for a few minutes work.

A final note. Make sure the articles are useful, and not just promotional sales letters. They don't have to be long, 1-2,000 words is usually adequate as a maximum length for an article, but don't just publish sales blurb. Your article won't get syndicated elsewhere, and your reputation will suffer. Get known as a source of decent quality articles, and you will become known as an expert.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Workplace romance tips the best inter-office memo to remember

For most young career people, they find spending nearly 35% of their time at the workplace than at their respective homes. That accounts to almost 9 hours of work, work, and work.

For this reason, most of the people involved in this kind of situation find themselves out of place in the social world because they simply do not have time to meet other people anymore. In fact, they do not even have time for themselves.

That is why it is not such an appalling revelation when some surveys showed how 67.8% of the respondents, all working but in different companies, are into relationship with their colleagues. This goes to show that because of the time constraint that most professionals have and because of the lack of sociable time that they need, most of them divert to the aspect of getting a romantic partner in the office instead.

Most of those who are involved in this kind of relationship contend that their workplace seemed to be a natural breeding ground for romantic couples since they are together for more than 40 hours within the week.

Also, they asserted that creating a relationship in the office is inevitable because most of them get along with each other well based on the premise that they revolve around the same environment that initiates common interests, beliefs, and backgrounds.

However, because of some professional etiquette around the office, some companies despise the idea of having their employees being involved with each other. The bosses believe that romantic and intimate relationships may bring about negligence on their respective jobs.

Moreover, certain flaws are seen on this kind of relationship. There is a higher probability that the couple might have a conflict of concern with regards to their respective duties in the office and their duties and responsibilities with each other.

Therefore, for those who cannot help but fall in love while doing monthly inventories, here is a list of some workplace romance tips to keep you out of the brink of disaster:

1. Think first before deciding

Before deciding on this matter, it would be better to think first, probably a hundred…no make that a thousand times before deciding on it.

Try to contemplate on the possible consequences and benefits that you can get from the relationship. If the relationship will not work out, will you be ready to face the consequences?

2. Evaluate each prospect

Establishing a worthwhile relationship with your colleagues should primarily be based on its being worthy for a date.

It would be better if you will evaluate on the upshots of dating the person based on his or her position in the company, its value, and the possible corollaries of the separation, if ever.

For instance, if you want to ask your colleague on a date, try to contemplate first on the issue of rivalry between you and your officemate and the rough situation that both of you may be in after the breakup.

Also, try to look the possible angle of biasness for bosses dating their subordinates. The issue of “favoritism” may take place.

3. Be smart

Keep in mind that the reason why God placed our minds above our hearts is for the mind to rule above all. So if you are suddenly being snooped with some seniority in the office, do not be deceived yet. Try to test this person for some reliability quizzes and put him more on hot water.

The point here is that if ever he is trying to establish a good romantic relationship with you, it is better to be assured that his intentions are for real and just because he is looking for some diversion in the office.

4. Friendships as the best foundation

For a budding romantic relationship in the office, it is best to keep focused on creating friendships first. This is because some people believed that friendship, as the core foundation of any relationship, is better than just a break-from-work relationship.

Given all that, workplace romance can be really fun and dreamy. However, one or both of them should realize that office romances are not based on a contract that can expires when the time allotted has elapsed. It would be better to hear these kinds of relationships to last a lifetime, even if both of them have already retired from their jobs.

Forced to move

If you are in a position where you are forced to move, say by job transfer or because of health and clinic attendances, and you cannot sell your home, what can you do?

Well, first let's clarify the issue: chances are, you can sell your home - but you don't want to sell it for a nominal amount. You don't want to sell it for an amount below its value, or worse yet – you don't want to sell it for below what you owe on it.

Some people just walk away from their home and start over - not advisable. This impacts your credit rate badly – in fact, it is the worst possible thing you can do to it!

One possibility for solving this matter is to tell your Lender the truth. The Lender does not want the bother of foreclosure either; it will cost their company money. If you tell your Lender that you cannot pay the monthly costs, you can then ask them if they can help you with a short sale on your property.

In order to back this request up, you will need to have a copy of a financial statement that you will have drawn up. This will show your assets and wages and will prove to them that you have no more money left to pay the mortgage.

You will also need a current market evaluation of the property from your real estate agent, and an offer from a prospective buyer. If you don't have this, you will need to persuade your Lender that you can arrange all this.

This is where the crunch comes, because you must be genuinely without cash, assets, savings, investments or liquid retirement funds and anything else that could be turned into cash.

The reason for this stringency is because the Lender is going to take the loss for you. Therefore, he wants to make sure that you are not pulling a fast one on him!

Here is what happens: your mortgage is worth $400,000. Your house, at this time, is only worth $370,000.

You will lose $30,000 plus costs. If a buyer can be found, the Lender will 'write off' his loss of $30,000 and you will leave the house behind you - but with your credit rating still intact.

You will have to talk to the Loans Department of the Lender concerned. Once this is done, your real estate agent will start to prepare the deal.

At this point, both you and the buyer will have to be patient. There are several people involved in the decision over whether to accept the prospective buyer's offer or not. Firstly, the Lender is probably only the middle man, so he has to get agreement from the actual 'investor'. Assuming you have mortgage insurance on the loan, the next step is to get the Insurance Company to agree.

Short sales can take even longer in cases where there is a second mortgage held on the property; they also want 'a cut' of the capital released; sometimes having the second mortgage on a property makes the deal too difficult to negotiate.

In a short sale, at least your credit rating has been preserved which means that when you feel more confident, you may buy another home to own. There is one positive aspect to all this, and that is your newly-acquired expertise in short sales procedure. You are now familiar with it, and may be able to buy a new home through a short sale, thus offsetting some of your losses.

Be aware that the IRS looks upon short sales as a forgiveness of debt, and as such this counts as income. This means that you have to declare it to the IRS in your yearly returns.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Applying for college loan for dummies

Student loan companies take specific care of dummies. Student loans are provided to them to pay tuition fees, library fees, campus fee and also medical expenses. Government offers them specific grants and government student loans for all their expenses during education. Interest rates are comparatively lower for dummies.

If you have plan to go to college and you want apply for a student loan then you have to spend a little time to make a research on your own.

You should keep some pointers and guidelines in your mind, which will help you to choosing the right loan option and assure you of the approval of your loan application:

1.At the time of filling your application form you should have the following documents:

a. Document containing information about your financial status.

b. Income proof certificate of your parents (might be asked if you are still living with your parents.)

2. Consult your high school financial aid office for a better school loan option, as they are trained to help you. Collect each and every needed information from various sources.

3. Prepare a budget including all needed expenses.

4. If you are a good scholar then you are recommended to apply for a grant or government student loan before going to apply for a student loan, which will make your student life easy.

5. Always try to grab each and every offer provided by the Student Loan Company. You can get required information by visiting the lenders’ website.

6. Do not avail offers like interest rate reductions, on time payment’s interest rate reduction (always repay your student loan on time, as some companies offer you a 7. reduction of 1.5% if you repay them on time.)

7. Auto pay interest rate reduction: How you are going to repay your student loan? A wise selection can fetch you up to .5% reduction.

All these tips seem to be very minute but they will keep your financial position strong during your student life.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Seven personal internet marketing mistakes

Here're seven simple yet POWERFUL ideas for you to reflect on. This will assist you adjust your marketing strategies...which will have a GREAT result on everything you sell.

1. You don't let people know anything about your business. They will feel more comfortable if they know who they are buying from. Publish a section called "About Us" on your web site. Include your business history, profile of employees, contact information etc.

2. You don't make people feel secure when they order. Remind people that they are ordering through a secure server. Tell them you won't sell their e-mail address and all their information will be kept confidential.

3. You don't tell again people to come back and visit. People usually don't purchase the first time they visit. The more times they visit your site, the greater the chance they will buy.

4. You don’t invest in online advertising. Follow the “First impression is the last impression” rule. Your advertiser is one who will be marketing from your side even while you are sleeping in a bed or out of vacation! Always go for economical, tested advertiser.

5. You don't make your ad copy attractive. Your ad is not watchful. Ad does not attract at your target audience. You don't list any testimonials or guarantees.

6. You don't make your web site appear professional. Your web site should be easy to navigate through. The graphics should be related to the theme of your web site.

7. You don't test and improve your ad before going online. You have to continually test and improve your ad copy to get the highest possible response rate.

Ken John helps small personal website owners “do more with less” to operate and market their small and growing businesses. He is the author of How To Make Your Business Run Without Your Presence, and Instant Marketing for Small Site Owners. Carter offers FREE book chapters, and distributes free business-building advice in his twice-monthly Blog answers, available at

innovativepixelpage. com

,one of the most reputed Pixel Page Advertising Company.

Exploring book notes


Nobody likes to write papers, especially students who are forced to work their magic with the pen seemingly week after week. As hard as you try to stay ahead, another big paper is always due tomorrow. Take advantage of book notes to jump start the free flow of ideas which will save you time and heartache, in addition to the let down of getting a bad score.

There is a variety of different styles and formats open to you today, but a book note usually features a summary of a literary piece, as well as commentary regarding the subject matter and the meaning of the passages which lies beneath the surface. It also includes biographical information regarding the author. Book notes that are of high quality are usually penned by qualified people - like a college professor. Perhaps most importantly, the book note you select should be easy for you to utilize – after all, if the information is just as difficult to find in the book note as it is in the book, what’s the point?

What Good is a Book Note?

A good book note can help you out with more than just book reports. They offer essential information that can be tapped to develop a paper regarding an author, philosopher, society, or culture. Suppose you are asked to write a paper about nineteenth century Cambodian culture. You would research the topic, finding information about their culture and way of life. But how much better would your work be if you could include information penned by a prominent Cambodian author of that period?

Providing information related to a particular person makes the essay much more satisfying to read, and demonstrates your ability to find and relay quality research. You don’t have to know everything about the prominent Cambodian author, but you need to know enough to sound knowledgeable about the person. Book notes can offer this brief, yet valuable insight of the author and his works.

Why Should you Use a Book Note

The key thing to remember about utilizing book notes is they are not written as substitutes for reading the real book. A book note doesn’t provide much value on its own. Rather, it is most valuable when read in conjunction with the actual book. Try reading a chapter in the book, then reading the corresponding chapter in the book note. You will find reinforcement for your ideas as well as gain new ideas regarding the reading as you progress through the book. This will enhance your overall experience.

Alternatively, you might also explore reading the summary of each chapter before reading the chapter in the book. This will force you to focus as you read and aid you in discovering the essential ideas offered in each chapter.

When it comes time to write your own paper, having already covered the reading and the summary, you will have at your disposal an array of ideas on which you can form the foundation of your paper. Rare is the occasion that you will be assigned an essay which corresponds perfectly to the ideas covered in the book note, so it is up to you to come up with many of your own ideas.

Resources for Book Notes

With the advent of the internet and advancement of technology, many of our best resources are not only found on the World Wide Web, but they are also free. Some great resources for finding book notes are the following sites: SparkNotes. com, CliffNotes. com, and PinkMonkey. com. Each offers their own unique advantages and disadvantages. Explore the various sites and choose a site that fits your needs the best.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Planning your next big island sightseeing vacation

Are you interested in taking a Hawaiian sightseeing vacation? If you are, you may want to visit Big Island. Big Island is Hawaii’s largest island. What does that mean for you? It means that you often have more attractions to visit and more activities to participate in. That alone is what increases the popularity of Big Island trips.

When it comes to planning your next Big Island sightseeing vacation, you may want to start making your travel arrangements right away. While it is more than possible to not do so, you may first want to take the time to examine Big Island, namely what you can do and see while there. Doing so can help you pinpoint the perfect overnight accommodation for you, especially when it comes to location.

As previously stated, one of the many benefits to taking a Hawaii vacation on Big Island is your options. There is so much for you to do and see. What is nice about examining Big Island activities and attractions is that you have a number of different options. For instance, you can use the internet to your advantage. A standard internet search should help you familiarize yourself with Hawaii vacation activities, namely those for Big Island. If you plan ahead enough, you can also request free vacation guides.

Although it is relatively easy for you to examine Big Island vacation activities on your own, there are two places that are often referred to as “must visits,” by vacationers. One of those locations is the Hamakua Coast, which is located in Hilo. Hilo is the capital of Big Island. In addition to driving down a forty mile stretch of coast and examining the scenic mountains and waterfalls, there is much more for you to do. For instance, you can also visit the Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden, visit the “Valley of Kings,” as well as hike up the Akaka Falls.

Another must visit, if you are looking to plan a Hawaii sightseeing vacation on Big Island is the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. As with the Hamakua Coast, you will find an unlimited number of things to do and see at the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. For instance, you can hike, drive, and bike to examine summits, craters, and much more. You can explore certain areas of the park on your own or you can take guided hiking tours. In fact, you can even camp at two main campground areas, which are free with park admission.

Once you have developed a list of Big Island attractions that you would like to visit, as well as Big Island activities you would like to participate in, you may want to then start examining all of your overnight accommodation options. As previously stated, doing the proper amount of research first will better enable you to choose the Big Island vacation rental that is perfect for your next Hawaii sightseeing trip. If you are truly looking to have a fun and memorable vacation, this is important. So, what harm can a few minutes worth of researching Big Island vacation rentals do?

Speaking of your overnight accommodations, when on a Big Island vacation, you will find that you have a number of options. These options include hotels, resorts, vacation home rentals, villa rentals, cottage rentals, condo rentals, as well as apartment rentals. While you do not necessarily need to decide which type of vacation rental you want first, you may find that it makes searching for the perfect rental a little bit easier. If you are interested in staying in the same place for your whole trip, you may find a vacation rental, such as a home, villas, condo, or cottage to be your best option, as they are ideal for extended vacations and most are private.

The above mentioned steps are just a few of the many steps that you will want to take, when planning your next Big Island sightseeing vacation. To have the perfect Hawaii sightseeing vacation, you will want to carefully plan all of your vacation, including your overnight accommodations, the activities that you want to participate in, and the attractions that you want to visit.

How to make money and have fun at the same time

Everybody needs money. The biggest trick is finding the means to get it. Getting a regular job seems to be the best option but those who want a little extra will have to engage in some odd jobs.

The question is not really how to make money rather where to find it. This means looking at advertisements in school, the streets, the newspaper or in the Internet.

The individual will surely find a lot of ads here and there which proves that there are opportunities out there. It is up to the individual whether to take it or give this to someone else.

More than a hundred shows and movies are made annually. To make it look realistic, directors and producers will need some additional manpower around to get the perfect shot.

The person can be paid $40 for a day’s work by simply being an extra. The nice thing about this job is that no lines need to be memorized and most of the time, the individual will just be somewhere in the background.

Those who love shopping can earn a little by posing as a mystery shopper to check on the establishment’s service. The person will pose as a customer, look around, buy something and then report back to the office regarding what happened at the branch.

The individual is paid a certain amount per visit depending on the size of the company. This is not a one shot deal because retailers need to maintain consistency with monthly or quarterly visits in all the establishments.

The only way for a company to succeed in the business is to listen to the consumer. This is the reason market research firms are always on the lookout for volunteers to answer survey questions.

This is done one on one or in groups. The person can sign up and answer the questionnaire or respond orally then and get paid for it. The respondent may earn as high as $25 in just a few minutes by helping a company out.

The computer is very useful these days thanks to the Internet revolution. Those who love to do write about things can work as a researcher for a lawyer or a writer. The average rate is $5 per hour which isn’t that bad since most assignments and cases will take days to finish.

Those who don’t want to work for anyone can still earn money as long as there is a lot of junk in the house. Through the years, old toys and other gadgets are not being used anymore and are just stored in the garage or in the attic. Maybe it is time to go there and see if there is anything of value that people would like to buy.

There are auction sites online and the person can feature the product then award this to the highest bidder. The sky is the limit here so the more the items up for grabs, so is the profits that will be coming in.

Working as an extra or helping some people out may not turn anyone into a millionaire but it will surely bring in some extra dough. Those who have the free time should check these out and work with one or a few because this all adds up to a large amount.

5 quick stress busters

Stress is fast becoming the biggest health problem in modern societies. Financial pressures, work pressures, family pressures – so much to do so little time to do it all! Here’s five quick ways to ease the pressure and relieve stress:

1. Make time to switch off from the daily trials and tribulations and relax for at least one hour every day. Just shut the world out and do something you enjoy. Reading, playing a musical instrument, taking a relaxing bath with music and candles (and maybe a glass of wine) are all great ways to unwind and will be extremely beneficial to your mental health.

2. If you’re dealing with a stressful situation and you have a lot on your plate then it can be very hard to find solutions. You’re caught up in the midst of a sandstorm and it is very difficult to see the way out. A good idea is to get some distance from your problems so you can gather your thoughts. If possible, take a day or even a weekend away from your usual surroundings, somewhere peaceful, and relax. Take a journal along so you can jot down any ideas. Distance away from problems can bring clarity and by relaxing, you’ll be calmer and solutions will come far easier than when you’re in the heat of battle.

3. One of the reasons people become stressed is because they are facing a change or even a number of changes to their lives. Change is a constant in life and refusing to accept change can cause stress levels to soar. When you are faced with a change, try to find the positives associated with change and embrace change instead of resisting it. Every change presents an opportunity for you to grow and there are always positives to find in even the most trying of circumstances. Change doesn’t bring stress, it’s all about how you react to change and if you react in a negative way, you will do yourself no end of harm.

4. There always seems to be an endless list of jobs that need doing: repairs around the home, paperwork, car maintenance, throwing out junk, cleaning the patio, weeding the garden – on and on and on! The more we put them off, the more the list grows and the more they contribute to your stress levels. So make a list of all of these chores and then schedule something I call a “Blitz Day”. On this day, you will rise early and spend the whole day sorting out each of these jobs. Take few breaks and only have a quick bite at lunchtime and just blitz through these irritating but necessary tasks. This will get rid of them, you’ll lower the stress they cause but more importantly, you’ll realize just how effective and industrious you can be when you apply the full force of your will to accomplish things.

5. Treat yourself to a pamper day. This is a day where you escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday living and enjoy some stress-free time. You’ll also feel great and give your well being a huge boost. On this day, have a light workout, a swim, a sauna, a Jacuzzi, a steam room. A massage would be nice and if you have access to one, a Turkish baths will give you an invigorating experience. Try to do this at least once a month, it is an excellent stress-buster.

The 5 Tips here will help you to significantly reduce your stress levels but they’ll only work for you if you put them into action. Give them a go – you’ll be amazed at the results!

When wordpress permalinks 404

The 404/Not Found error message is one of the most hated screens on the Internet; it indicates that though you, the browser, were able to communicate with the server, the page you need was not delivered either because it was not found or because the server for some reason was configured to not fulfill the request (which is happening in some countries with pages containing illegal content).

The page you actually see is not generated by your computer; instead, it is a special page on the server you've tried to contact. Many web sites create their own special 404 pages either for artistic reasons, or because the site owner wants to put specific data, like contact or redirect information, on the page. In Apache, having your own special 404 page is as simple as modifying the. htaccess file. (The only caveat: the page must be larger than 512 bytes or IE will not display it.)

In most cases, the 404 error comes up when a page has been moved or deleted from a site. However, in the case of WordPress, an annoying bug can cause permalinks to point to the 404 page instead of the page you want to have it bring up.

How Do WordPress Permalinks Work?

Permalinks are permanent URLs generated to point to your individual weblog posts, categories, and weblog lists. Other bloggers will use a permalink to point to your post from their own articles, or you can send links to other people via a permalink. When they are linked to an individual post, the URL is supposed to be permanent, not dynamic (changing).

The three types of permalinks WordPress delivers are the Default (aka "Ugly") form, mod rewrite ("Pretty"), and PATHINFO ("Almost Pretty").

Default links are formatted according to the default settings of a new WordPress install, and will work on all server environments. It looks like this: example. com/?p=N , N being a number. It is neither neat nor elegant, but it does the job. Pretty mod rewrite links look more like this: example. com/yyyy/mm/dd/post-name/ . These permalinks require Apache's mod_rewrite module, and won't work on other server types. PATHINFO permalinks look like this: example. com/index. php/yyyy/mm/dd/post-name/ , and will work on other server types besides Apache.

Because you're going from a dynamic to a fixed environment with your permalinks, a variety of things can go wrong with them. For instance, if your server includes Frontpage Extensions, permalinks will not function at all without doing a manual fix. Without this fix, any changes to the permalinks section from the WordPress admin interface will corrupt the Frontpage server extensions because it interferes with the. htaccess file.

Long permalinks can get chopped off as well, with only part of it working properly or with the entire link disabled. This will cause a 404 error to be generated – but not because there's something wrong with your permalink, rather because the title is too long. You can fix it by editing your. htaccess file to add a line:

RewriteRule ^post/([0-9]+)?/?([0-9]+)?/?$ /index. php? p=$1&page=$2 [QSA]

You can also make a habit of posting URLs with angle brackets () on either end. Most email and other problematic software won't truncate URLs formatted this way.

Permalink Structure in WordPress

When your links don't work, it's often because you didn't update your Permalink structure. Every time you add a new static page to your WordPress files, you must generate and update new rules to the. htaccess (which in newer versions is taken care of through the admin control area). If you don't get a page returned at all, even a 404, and you use PHP 4.4 or 5 with Apache 2, you should look that up in the PHP bugs and issues pages. This is a specific known bug.

When you're creating permalinks, another strange thing can happen: your WordPress blog must start the process of creating a permalink before it knows whether or not the page you're creating one for actually exists. If it doesn't, too late – your link is already pointing at a 404 page. To repair this, you need to include a 404 direction in the header of your. htaccess file so that your rewrite conditions allow for a not-found error, and simply eliminate that page from your permalinks task. Try adding the following line above the WordPress rewrite rules, outside of #BEGIN Wordpress[...]#END Wordpress. Some plugins will overwrite this part if you edit the permalinks structure if it's in the wrong place.

ErrorDocument 404/index. php? error=404?

Another solution is to use this following:

ErrorDocument 404/foo/index. php? error=404

foo = the directory you are using as a blog. The structure should be like this:


If you call a nonexistent directory, however, you're still going to get that 404 permalink.

You can automate your permalinks tasks with several plugins, though. The Ultimate Tag Warrior (UTW) has gotten some good reviews, especially for search-engine sensitive pages. Google Sitemaps is a good plugin as well.

One more thing: if you use the xampp setup, your WordPress permalinks won't work at all in the default installation..

The ultimate solution is actually to install WordPress 2.0.2; this new version has repaired the permalinks problem as well as a number of other problems.

Always double-check all your pages before you start working with permalinks, and after you've permalinked them. In some cases, you may have to delete all the permalinks and start over, but in most cases just taking a look at what you're telling your server to do will prevent you from making a lot of stupid mistakes.

Paying for your plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is almost always an elective surgery unless there is an underlying medical reason. As such, your medical insurance is probably not going to cover it, which means you must.

Paying for Your Plastic Surgery

Unless you can make some unique argument to your health insurance company, it is going to refuse any claim you submit related to plastic surgery. If you read the tiny boilerplate language in your health insurance policy, and it is tiny, you will find it only pays for medically necessary surgery. The terminology differs by policy, but the basic idea is you have to have a note from a doctor indicating the surgery is pivotal for your overall health. Feeling better about your appearance is not a medically necessary basis!

Like most medical procedures, plastic surgery is not cheap. Simple botox injections can run a couple of hundred bucks, but most significant procedures are going to run a couple thousand dollars at a minimum. Simply put, you need to give some thought regarding paying for the procedures.

The simplest way to handle the cost of paying for plastic surgery is to save up some money and pay in cash. Your surgeon will love you because cash is king, even in plastic surgery. Alternatively, you can also break out a credit card with a high limit and charge it. Ah, plastic paying for plastic surgery. Surely there is some metaphysical message there!

In a capitalist economy, there is always a company looking for opportunities. In the world of plastic surgery, more than a few companies offer financing for your procedure. The financing is in the form of an unsecured loan. These lenders will finance all or part of the cost of the procedure, but you should pay close attention to the fine print. Interest rates can be similar to credit cards, which means you end up paying a lot more in the long term.

Some physicians accept this form of payment while others do not because of limits put on the payment amount by the companies. Essentially, the companies demand the doctor take less than the normal fee, much as health insurance companies do with most medical professionals. Physicians hate these caps and some simply will not put up with it. Point being, make sure the surgeon in question accepts this form of payment before going through the application process.

For most people, the best option for paying for plastic surgery is the old savings account. Since Americans are infamously bad savers, you may want to check out the other options available.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The price of web hosting continues to drop

The price of web hosting continues to drop as competition continues to increase.

Web hosting is a relatively new industry which did not exist fifteen years ago. All web sites were being hosted by local internet service providers. Only large companies used to have their own websites. Things are very different now. Not only do the small and medium sized companies have websites but more and more individuals have websites as well.

There are businesses now that are thriving on the internet. Thousands of individuals also have their own websites as the internet becomes a major source of information. Work from home concepts are catching on and the internet is changing the way people do business. The trend of people owning more than one domain name is increasing. Some internet entrepreneurs have fifty or hundred web sites each.

The first impression one gets from looking at current trends is that the future of web hosting looks bright. It is going to be a period of competition for market share in a fiercely fought out market. Everyday more and more small and medium businesses are looking to build, improve or maintain a web presence. These changes will be beneficial to the well-managed and fast growing small and medium sized web hosts.

Personal websites are expected to increase as well. Reducing costs and relatively easy site building tools will bring more non-techies into the market.

Price will be the big changing factor to look at. Competition will be fierce as web hosting companies continue to offer more features, but price always seems to be the first feature most people look at.

In the years ahead, web hosts will find that to stay viable and profitable, in a market place that is growing ever more competitive that they must not only offer fully featured plans, good connectivity and reliability, but also be willing and able to respond to the diverse queries from their customers.

Why are web hosting prices coming down?

One reason is that some of these web hosting providers are newer companies. They are probably trying to get business or their operational costs are lower than the other web hosting companies. In early days the infrastructure cost was very high, but that has been reduced significantly.

Newer players in the web hosting industry invest comparatively less. So how do cheap web hosting providers manage this? Part of it is that servers, hard drive space and bandwidth are much, much less expensive than they were several years ago. Cheap web hosting providers capitalize on this fact. Moreover now there is much more business then ten years ago. Big volumes at lower margins work in this industry as well.

Until recently, web hosts attempted to compete by providing the most tools and features. The problem with this model is that it can be overwhelming for the average person. Some web hosts have a cheap upfront rate and then charge you additionally for almost every other feature. Customization is becoming more popular where you pay only for what you use. It is important never to compromise on quality.

Anyway we will continue to see the prices of web hosting going down in the future as competition stays fierce.